Don't know how many of you have seen this web page site, but I have found it to be very helpful, and refreshing as in being able to make use of the 'years' of learning I have had through time, and actually feel like I have been able to help others. I do want to warn you though, if you check it out, be prepared to see things that are not the best for one's eyes, or mind, as the questions also come from those who are not saved, and in a variety of lifestyles that ask for help. But what are we here for anyways ?? I highly reccomend it for any one that wants to share what God has done in their lives, there are those who are athiests who ask questions, as well as others who consider themselves Christian who do respond, and they have to give their resources, which usually gives you a good clue as to what their faith is or isn't. There are some others who do give some great responses, but not all of them do that. So please do check it out. I have found myself on this site for a long time stretch, so beware of that if you do go to it. A lot of questions are from athiests, and some are also from what appears to be people who are searching for the Truth of the Gospel. So it's like an opportunity to harvest lost sousl, if not just plant His seeds ! But there are of course those from other faiths who also ask about those religions, and they are 'religions, and or cults who also have questions on here too.' The link from the yahoo answers, is customs, and social justice ? but that sublinks to Religion and Spirituality. They let you know if someone likes your response, and they can send you a message and you can connect with them if they are willing to respond back to you. So far it has been very rewarding for me, and encourages me as well as challanges me to dig deeper in the Bible. Some do ask good decent questions, and for those of us who want to share our faith it's an open book to be able to do so. I have shared my testimony several times, and also reccomended web page sites for those who need a deeper look into the subject matter that they have questions on. There are also questions aimed at Christians at large, and also questions aimed at athiests too. So you have to be careful as to what you are willing to respond to, but it is well worth the time, as you can choose which questions you want to respond to, and they also let you know when a question has been resolved . I have been able to reccomend Bibles, encourage those shy of being baptised, to do so, and they went through with it as a result of my being able to encourage them. You also learn who is really searching to know who God is ! Hope this will be fruitful for those who can particpate. Many Blessings, to all. T.C.
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