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As I write you today, my heart is flooded with thoughts of revivals past. I am particularly impressed by the way so many of these awakenings were inspired by testimonies borne into a region by emissaries still glowing from their encounter with God somewhere else.

For the past three-and-a-half weeks, I have had the marked privilege of journeying across Europe to locations where the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit brought profound spiritual and social change. Sites in England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, and Germany.

Divine appointments abounded throughout the journey.
At the Welsh prayer center of Ffald-y-Brenin, my partner and I were drawn to a column of smoke at the back end of the property around dusk. A man emerged from behind a bonfire. In an ensuing conversation about revival, he revealed his great grandfather was Seth Joshua, a Presbyterian minister who is widely considered to be the spark of the great Welsh Revival of 1904.

In a home near Ballymena in Northern Ireland, our host was providing us with a rich background on the Ulster Revival of 1859 when he suddenly stopped and said, “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could meet Caldwell?” A few minutes later I was on the phone with a man who had driven Duncan Campbell (the principal figure in the Hebrides Revival of 1949) around the islands of Lewis and Skye. The following evening, we were in Caldwell’s Londonderry home listening to stories that stirred our hearts!" vspace="0" width="5" class="gmail_msg"/>" vspace="0" width="600" class="gmail_msg"/>
Prayer site in Kells where four young men prayed in the great Ulster Awakening in 1859." vspace="0" width="5" class="gmail_msg"/>" vspace="0" width="600" class="gmail_msg"/>
At Londonderry home of man who served as driver to the late revival catalyst, Duncan Campbell. 
Standing in front of the Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church in Bangor, Northern Ireland — the church where, in the early 1950s, God pressed keynote speaker Duncan Campbell to summarily leave the conference to travel to the island of Berneray where revival was about to fall — a woman told us she had just spoken to her mother and had good news for us. It turns out the elderly lady had been in that very service back in 1952 when the Spirit of God came upon Duncan Campbell! And… she was willing to share her memories with us when we return to the area this coming August.

Passing through the village of Möttlingen, Germany where revival broke out in the early 1840s under Lutheran minister Johann Blumhardt, we searched for someone who might possess further details. The following morning, a man called from 30 minutes away and offered to take us to a treasure trove of information. Then, when we arrived at the rendezvous site, another couple we had never met was also waiting there. God had prompted them to come to Möttlingen that very day! It turned out they were part of a ministry that has just published some amazing new material on the revival, and they were willing to share with a group we intend to take back to the area in August." vspace="0" width="600" class="gmail_msg"/>
Village of Möttlingen, Germany where revival broke out in the Black Forest region in early 1840s. 
hese are just a sampling of the God-orchestrated encounters that characterized a wonderful reconnection with the wells of revival in Western society. Wells we so desperately need to flow again.

As we move into these increasingly troubled times, I am encouraged by the fact God is still on the throne… and is intervening in the affairs of men like never before. Absolutely incredible reports of God’s transforming power are flowing out of Africa, Oceania, Latin America, Asia, and even here in the United States.

With God using this recent trip to remind us of the awesome power of testimony, we have returned more determined than ever to" vspace="0" width="5" class="gmail_msg"/>
 “…tell of the glory of your kingdom and speak of your might, so that all people may know of your mighty acts and the glorious splendor of your kingdom” (Psalm 145:10-12)" vspace="0" width="5" class="gmail_msg"/>
To this end we are working on a number of short video interviews and updates we hope to release in the coming weeks and months. These come from Colombia, Pine Ridge, Kentucky, and the Fiji Islands. We are also waiting to get our hands on an amazing news report from South Africa.

To amplify these reports, we taking dozens of hungry believers on FIRE Toursto areas where God has moved in significant ways. Several individuals are headed to Lynch, Kentucky later this month, while another group of 40 or so is joining us on a European Revival Heritage Tour this summer. Trips are also being organized in Colombia, Papua New Guinea, and other spiritually active destinations.

We are also training interested parties in the principles of revival gleaned over the past twenty years of travel and research. This has generated new appetite and focus in numerous communities throughout the world." vspace="0" width="5" class="gmail_msg"/>" vspace="0" width="600" class="gmail_msg"/>
George expounds the principles of transformation at an estate in Sussex, England.
One such community we have written about in recent months is the Sioux Nation in South Dakota. God has been, and continues to be, particularly busy on the reservation at Pine Ridge. In fact, at least four huge answers to prayer have occurred in recent weeks… one of which is expected to be announced publicly in April.

We have been asked to return to the area in early June, and we are praying about this. Please join us in asking the mind of God.

In closing, I want to mention that our finances have dipped to an unusually low point in recent weeks. Part of this is likely due to an extraordinary travel schedule — I have personally been on the road for 66 of the past 90 days. And sometimes when communication slows, so does people’s giving.

But the need is actually quite acute at the moment, so on behalf of our entire team here at the Sentinel Group, let me say we would really appreciate anything you can do to stand with us.
Thank you for your love and prayers!

Warmly in Christ," vspace="0" width="5" class="gmail_msg"/>" vspace="0" width="235" class="gmail_msg"/>
The Sentinel Group | PO Box 2255Lynnwood, WA 98036" vspace="0" width="5" class="gmail_msg"/>" vspace="0" width="5" class="gmail_msg"/>

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