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Phil, yes. It is that crucial. Late tonight at US time pastor Abraham will meet with one of the family members to agree to a compromise, which probably means a financial payment in leu of dangerous retaliation. The family is very poor and others are using this opportunity for personal gain. Let's pray against the evil intent of some and for the love and reality of Jesus Christ to be fully evident! We are asking the Lord to cause this crisis to open the hearts of hundreds of Muslim students and their parents in Abraham's schools to who Jesus really is!

Thanks, Phil, so very much for your ministry in the body of Christ!
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The student was electrocuted by touching an exposed wire after bathing, as he prepared to go to school on Monday. Abraham's brother Simon is the director of the youth hostel where he stayed. He immediately took the boy to the hospital, but on the way he died.

Because of the danger of retaliation by the Muslim community, Abraham directed him to go immediately to the police station with the body and explain how it happened. Abraham also called the police in advance to document everything. The boy's grandfather is a local Muslim Imam at the mosque and has a lot of influence.

The story that hit the newspaper that afternoon stated that the boy was hit and killed, that the director of the hostel had hid the body and fled (English translation):
 सीवानकरंट लगने से छात्र की मौत,लोगों ने किया हंगामा 
"Siwan, Bihar: Current student died after being hit, director hid body and fled. After the death in dorm, a riot broke out by some of the hostel students.  Dorm room ransacked and chairs have been set on fire. Students were characterized by chaos and has led to uproar. Police arrived"
From: Elavatta Abraham <>
Date: Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Subject: Present situation is critical and dangerous. Pray!
Dear prayer partners,
Thank you so much for praying for us. Present situation is my brother is in Police custody. School building and one of the school bus were damaged by the mob. At 5 pm the dead body has been buried. His father is in Saudi Arabia. I don't know when he will come. 
***Tomorrow their family and village people will have meeting to discuss what to do further. They have already filed a case against me for murder along with my brother Simon and his wife Valsa, school Principal Mrs Mini Prasad and our manager Philip Joseph. 
Therefore, we are told the possibilities shall be;
1. Due to police case against us as murder case, so we will be arrested and put in prison.
2. A compromise with us and demand some money. It may be huge amount.
3. Create more tension or destroy our building, school buses etc etc
4. Attack us and kill at least one of us as a revenge.
But as the promise in Ps 35:9-10  The Lord will protect us and deliver us from the evil one. 
We need your continuous prayers. I was 3 hours away in Patna and the others were in different buildings when it happened, yet they made the accusation as if we all were present. Only my brother Simon and wife were there. My brother is already under police custody now.
Therefore, please pray for us and the ministry.
With love
Copyright © 2015 | NeighborHope Ministries International, All rights reserved. 
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    December 4, 2015
    Patna, Bihar, INDIA

    Dear beloved brothers and sisters,
    I’m writing to ask for your help. We are under attack! We are on our knees in prayer! The recent events should come as no surprise. Spiritual warfare is real—and it happens for a reason. We’re on the front lines of a battle to bring the message of God's love and forgiveness in Jesus Christ to our "cousins", the dear Muslims of India. We’re advancing. The enemy is attacking.

     “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:12 NIV).

    Our hearts are broken for the family of the 16 year old boy living in our Siwan hostel who was electrocuted Monday. We have not been free to offer the compassion and comfort as we normally would because of the vengeful reactions of the Muslim community to this accident.

    You have prayed, and as an answer to all our prayers, God's special grace and mercy protected our lives and belongings. Usually a lot more bad things would have happened than just minor destruction to our school buses and school building. The Siwan police department has shown a little bit of sympathy towards us. Several Muslim friends of our ministry have become involved and want to help, including a graduate from our Siwan High School who has political influence. Also, some newspapers have printed a truer story of what really happened. Your prayers provided a great protection for us! Please keep it up!

    Last Wednesday, the representative from the family came 4 hours from Siwan to the Capital City of Patna to see me. He has been a friend of our schools and we know each other. He assured me of some help.  He is a politician and an influential person in Siwan. I asked them to take my name off the case, and hopefully that may be possible. Yet, we do not know what they will demand for financial payment and who will influence the family’s decision to receive “kick backs” for putting pressure on me and our ministry.

    1. The parents were encouraged to file the case against us as A MURDER CASE. Now we have to quickly pay Bail to the police department to protect us from arrest: for me, the 2 Principals Mrs. Prasad and Philip Joseph, and Mrs. Simon (my sister in law).  
    2. My brother Simon has already been sent to prison, waiting for the legal processing of the case against him, as he was the Director of the hostel. (His two teenage sons who are out of the state do not know this about their father as yet. Pray for them). He is safe and we can visit him.
    3. The Muslim family is not ready to cancel the case because they want money. We have no idea what they may demand or who is influencing them for their own profit.
    4. Some in the community want revenge, maybe "trading the death of one of us for the boy that died".
    5. Today onwards they start the legal procedures. Everybody demands a bribe and the legal fees are also very high.
    1. Miraculously, God can move the family to close the case. At least, if the people are open for a compromise, then the legal things will be easier.
    2. Miraculously, God can move the family to delete 4 of us from being defendants, or at least delete the accusation of murder. Otherwise, we will have this on our records. That will greatly impact my freedom for international trips to raise awareness and funding for our pastors of 1750 churches, three public schools, a Bible college, and two orphanages.
    3. Pray for immediate $ provision to pay for our bail out from the court. If we go to prison it may take years to get free. That would devastate our ministry, humanly speaking. God is greater we know.
    4. Pray for my brother Simon in prison that he may be bailed out by the court soon. Simon is not responsible for the incident, but unfortunately the electric wire was loose and touched the ground where the boy was bathing. He went there to put his wet clothes and he was also barefoot. So it happened.
    5. Pray for God’s protection on all our lives and other staff in Siwan, and on all our properties.
    6. My daughter Princy and husband Titus arrive from the US next week to join our work. This is a huge crisis for them to come home to in their first year of marriage. Some of their responsibilities will be in Siwan.
    7. Pray for God’s provision of finances for the court costs, legal costs, bail, and to repair the bus and school damage.
    8. Pray for God’s control over the many who will try to use this tragedy for personal gain.
    I remain, with much thanks and kind regards for your valuable cooperation. Praise God for the thousands of believers praying from various parts of the world! GODWILL BE GLORIFIED, and THE GOSPEL WILL ADVANCE! NO MATTER THE COST TO US.

    I most humbly ask for your financial support right now for Neighbor HOPE Ministries. We can’t stop our ministry that has recently committed to focus on equipping churches to bring the Gospel to the Indian Muslim community, even in the face of strong spiritual warfare. Whatever you can do immediately, please take action. Thank you, humbly.

    Our specific needs for the follow up of our Delhi Consultation of Muslim ministries, and training pastors and churches the next two months is $20,000. If 100 families invested the amount they would spend hosting a Christmas Party for their neighbors, our needs to train hundreds of churches would be met!

    Please let me hear from you, by responding to this email.
    Your brother in Christ,

  • Lord Jesus, we thank you today that the One who is in us is greater than the one who is in the world.  You predicted that in this world we would have trouble but then reminded us that you have overcome the world.  It's in that spirit of faith in you as Overcomer that we come to you in prayer over this situation.

    Please protect Pastor Abraham, his family, and his ministry in this trying time.  Grant them favor in the eyes of people who have influence, and protect them from those who would look to profit from the boy's tragic death.  Please grant the quick release of Simon and protect others in the family from being imprisoned.  Provide for the financial and physical needs of the family, protect their safety, and grant them your peace and encouragement.

    Show forth your love, grace, and compassion through your people in a time like this.  Make obvious the difference between the humility and compassion of your people and the hatred and greed of those who are opposing you.  May the actions and attitudes of your people draw many Muslims to faith in you.

    We put the entire legal proceeding in your hands.  We trust that you are able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, Lord.  Please don't be limited by our prayers, but work all that you have in mind through this situation to bring honor to your name and to make plain to everyone the difference between good and evil, between love and hatred, between Truth and falsehood.

    Thank you that even now you are answering prayers in ways that we have seen and in other ways that we haven't seen yet.  We trust your sovereignty and pray for your peace for everyone involved.  Bring about an ultimate resolution that will bring honor to you, that will draw Muslims to yourself, and that will benefit both the family and the ministry.

    In Jesus' name. Amen.

  • You have been praying for our current crisis with Muslims in the city of Siwan, where one of our high school's Muslim students died by accidental electrocution. The daily threats by the Muslim community are very real. Last Sunday they interrupted our church service. Thursday they tried to destroy the school by fire, but the police intervened. 

    In answer to your prayer, the family has agreed to have a talk with us tomorrow morning, Sunday Dec.13, around 10.30am Indian time (8pm US Eastern Saturday today). From their family around ten people and from our side 7 people will be participating. If we get a success in our talk that will lead to a good compromise, and that could lead to the end of the case. That means we can goto court and finish the case forever. 
    Therefore kindly pray for Sunday morning Indian time. I will let you know what God does in answer to your prayers.

  •" width="152"/>
    Wednesday Dec. 16, 2015
    Patna, Bihar INDIA
    RE: Court case accusing us of murder of electrocuted boy

    My dear and beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, warm greetings. If tomorrow (tonight US time) the police submit a true factual report to the court about how the accident happened, not only will we get approved for bail but also the case can be over soon.
    Therefore kindly pray for the police officer who is going to write our report, called a "police diary of incident". He told me "pray that tomorrow there won't be any other major incidents to cover so that I can spend time peacefully to write such a report and end this case forever".Kindly pray for him so that he can do the work as he has assured us. I believe he wants to help us.
    Thank you so much for your continuous prayers. They are being answered. We didn't do any crime but it was an accident that happened to the 16 year boy taking bath at hostelPray that the Muslim family and friends will experience love from God through Jesus Christ to be their comfort. We want to honor and care for the family when the community threats have ended.
    Lord give us peace and victory.
    With love,
    Your brother in Christ
    Sent from Gmail Mobile
    Copyright © 2015 | NeighborHope Ministries International, All rights reserved. 
    You are receiving this email because you either have a personal relationship with Norm or Becky Wretlind, Pastor E.A. Abraham, or have requested information during a church visit or training session, have exchanged emails with us in the past or have opted into our email list. Please forgive us if we have sent this to you in error. Please help us serve you better by using the unsubscribe button below if you so desire. - Norm & Becky Wretlind 

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