Get the latest issue of FreshPrayer. It's called "For mercy great and mighty" with prayers shaped by the truths in Jeremiah 33.
This issue will challenge you and those who pray with you to keep praying when it looks like God has turned His face away. The truth, as Jeremiah heard from God, was indeed that God had hidden His face for a time. But God declared that He was resolved to do incredible works of goodness: bringing healing, making peace and revealing truth. These great and mighty things are revealed as we pray.
There is a page for participants that may pray together. There is another page for those who might lead a group of people in a short gathering in which people will pray for others.
Check out previous issues of FreshPrayer. One will be released about every other month.
The team at WayMakers has heard from some of the thousands who recently prayed through Seek God for the City 2014, many of them for the first time. Here are a few of their words:
“Seek God has greatly encouraged us and infused us with an anticipation of what God is doing and going to do in our midst.”
“It really drew the body together. Many churches, radio stations and organizations were involved praying together.”
“The prayers are powerful, helping us to unite and focus together in biblical, hope-filled prayers.”
“I’m always strengthened by the big scope and instructed on HOW to pray more effectively.”
Many of you are continuing to use the Seek God for the City prayers year around with the booklet and/or the Seek God for the City app - Mark your calendars for 2015 - Seek God for the City 2015 will begin on February 18 to PalmSunday, March 29, 2015.
I want to encourage you to continue in your united prayer endeavors. Here are two opportunities that I highly recommend.
Global Day of Prayer 2014 The Global Day of Prayer (GDOP) is coming up in just a few weeks on PentecostSunday, June 8, 2014. This event has become a powerful time for God’s people to meet as His united church to worship Him, seek His face and intercede for the transformation of our cities and nations.
GDOP is more than a one-day event. It begins with ten days of guided and focused biblical prayers from Thursday, May 29 to Saturday, June 7. A team of international leaders has written the 10-Day Prayer Guide designed to help focus the prayers of people all over the world. Download and print or photocopy all the copies you
Christians all around the world will then pray “A Prayer for the World” on Pentecost Sunday, June 8. We will be gathering locally but praying globally. This year we will see even more of an emphasis on local churches praying “A Prayer for the World” as part of their normal Pentecost Sunday services. Please register your event online so that others in your community can participate.
30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World A second way to pray is to use a special prayer guide called30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World. This annual prayer guide calls Christians to pray for Muslims during Ramadan, June 27 through July 28, 2014. This is a great way to pray with informed wisdom and hope for Muslim neighbors, and Muslims around the world. A single copy is $3 with discounts as great as 60%. See a few sample pages of the prayer guide at
Just for Kids is the family/children’s edition that follows the same daily prayer topics (shortened and simplified for elementary school-age kids), and also includes some fun activities. The kids version begins at $3.50 per book with quantity discounts for 10 or more copies. Check out a few sample pages of this version at
We encourage you to place your order today.
Your in hope,
Steve Hawthorne, Director WayMakers
PS Visit the WayMakers' website at for more tools and resources to help encourage and sustain united prayer.
You are receiving this email because you have interacted with WayMakers or used our prayer materials, such as Seek God for the City or Global Day of Prayer. We send an average of 12 emails per year that offer encouragement and practical ways to help you and those you lead to pray in hope.
The team at WayMakers has heard from some of the thousands who recently prayed through Seek God for the City 2014, many of them for the first time. Here are a few of their words:
Many of you are continuing to use the Seek God for the City prayers year around with the booklet and/or the Seek God for the City app - Mark your calendars for 2015 - Seek God for the City 2015 will begin on February 18 to PalmSunday, March 29, 2015.
I want to encourage you to continue in your united prayer endeavors. Here are two opportunities that I highly recommend.
Global Day of Prayer 2014
The Global Day of Prayer (GDOP) is coming up in just a few weeks on PentecostSunday, June 8, 2014. This event has become a powerful time for God’s people to meet as His united church to worship Him, seek His face and intercede for the transformation of our cities and nations.
Christians all around the world will then pray “A Prayer for the World” on Pentecost Sunday, June 8. We will be gathering locally but praying globally. This year we will see even more of an emphasis on local churches praying “A Prayer for the World” as part of their normal Pentecost Sunday services. Please register your event online so that others in your community can participate.
30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World
A second way to pray is to use a special prayer guide called30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World. This annual prayer guide calls Christians to pray for Muslims during Ramadan, June 27 through July 28, 2014. This is a great way to pray with informed wisdom and hope for Muslim neighbors, and Muslims around the world. A single copy is $3 with discounts as great as 60%. See a few sample pages of the prayer guide at
Just for Kids is the family/children’s edition that follows the
We encourage you to place your order today.
Your in hope,
Steve Hawthorne, Director
PS Visit the WayMakers' website at for more tools and resources to help encourage and sustain united prayer.
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