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In November 2013 a crisis began to unfold in Ukraine, rippling into full-scale conflict that has taken the lives of over 5,400 and displaced approximately 1.5 million. Rebels began a new offensive early this year, taking Donetsk airport and recently targeting the crucial town of Debaltseve, violating a cease-fire and leaving Ukraine with yet another crushing defeat. The border between Russia and Ukraine remains in rebel hands, its future unclear.


While the Ukrainian Church emerged strong and vibrant from the rubble of communism and persecution, it is again under attack today in rebel-held regions of eastern Ukraine. The evangelical community has been targeted, with pro-Russian separatists taking over and closing churches, looting businesses, kidnapping pastors, and even torturing and killing some believers. May the increasing attempts to silence the Ukrainian Church only amplify its voice throughout the nation and around the world.

Together let's watch and pray,


The Prayercast Team 

a ministry of OneWay  

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  • Father, please pour out your blessing on the Ukrainian church. Raise up trained leadership to grow the church in depth of discipleship. Heal the schisms between different expressions of the faith, and bring about a unity of purpose and true community across denominational lines.

    Give to your people a spirit of perseverance and joy amidst persecution. Make of them conduits of your love and grace, just as you did Paul and Silas in prison. As you saved the Philippian jailer and his family, so draw to yourself those who are currently persecuting your people in Ukraine. Change the times there through the restraining influence of your Spirit.

    Bless your church in Ukraine and make her in turn a blessing to those around her - a blessing that will cause the perpetrators of violence to question their mission and to seek for the truth.

    In the name of the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Amen.

  • I say amen to Andrew Wheeler's prayer. Lord, hear the prayers of your people on behalf of the Church in Ukraine. Pour out your Spirit in ever increasing strength and power until the whole country knows that you are the Sovereign God who is mighty to save.

  • Yes and amen!
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