Since the primary focus of our missional mandate in Jacksonville is to “empower leaders to equip Christians to embrace a 'prayer-care-share' lifestyle,” it is incumbent upon us to understand the nature of the commitments and characteristics that have been instrumental in the on going city-transformation movement known as Pray Elk River. For more than twenty years, both pastors and marketplace Christians have partnered together to see a city and region transformed. They embrace Jesus’ prayer in John 17:23:  “May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”[1]

 Unified Prayer:  A weekly “community prayer meeting” provides a focal point for intercession on behalf of the city.

  • What happens when believers begin to pray for their cities in unity? (John 17, Psalm 133)
  • What is the primary focus of the “community prayer meeting?”
  • What role does “strategic intercession” add to this equation?

 Church of the City:  A strategic and growing partnership develops between congregations and communities, including both pulpit and marketplace ministers, to see Jacksonville and NE Florida transformed.

  • How does a “Church of the City” vision help congregations/pastors/people shift from being competitors to partners?
  • How might the world view/mindset of a pastor shift when he/she partners with others to “pastor the city,” not just his/her local congregation?
  • Why is a strategic partnership between “pulpit and marketplace ministers” so critical in this vision?

 Deep Relationships:  Deep and authentic relationships develop that are nurtured through prayer and partnership, confession and forgiveness, work and play, that become a living testimony of a “prayer-care-share” lifestyle.

  • Why are deep relationships such a compelling story for those who embrace a “prayer-care-share” lifestyle?
  • How do they serve to breakdown the “dividing walls of hostility?” that exist in society? (Eph. 2:14)

 Kingdom Vision:  The focus shifts from just growing individual congregations to building-up the kingdom of God and the whole Church of Jesus Christ.

  • What is the “kingdom of God?” (Mark 1:14b-15, Matthew 6:33, Col. 1:13, Rom 14:17, Matthew 4:23; 24:14)
  • What’s the difference between a “church” growth” and a “kingdom growth” focus? (Matthew 16:16-19)

 Transformational Teaching:  The “5 Paradigms of Nation Transformation” and the “4 Principals of Prayer Evangelism” as taught by Ed Silvoso are the “river banks” that provide direction and flow to LoveJax2020 movement in Jacksonville.

  • What happens to a river with no banks?
  • What changes in a city when pastors and congregations begin to bless one another instead of curse one another?
  • What changes when the “Church of the City” begins to bless the whole city and region?

 Prayer-Care-Share Stories:  Sustainable “prayer-care-share” movements regularly share stories, celebrate milestones, and provide encouragement and support on the journey.

  • Why are real-life stories of transformation just as important as teaching “paradigms and principles” of transformation?
  • How do these stories help the LoveJax2020 team overcome set-backs and discouragement?

 Servant Leadership:  A “Servant Leadership Team” is raised-up to shepherd the movement through prayers and discernment of those involved in the movement.

  • Why a “Servant Leadership Team?”
  • What might be the calling, roles and responsibilities of the SLT?

 Transformation Churches and Kingdom Companies:  Processes are in place to develop, encourage and mentor Transformation Churches and Kingdom Companies to fully release the Church into the marketplace of Jacksonville and NE Florida.

  • What are several obstacles that keep “City-Prayer Movements” from developing as “City-Transformation Movements?”
  • What kind of mentoring is most needed and or requested by marketplace ministers today?
  • What fears do pastors face when it comes to training, equipping and releasing their “members to be ministers” in the marketplace of everyday life?

 Alignment and Partnership:  Strategic “alignment” is embraced with ministries like the Mission America Coalition and Harvest Evangelism. Strategic “partnership” is celebrated with a variety of ministries and organizations swimming in the stream of transformation.

  • What might be the distinction between “alignment” and “partnership” as it is used here?
  • Why do pastors often feel threatened when it comes to declaring their “strategic alignment” with a leader, ministry or other organizations?

 Visible and Invisible Impact:  City-Transformation movements respond to both “felt needs” and the “deeper needs in the city with strategic initiatives, most importantly, the elimination of “systemic poverty” in all forms: spiritual, relational, motivational and material.

  • How has the “Church of the City” in Jacksonville and NE Florida responded to “felt needs” in such a way that it opened the door to minister to “deeper needs?”
  • What would the city look like that has experienced significant transformation?

 Movement of the Spirit:  While various paradigms, principles and strategies of transformation are applied; LoveJax2020 leaders and partners remain dependent upon the revelation and power of the Holy Spirit.

  • Why is a “move of the Spirit” more likely to be sustained than an organization defined by programs?
  • How has the LoveJax2020 movement learned to depend on the Holy Spirit as it has grown and developed?







[1] Based on the work of Dr. Greg Pagh, pastor of Christ Church, Otsego, MN and servant leader in the Pray Elk River Movement.



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