This is the place to post a note indicating a need for:
  • a resource (maybe a book or article or website on corporate prayer)
  • an idea (looking for a suggestion on how to bring families together in prayer at church or at home)
  • a question or concern that needs feedback from others (for example, what to do with someone who is hijacking your small group prayer time)
  • a recommendation for a prayer workshop speaker or a prayer team coach
This is Pray! Network's version of "Craig's List" so beware and in prayer!

Phil Miglioratti

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  • I think I found it , where to place a want ad. I would like some information on small group studies on prayer that are based very strong on scripture. Not really new programs or a new revelation in prayer bcause God is the same yesterday and today and forever. What I am looking for is a format to follow or an organized study that would keep everyone on focus.
  • Does anyone know of any audio messages or audiobooks (preferably free) about teaching children how to pray?

    I'm not looking for books, since I work on the computer all day, I would like something to listen to.

    We model prayer for our children, and they pray. We want to teach them more about prayer, the truths about prayer, how to pray more effectively, and how to pray for the nations.

    Sorry for all the conditions. I posted a similar question on another forum, and got all kinds of answers except any that attempted to answer the question in any kind of way.

    Thanks for any help,
  • Request from Thomas Bush >>>

    A local church leader asked me for resources, direction, agenda, etc. for having a local church prayer team retreat. I am checking with other prayer leaders to see what you have done in the past or if you know of any good resources. (Or if you know anyone who has led these kind of retreats)

    She will be leading a Saturday day-time retreat with those who are the intercessory prayer team for a 1,200 member - 5 year old church of mostly young people.

    Let me know if you have any suggestions or recommendations. Thanks! Blessings, Thomas

    Blessings, Thomas Bush, Prayer Coordinator, San Diego Southern Baptist Association (SDSBA) (www.sandiegobaptists.com) and San Diego CityFest with Luis Palau (www.sandiegocityfest.com) facebook-icon1 Cell: (619) 742-8694 Address: 4608 GARDENA AVE, SAN DIEGO CA 92110-3519 Facebook: Thomas Bush/San Diego Network

    SDSBA Prayer Strategy: The SDSBA Prayer Ministry will encourage and assist SDSBA pastors in increasing the impact of prayer in their local churches and in the San Diego County community.

    SDSBA will partner with local, national, and international churches and like-minded believers to mobilize an intercessory prayer covering for San Diego County so that churches and communities will experience an increased awareness of the presence, favor, and glory of God.
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