Word to other national prayer ministries
We would like to say thank you to all who are involved in calling the church to prayer. The Prayer Council is so honored to partner with all the awesome prayer ministries that God has raised up in our Nation. Our goal and heart is to support, pray and encourage you in your mission!
Special Recognition to:
National Day of Prayer * America's National Prayer Committee * Intercessors For America
Harvest Prayer Ministries * Prayer Force One * U.S. Prayer Center * Presidential Prayer Team
International Prayer Council * Capitol Hill Prayer Partners * National Pastors Prayer Network
National Hispanic Prayer Network * Aglow International * Women's Prayer International *
Moms in Prayer * Hollywood Prayer Network * Congressional Prayer Caucus * Reformation Prayer Network * Worldwide Prayer * Revival Prayer Fellowship * Prayer Surge Now * Generals of Intercession * Awakening America Coalition * Mission America *
Our Chairman, Dr. Ted Rose presented Rev. Walsh with the Lifetime Achievement Award for his many years of faithful prayer mobilization ministry. Dr. Rose stated "Joe is a very special man of God with great integrity and humility and has always put others first even at his own personal sacrifice. efforts. We are honored that he would accept such a deserved award."