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Posts this week from Campus Renewal Magazine

Praying in Jesus’ Name

By Charlie Holman
Praying in Jesus’ Name

What is the biggest thing you’ve asked God for today?  This year?  In your life?   Do you believe God is stronger than you?  That he has more time on his hands?  That he knows better what you and everyone...

The post Praying in Jesus’ Name appeared first on Campus Renewal.

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Avengers Assemble

By Anthony Deng
Avengers Assemble

A man with an iron suit, a fallen son born of royalty, an assassin, an archer, a solider, a giant green monster, a telekinetic girl, a speedster and a humanoid android form a dysfunctional ticking time bomb called upon to...

The post Avengers Assemble appeared first on Campus Renewal.

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What is Our Calling?

By ColbyMay
What is Our Calling?

I want to open up with a question.  What is your calling?  For college students this is a very common question.  What am I, who am I, and what is God calling me to do?  In college I think we...

The post What is Our Calling? appeared first on Campus Renewal.

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Arise and Pray

By Vicki Garza
Arise and Pray

The day after Easter, U ARISE launched forty days of prayer over Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas, Texas.  Our daily prayer spans the forty days that Christ resurrected until the day he ascended. The Bible tells us that He...

The post Arise and Pray appeared first on Campus Renewal.

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Recent Articles:

The Gospel is Offensive
Fighting for Air
We Gathered, We Prayed, We Saw God Move
The Biggest Sin You Can Commit in College
Is Easter Over?

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