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"Whether or not you agree with their assessment, it is crucial that we cover this event in prayer and that any effort to advance world government through diminishing national sovereignty with an appeal to “international law” and “sustainable development” be frustrated and even stopped." (see below)

From: John Robb <>
Subject: International prayer alert: UN Climate Change Conference in Paris (Nov. 30-Dec. 11): from Environmentalism to Totalitarianism?
Date: November 28, 2015 

Dear Praying Friends,


Some of us who have looked into what is behind the current climate change movement and its link to the Agenda 21 effort of the United Nations are concerned that this is not about climatic developments, the evidence for which numerous scientists have challenged. Rather it is an effort by global elitists with Marxist and occultist connections who want to establish a new form of global tyranny. Inspiring them, of course, is the activity of the one Jesus referred to as “the prince of this world who wants to establish greater domination and control, the hallmark of the demonic realm, to enslave humankind.


I have attached a brilliant video interview with Lord Christopher Monckton that is 50 minutes long but well worth listening to in order to understand what the climate change movement is really all about- the diminishing of national sovereignty and the gradual takeover by a global elite. I believe we need to pray authoritatively that this totalitarian agenda (Agenda 21) be exposed for what it really is and for it to be frustrated and stopped if possible. Maurice Strong and other powerful movers like him with a Marxist orientation are apparently behind this. There is an occult aspect to it to give it spiritual power as well. Behind them, of course, stands the "prince of this world" trying to increase his influence through the domination and destruction of humanity, his bottom line.


Also, a couple Native American friends, Ivan and Linda Doxtator, have sent the attached research they have done about the Paris massacre by ISIS operators and its possible link to the UN Climate Change Conference that begins in Paris, November 30 and runs to December 11Whether or not you agree with their assessment, it is crucial that we cover this event in prayer and that any effort to advance world government through diminishing national sovereignty with an appeal to “international law” and “sustainable development” be frustrated and even stopped.

Let’s therefore pray in agreement for the following:

1.   An unveiling of the global elites behind the nice-sounding, seemingly altruistic language about safeguarding the environment and “sustainable development”. Some of these elitists are on record as wanting to greatly reduce the world population, eliminating up to 90% of humankind, and achieve world dominance for themselves through any means possible. 

2.   That scientists who oppose the so-called data on climate change and point out that it has often been manipulated by those trying to push this global control agenda will be received and heard, not threatened or silenced as “climate deniers” that are “committing a crime against humanity”. 

3.   That the increasing use of such international conferences and agreements will not be successful in advancing the global domination agenda of these elitists and that national leaders will refuse to go along with the surrender of their national sovereignty to faceless, unelected bureaucrats.

4.   That occult spiritual forces will be bound and unable to influence this process towards world government.

5.   That the global Body of Christ will wake up and see what is going on and oppose this deceptive move towards world tyranny with both prayer and action. Pray for Lord Monckton and others like him to be bold, fearless and protected as they stand up against this endeavor.

John Robb
Chairman, International Prayer Council
International Facilitator, World Prayer Assembly 2012 

Paris Massacre & Climate Change Conf. Connection


Main Thoughts and Considerations:


·       The 2015 United Nations Climate Change ConferenceCOP 21 or CMP 11 will be held in Paris,[1] from November 30 to December 11.[2] It will be the 21st yearly session of the Conference of the Parties to the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the 11th session of the Meeting of the Parties to the 1997Kyoto Protocol.[3] The conference objective is to achieve a legally binding and universal agreement on climate, from all the nations of the world. Leadership of the negotiations to formulate a global Climate Change treaty is yet to be determined.


·       The 2015 conference will be held at Le Bourget France – an urban center within the confines of the city of Paris.


·       Baal Worship – We believe the efforts to establish a Global Warming/Climate Change treaty is really a covert attempt to reactivate Baal Worship at a global level.  The three major components of Baal worship are child sacrifice, rampant sexual immorality, and environmental or sun worship. Currently, we see 1) legalized abortion as the child sacrifice piece, 2) recent judicial promotion ofperverted sexual practices as a key sexual immorality element, and the 3) embracing and legalizing of global warming protocols, policies, and legislation as the third part of the equationTogether these three components would serve as a three-fold cord that would bind the nations together under the banner of reactivated Baal worship.  
·       Blood Sacrifice – In a recent interview with the Lepanto Institute a former Satanist High Wizard confessed to performing Satanic Rituals inside Abortion Clinics. … He claimed that participating in such abortion clinic rituals was especially important because it was considered the best way to give an offering to Satan.  He stated, that “in Satanism, killing something or the death of something is the most effective way of getting your spells accomplished.”  The key to getting Satan’s approval, to get him to give you something that you want, is to kill something.  He added that “killing something is the ultimate offering to Satan, and if you can kill an unborn, that is his ultimate goal.”

At the end of the day, every day, in many abortion clinics, Satanic groups hold a Black Mass service from midnight to 2 or 3 AM, where they dedicate all the babies that were killed that day to Satan. Regardless of why women go for an abortion, at the end of the day all aborted babies are dedicated to Satan, according to the former high wizard.


He said that he was the contact person for those wanting to tie their spells or requests to a child sacrifice being offered up to Satan.  In one case a mayor of a particular town requested a sacrifice so he could pass an ordinance for his town, once he had tried to pass two or three times, but had failed to get through.  The former wizard also mentioned the Satanists did a lot of work for the Illuminati.  

  • Isis and Sun Worship – Isis was considered a goddess who held a central place in the mystery cults of ancient Egypt.  Her brother, who was also her husband, was the sun god Osiris. After his murder she fashioned a substitute phallus made of gold and wax, consecrated it, and made it a sacred substitute and object of worship. Magically, Isis was impregnated by Osiris, and gave birth to Horus, who became the “new sun god.” In Egyptian mythology, Horus is actually Lucifer.  In summary we could say that Isis promotes and facilitates the worship of Lucifer, or the sun god, who presents himself as Baal.
  • Isis and Freemasonry –According to Masonic authors the religion of Freemasonry is revealed in the Isis, Osiris, and Horus myths.  Osiris is part of the tripartite god, Jabulon, which is one of the secret passwords used in oath-taking Masonic rituals. Freemasonry is also one the public streams associated with the Illuminati, the Elites and their plans for a new world order.
  • Isis Today – The terrorists who carried out the recent vicious series of attacks in Paris France that killed 130, and wounded and maimed 368 claim to represent the Islamic Jihadist Group called Isis. Over the past year they have murdered thousands of innocent victims in war-torn Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan.  In reality you could say the many victims slaughtered by Isis’ armies are actually sacrifices made to their sun god. 


  • When we put all these pieces together we can begin to see the satanic strategy to fuel the empowering of demonic forces to ensure the Global Warming plans and treaty are received and are effortlessly ushered in to release global lawlessness.  Agreement and passage of a treaty would also give the Elites and their NWO plans the endorsement they need to repel all opposition to their efforts at world domination.
  • We believe the innocent blood shed by the terrorists was really a human sacrifice carried out on Friday, November 13, 2015.  We also believe that the shed blood is meant to empower demonic powers to cover and guard the Paris Climate Change negotiations so that outcome will be in the Global Governance Group's favor.  By making blood sacrifices to Satan the Elite believe their plan to take the world into deceptive captivity is fail proof.
  • We also believe that if we can get teams on the ground in Paris before the Climate Conference starts, we can prayerfully and strategically stymie, thwart, and push back the dark powers assigned to ensure the plans of the Elites and the Illuminati are fulfilled. 

URGENT:  We are putting prayer points together and praying for a team on the ground in France

If you can support this effort please contact us at 636-399-7620 or email us.

Ivan and Linda Doxtator

First Nations Counseling Ministries

PO Box 813

O’Fallon, MO 63366

© 11/21/2015 IGD/FNCM

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