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Resources to engage followers of Jesus in living their faith outside the church walls, Monday
through Friday.
Dallas, TX
https://static.ctctcdn.com/ui/images1/s.gif"/> Meeting Highlights |
IPHC Prayer Leader's Training Conference
What a great experience to spend time with Bishop Dale Adams of the Pennsylvania International Pentecostal Holiness Conference, his pastors and prayer leaders. Many of them had read the book, Transforming Your Church into a House of Prayer and watched the companion video series.Doug shared with pastors and church leaders as they consider launching an ongoing prayer training effort, Prayer Leaders Continuing Education with Project Pray.
Miami Pastor's Conference / Pastor's Consultation
Pastors from across Miami gathered for their 20th Annual Prayer Summit. Hundreds of pastors have participated in the tri-lingual event each year. As a result, eleven prayer groups of almost 200 pastors meet weekly throughout the two-county area from Homestead to North Miami. They are prayer-walking the city with powerful results. Former cult centers are now churches, as well as, former bars. Little by little, they are impacting the city of Miami and south Florida.
These prayer summits have reached beyond the pastors - to their spouses, and to the city, gathering as many as 15,000 people in a March for Jesus all-day prayer rally. Now the pastors are considering moving forward with a city-impact process that reaches the marketplace, intercessors, and brings their congregations together. Your city can do the same thing!
For more information on city-wide process complete this form and check PC2LN.
Asheville, NC
Pastors and prayer leaders from the Asheville, NC area invited Doug to share on the prayer process. In a recent gathering, hundreds joined in a weekend of prayer and unity. Now the goal is to move from an event to a process of connection and ongoing training.
Leaders from the city connected in a consultation via conference call on the city-prayer movement with Doug Small. Doug works with the Mission America Coalition and the National Prayer Committee in establishing 'Prayer-Connect Community Leadership Networks' (PC2LN). These 'prayer councils' connect people of prayer across the city/county, but they are more than prayer efforts. They are a foundation for a prayer-care-share strategy.
Connect to the calls. You can also join a select group of city prayer leadership teams that meet with Doug, by phone, every other week for ongoing consultation and coaching on city-prayer processes. Email dougsmall@projectpray.org for more details.

East Tennessee
What a great time at theHarriman Camp Meeting. Doug shared on Sunday morning and evening. Other speakers for the event were Dr. Mark Williamsand Dr. Tim Hill. Thanks to Pastor Jeff Blackburn and this growing church for a vision to reach out to their community with this annual spiritual life event.
More than a hundred pastors and leaders gathered for an equipping evening at the Church of God campground in Weatherford, TX. The following day, a hundred or so tarried for a six-hour prayer meeting. Using the 'prayer summit' model, participants prayed and sang, read scripture and repented before God. Maps of Texas were laid on the floor and many wept over the state for revival through a virtual prayer walk across Texas calling out the names of cities where churches needed to be planted. Thanks to Bishop Les Higgins, Texas Church of God Administrative Bishop for the vision for such a day of prayer and thanks to state prayer leader, Pastor Steve Molten.
Deland, FL - City Wide Meeting
It was Doug's privilege to speak at the Deland, FL special community prayer service on September 11. Folks gathered at the high school from a variety of denominations. Doug shared the story of the Appeal to Heaven flag and how God changed the nation, and how he might do it again. City-leaders were present as well as the school board chairperson. Thanks to Pastor Mark
Schrade who is providing leadership not only for the Deland Church of God, but for the city. On Sunday, Doug shared with that congregation. On Saturday, he led them in a School of Prayer, Praying through the Tabernacle. The school is based on his book, Principles of Worship: A Study of the Tabernacle of Moses. The book is available along with a Power Point companion of more than 350 full-color, animated slide, keyed to the book.
https://static.ctctcdn.com/ui/images1/s.gif"/>Upcoming 2016 Events |
January 10-31 - 9:00pm EST Nightly Prayer with Jesus to Reset our Generation Virtual Prayer Meeting Join this virtual prayer meeting at home via phone. The prayer meeting will be led by such prominent leaders as Dr. Mark Williams, Josh McDowell, Mark Batterson, Ronnie Floyd, Doug Stringer, Stormie Ormartian, George Wood, Steve Gaines, Harry Jackson, Michael Lewis, Mark Dance, Steve Hawthorne, Dave Butts, Jeremy Story - and others. At least a dozen different denominations will take part in this nightly call. Imagine hundreds, thousands, of people praying along with national leaders for revival and spiritual awakening. Look for more information on how you and your church can connect with this call. Doug Small and Claude King will co-host the calls, along with members of the City Prayer Vision Call team. Each night, you will hear fresh reports of revival and awakening across the nation. We are praying and fanning the flames of and for Great Awakening.
February 12-14
A Prayer Training event for Ministry to Military leaders in Europe
 Doug and Barbara will travel to Belgium to train leaders for the Ministry to Military effort across Germany. We are so grateful for Jennie Humann and her passion for the Ministry to Military Centers to become vital houses of prayer. Recently, God blessed Jennie's husband, Brian as Executive Director of Chateau de Thieusies' facility and ministries under Impact Youth Worldwide and Rawlings Foundation. Learn more about their ministry and give a donation.
February 24 
PCCNA Prayer Commission Consultation Plan to attend the first ever Pentecostal Charismatic Congregations of North America 'Prayer Commission Consultation' in Dallas, TX. The meeting is open to Denominational Prayer Leaders at the national, state and regional levels; para-church and specialized prayer leaders. The commission was recently launched by Dr. Jeff Farmer, the CEO of the PCCNA. P. Douglas Small is the chair of the commission, along with Lou Shirey (IPHC) and John Maempa (Assembly of God). Learn more> April 11-16 50 Nation Africa Training EventThe goal of this event is to train prayer leaders for fifty African nations. This could be a watershed, strategic endeavor. It is Doug's desire to put into the hands of these nation-changing leaders, every resource he has available.
Would you help with this project?
May 19
Global Day of Prayer
Pentecost Sunday
May 25
Global Outreach Day
Sunday, June 30
A day of repentance.
Are you in?
September 18-25
All People's Prayer Assembly
New Zealand
October 1-4
Middle East Prayer Assembly
Prayer for the Middle East
October 14-20
Shining light on global corruption.
United Nations Prayer Initiative
Multiple Designs
available in 3 sizes
Order at
Praying Pastors: Praying Church Conference
August 22-23, 2013
The Church at Liberty Square, Cartersville, GA
The focus of the conference is to serve churches in the Praying Church movement and is open to churches, pastors, prayer leaders and intercessors of all movements.
The Goal: Whole State Prayer Teams in attendance; and Whole Local Church Prayer Leadership Teams.
Special Pre-Conference for State Prayer Teams (Wednesday)
12:00pm-5:00pm - State Prayer Leadership Strategy Session
6:00pm - Dinner for Church of God Administrative Bishops and State Prayer Team Members and their spouses
- Video Presentation from
Dr. Mark Williams, General Overseer
- Moderated by
J. David Stephens, Second Assistant General Overseer
7:30am - Early Morning Prayer Session
8:15am - Registration
9:00am-3:00pm - Unique Acts 6:4 Conference -
Pastor Jim Cymbala and Dr. David Henderson
3:00pm-5:00pm - Workshops
7:00pm - Evening Prayer Service with Jim Cymbala
7:30am - Early Morning Prayer Session
9:00am-1:30pm - 20 Different Workshops and Plenary Sessions
Doug Small observes, "There will be few opportunities for pastors and prayer leaders to get help with their prayer ministry more than this conference. It is a rare chance indeed."
For more information and to register click here
or call 1-855-842-5483.
A Sample of Workshops
Conference Workshops
Doug is still accepting proposals for workshops for the Praying Pastor: Praying Church Conference. Presenters are not paid for their presentations, but enjoy the glorious privilege of assisting others. Workshops can be on anything related to prayer and prayer ministry, especially needed are ways to 'lead' the prayer process forward in local churches. Proposals should be one-page. Send to dougsmall@projectpray.org.
Registration fee includes lunch on Thursday and brunch on Friday and conference materials.
Our cost to subsidize this conference will be close to $10,000. Your assistance is requested. First, pray. Then, consider a special gift to Prayer Ministries.
Prayer Ministries is pre-selling all four volumes for only $49.99. Each volume is priced at $29.99. So this is great bargain, and it assists us in moving forward with the production of the entire set.
Order your copy today!
Contributors include: Pastor Ron Auch (AG prayer leader), Dr. Bill Bright, Kim Butts (national prayer leader), David Butts (Chairman, National Prayer Committee), Pastor Marc Campbell, Pastors David and Carletta Douglas (KY Prayer Leaders), Joann Garzarella (NJ Prayer Leader), Jonathan Graf (Publisher, Prayer-Connect Magazine), Kathy Hamon, Daniel Henderson (Acts 6:4 Chairman), Pastor Mark Hisle, Dr. Jacob King (GA Prayer Leader), Pastor Ron and Margaret Lackey, Sarah Lowe (National Day of Prayer Leader), Dr. Grant and Janice McClung (International Missions Leaders), Phil Miglioratti (NPPN, and Mission America Coalition), Linda Morrison (National Prayer Crisis Line), Pastor David Nitz, Bonnie J. Perry (Nazarene Author, Prayer Leader), Dr. David Ramirez (South American Leader), Dr. John Robb (Chairman, International Prayer Council), Mary Rosenburger, Dr. Peggy Scarborough (Author, SC Prayer Leader), Dr. Herbert Seals, Dr. Roland Vaughn (People Groups Specialist).
When I first attempted to help churches with their prayer ministry, I was often asked, "Do you have a resource for this ... or that ... what about...?" I found myself writing resources and researching resources for a dozen churches at a time, all of whom were at a different place in their prayer process.
For that reason, the mammoth, 700-page Praying Church Resource Guide was developed. Now the cry is, "That is too much ... overwhelming ... where do I start?"
That is good question - first, a practical answer, and then a more philosophical one.
The Practical. I knew when I produced the Praying Church Resource Guide that I would, at some point, need a process (that's always been the goal) - to help pastors and prayer leaders begin to 'apply precept to practice.' And I knew that the process would be over a 3-5 year period. Further, that it would not be simply a matter of introducing little prayer pieces, cute prayer movements, prayer exercises - though all those components are important. It is deeper. It requires changing the culture of your church. And that is the hardest challenge of all - creating a culture of prayer.
So we introduced the 'Prayer Mentoring' training - a six-session DVD training program specifically designed for those who would lead 'prayer leader continuing education' (Mentoring/Learning Teams). Our plan was - and is - to conduct these sessions quarterly and unwrap bite-sizes of prayer leadership materials, with fresh news about prayer resources and happenings, facilitated by these trained mentors who use DVD curriculum and handouts.
We now realize that we need to bundle at least the first year of resources. And we are working on that process.
Simply put, this means that a church prayer leadership team would gather at least monthly for learning and training. They could do it internally. But what we really think would be more effective, would be for church prayer leaders to come together with those from other congregations - either in the denominational stream or in a city inter-denominationally.
Prayer leaders need on-going training.
The Philosophical. I meet pastors and leaders who 'resist' structure for prayer. "Not necessary," they say. "Just get the people praying!" In one way, I agree. Prayer itself cannot be replaced. That is our goal - a praying people, praying homes, praying congregations, mobilized intercessors, a prayed-for city!
But the call to prayer we are hearing now, by the Holy Spirit, is different than in the past. We have seen nothing in history that resembles what is happening now. This is not merely the mobilization of more prayer. Not merely the stoking of the fires in the church boiler room, not merely the intensification of intercession and its proliferation throughout the congregation. Those are effects, pieces - but what God is doing now, is calling the church not merely to do prayer, but to 'be' a 'house of prayer for the nations.' He is calling for a reformation of the church itself. A shift from being places of praise and preaching, to places of prayer, without displacing either praise or preaching. He is calling for us to revival of a passive people and engage them in a daily walk with Him. He is calling for systematic prayer, on-going relentless prayer, 24-7 prayer, prayer in the streets, in the marketplace, pervasive and passionate prayer.
There will be those for whom little prayer pieces will be enough - and we want to assist them. There will be pastors and churches, as in movements of the past, who will not want to see such a prayer emphasis. For them, it will be too much. Too much prayer. It will require too much sacrifice, too much change. For them, we can only pray - and be gracious.
But, we dare not miss - the clear call of the Holy Spirit to the Church to arise, by falling on our faces daily in brokenness and humility.
Sunday, June 30
A day of repentance.
Are you in?
September 18-25
All People's Prayer Assembly
New Zealand
October 1-4
Middle East Prayer Assembly
Prayer for the Middle East
October 14-20
Shining light on global corruption.
United Nations Prayer Initiative
Multiple Designs
available in 3 sizes
Order at
A conference for prayer leaders, intercessors - for everyone that realizes their church needs more prayer. Encourage WHOLE CHURCH PRAYER TEAMS to come ... they will never be the same! This is NOT JUST FOR PASTORS! Help me get that word out!
If your state uses a calling service, would you ask if the announcement by Dr. Mark Williams could be sent to all the churches in your state?Download the audio file - with his voice announcing the conference. Listen to it. Pass it on. It is posted to the Church of God Prayer Leader's Facebook site, as well as the website.
If you or the state does email broadcast to your churches, could you distribute promotional materials? And encourage them to show the Mark Williams promo video in their churches.
Example letter to local churches
Praying Church Conference Flyer
Praying Church Conference Bulletin Insert
Click on video to link to youtube and copy the embed code or URL link.
Also available is this video from Acts 6:4 Fellowship.
Would you consider calling - each of the churches that are a part of the Praying Church Movement, and urging them to attend the Cartersville event?
Frankly, I need for each of you to develop a kind informal list of who is coming and who is not coming. Getting pastors and prayer leaders to this event from your state will move the process forward. We will have few opportunities like this ... please help me promote it and make it a success.
You will be greatly helped, if you have a lay contact, someone who is either the key prayer leader or the point person for prayer. Being able to communicate with them would be so helpful to you and to us in moving the prayer process forward. Could you distribute this form out and encouraging pastors to get us a contact to work with in the area of prayer?
As you know, there is special dinner planned on Wednesday, August 21, at 6:00 PM for Administrative Bishops, their wives, and also for State Prayer Leadership team members. Dr. J. David Stephens will be with us, as will Dr. Williams (by video). I hope you will be able to join us for that meeting, and for the Acts 6:4 Conference with Pastor Jim Cymbala.
Thanks for all you do, and for supporting prayer ministries.
P. Douglas Small, Coordinator
Church of God Prayer Ministries
Praying Pastors: Praying Church Conference
August 22-23, 2013
The Church at Liberty Square, Cartersville, GA
The focus of the conference is to serve churches in the Praying Church movement and is open to churches, pastors, prayer leaders and intercessors of all movements.
The Goal: Whole State Prayer Teams in attendance; and Whole Local Church Prayer Leadership Teams.
Special Pre-Conference for State Prayer Teams (Wednesday)
12:00pm-5:00pm - State Prayer Leadership Strategy Session
6:00pm - Dinner for Church of God Administrative Bishops and State Prayer Team Members and their spouses
- Video Presentation from
Dr. Mark Williams, General Overseer
- Moderated by
J. David Stephens, Second Assistant General Overseer
7:30am - Early Morning Prayer Session
8:15am - Registration
9:00am-3:00pm - Unique Acts 6:4 Conference -
Pastor Jim Cymbala and Dr. David Henderson
3:00pm-5:00pm - Workshops
7:00pm - Evening Prayer Service with Jim Cymbala
7:30am - Early Morning Prayer Session
9:00am-1:30pm - 20 Different Workshops and Plenary Sessions
Doug Small observes, "There will be few opportunities for pastors and prayer leaders to get help with their prayer ministry more than this conference. It is a rare chance indeed."
For more information and to register click here
or call 1-855-842-5483.
A Sample of Workshops
September 18-25
All People's Prayer Assembly
New Zealand
October 1-4
Middle East Prayer Assembly
Prayer for the Middle East
October 14-20
Shining light on global corruption.
United Nations Prayer Initiative
workshop sessions with 6-8 workshops per session will be offered during the conference. That totals over 35 options! Workshop speakers are distinguished Christian leaders characterized by their commitment to prayer.
A sampling of workshops include:
Check out a complete list of workshops and learn about the speakers...
Register for the conference TODAY!
Praying Church Conference Flyer
Praying Church Conference Bulletin Insert
Praying Church Conference Registration Form
Click on the video to go to youtube where you can copy the embed code of the video or URL link.
Learn more about the conference and register online>
Praying Pastors: Praying Church Conference
August 22-23, 2013
The Church at Liberty Square, Cartersville, GA
The focus of the conference is to serve churches in the Praying Church movement and is open to churches, pastors, prayer leaders and intercessors of all movements.
For more information and to register click here
or call 1-855-842-5483.
September 18-25
All People's Prayer Assembly
New Zealand
October 1-4
Middle East Prayer Assembly
Prayer for the Middle East
October 14-20
Shining light on global corruption.
United Nations Prayer Initiative
Pastor Jim Cymbala was raised in Brooklyn, New York. His early love of basketball earned him a scholarship to the University of Rhode Island, where he became captain of the basketball team. After graduation, he immediately entered the business world and, soon after, he married his childhood sweetheart, Carol Joy Hutchins.
In the early 1970s, he became pastor of The Brooklyn Tabernacle in downtown Brooklyn, a small, struggling congregation that numbered less than 20 people. The church met in a small, run-down building in the middle of the physical and moral blight of the inner city. There was no money for salaries or staff or building repair. Both Pastor Cymbala and his wife Carol took second jobs and struggled to make ends meet.
With a deep conviction, "This is where God placed us. We soon realized the unique opportunity to see the power of the gospel in action to all colors and kinds of people." Most were poor folks who wrestled with inner-city problems of drug or alcohol abuse and the pain of disintegrating families. New York City itself was a kind of "forgotten mission field" with nearly vacant church buildings on Sundays that once housed strong congregations.
Jim and Carol believed Brooklyn was the very spot where God's love could meet the most desperate of human needs. Their first and highest priority was the necessity of real prayer to secure God's
grace and power in their ministry. The Tuesday Night Prayer Meeting, though very small at the start, became a central feature in the life of the church and has remained so to this day.
Today Pastor Cymbala oversees a congregation of several thousand
people. The congregation is an oasis in the middle of the city with outreaches to children, women, men, youth, seniors, the homeless
and people in shelters, among others.
Cymbala's book Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire told much of his story and was a best seller. His other books include, Fresh Faith; Fresh Power; Breakthrough Prayer; The Life God Blesses; The Church God Blesses; and The Promise of God's Power.
Praying Church Conference Flyer
Praying Church Conference Bulletin Insert
Praying Church Conference Registration Form
Click on the video to go to youtube where you can copy the embed code of the video or URL link.
Learn more about the conference and register online>
Praying Pastors: Praying Church Conference
August 22-23, 2013
The Church at Liberty Square, Cartersville, GA
The focus of the conference is to serve churches in the Praying Church movement and is open to churches, pastors, prayer leaders and intercessors of all movements.
For more information and to register click here
or call 1-855-842-5483.
September 18-25
All People's Prayer Assembly
New Zealand
October 1-4
Middle East Prayer Assembly
Prayer for the Middle East
October 14-20
Shining light on global corruption.
United Nations Prayer Initiative
Multiple Designs
available in 3 sizes
Order at
Praying Church Movement
Premium Membership will continue - churches and pastors, prayer leaders and intercessors are encouraged support the prayer effort financially. Those who support the movement at $15 a month will continue to get benefits including free resource materials, new books, online access, etc. We hope the supporting membership will increase. Doug Small explained, "But we want to engage our churches in the prayer process, first and foremost."
In the past, membership focused on congregations, now it is open to pastors, prayer leaders, and intercessors - anyone wanting help with a process to increase the prayer efforts of their lives and congregations.
Fifty years ago, evangelical churches, the Church of God among them, began trending away from the mid-week prayer meeting. It is in this same period, that our effectiveness has plateaued, our growth stymied, our conversion rates flattened, our church closures escalating. Could the current issue be related to prayerlessness, the lack of an intentional prayer gathering?
Small says, "The prayer meeting did not die; we killed it. It suffocated in a flood of self-interested praying, me-centered litanies of endless 'requests,' and resurrecting the same style of meeting is not the answer.
In some states this fall, 'prayer trainers' will be identified in order to offer an on going opportunity for local church prayer teams to gather for learning and sharing opportunities. In addition, Church of God Prayer Ministries continues to produce additional materials. One of the new items is The Praying Church Made Simple! Hundreds of churches have the Praying Church Resource Guide, but they are smaller and the process is overwhelming. The Praying Church Made Simple is the attempt to apply the resources slowly and deliberately, simply. He says, "Three simple, simultaneous, persistent practices will transform the prayer life of the church!"
The special Praying Church Made Simple workshop will be part of the Praying Church: Praying Pastors Conference August 22-23, at The Church at Liberty Square in Cartersville, GA.Learn more about the conference>
Workshop Speakers Announced
Workshop speakers are distinguished Christian leaders characterized by their commitment to prayer.
A sampling of workshops include:
Check out a complete list of workshops and learn about the speakers...
State Prayer Leaders Meeting
A meeting for Church of God State Prayer Leadership teams is planned for Wednesday 12:00pm-5:00pm. At 6:00pm, leaders are invited to a dinner with J. David Stephens that focuses on the prayer process in our churches. This meeting is part of a pre-conference of
To RSVP for the leadership meeting and dinner, emaillaura@projectpray.org.
The Prayer Ministries office will roll out new Prayer Trainers material in Cartersville, GA at the Praying Church Confernce. Doug Small will introduce the material at a special workshop on Thursday, at 1:30 PM.
Praying Pastors: Praying Church Conference
August 22-23, 2013
The Church at Liberty Square, Cartersville, GA
The focus of the conference is to serve churches in the Praying
Church movement and is open to churches, pastors, prayer leaders and intercessors of all movements.
For more information and to register click here
or call 1-855-842-5483.
30 Days of Prayer
for the Muslim World
Billion Souls
Revival Prayer Call
Sept 29 - Oct 19
Middle East Prayer Assembly
long prayer focus.
October 14-20
Shining light on global corruption.
October 18-19
National Day of Prayer
Live Broadcast
United Nations Prayer Initiative
The idea has been in development for some time. Small says, "The greatest need to move the prayer process forward in churches is the development of prayer leaders!" Prayer leaders, in many cases, have not been commissioned. Few churches have a definitive prayer leadership team. And the prayer process goes nowhere unless someone is committed to attend the altar and maintain prayer-fire.
Around the world, the prayer movement is exploding, but our churches in North America are barely praying. Small says, "Breaking the isolation of pastors and prayer leaders, exposing them to what is happening across the nation and around the world, stretching their understanding of prayer, feeds the prayer process in the local church."
The immediate goal is the identification of 'Prayer Trainers' who can facilitate groups of prayer leaders from various churches "creating a forum for prayer leaders to learn from and encourage one another, and also to hear about fresh resources and get bite-size training, just enough to move them down the road a bit." Church of God Prayer Ministries has produced training materials for these prayer trainers (mentors). In addition, quarterly support materials will be available beginning this fall.
A local church can use the material for a quarterly prayer leaders training event - with a trained facilitator. The most effective use, Small believes, will be a group of churches who come together for training, at least once a quarter, who agree to walk together, to encourage one anothers prayer process. These clusters of prayer learning groups can be denominational in nature; or interdenominational
Plan to attend the kick-off of this 'Prayer Trainer' process.
The Praying Church Conference
August 22-23, 2013
The Church at Liberty Square, Cartersville, GA
A conference for churches, pastors, prayer leaders and intercessors of all movements.
For more information and to register click here
or call 1-855-842-5483.
Praying Church Conference Flyer
Praying Church Conference Bulletin Insert
Praying Church Conference Registration Form
Click on the video to go to youtube where you can copy the embed code of the video or URL link.
Learn more about the conference and register online>
Tuesday, Sept 10
Praying Church Movement Call
Thursday, Sept 12
Miami Pastors Prayer Summit Learn more
See you at the Pole
Sept 18-26
Sept 29 - Oct 19
Middle East Prayer Assembly
October 14-20
Shining light on global corruption.
October 18-19
National Day of Prayer
Live Broadcast
United Nations Prayer Initiative
Special Prayer Alert
Cry Out America is a united effort seeking deep transformation and a Christ Awakening in every state, every county, every church, and every heart in the nation.
This prayer initiative was birthed in the patriot heart of America following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Since that time, millions of believers have united annually in the public square to remember the sacrifices of yesterday, seek God's face for the restoration of godliness today, and help redeem generations from the strongholds of darkness that would engulf them tomorrow.
On September 11, 2013, believers once again will gather from across the nation at state capitols, county courthouses, community centers and other public venues to Cry Out to God for revival and renewal in America. This will be a time to reflect on the greatness of our nation, recognize our shortcomings, and pray for a spiritual awakening
On behalf of the planning team and many other county residents, who are concerned about the issues we face, I want to invite you to be part of the Cry Out America prayer movement through:
Mexican Drug War: Children as Hired Assassins
"One of the most shocking aspects of Mexico's drug cartels is the use of teens and young children for smuggling, thievery, and even assassinations. This is happening not only in Mexico but north of the border as well.
Teens are sometimes offered as little as $50 to act as drivers for the cartels or the local gangs who support them. For example, Texas officers caught a 12-year-old boy in a border county driving a stolen pickup truck containing more than 800 pounds of marijuana. Just this week the US Border and Customs Protection reported that four teenage girls between 15-17 years of age were caught smuggling bundles of heroin at the Arizona 1-19 checkpoint south of Amado.
Tuesday, Sept 10
Praying Church Movement Call
Thursday, Sept 12
Sept 11
Cry Out America
Aug 4-Sept 14
Sept 16-18
Miami Pastors Prayer Summit
Sept 25
See you at the Pole
Global Day of Student Prayer
September 18-26
All People's Prayer Assembly
New Zealand
Sept 29-Oct 19
21 Days of Global Harvest
Pursuing God for Spiritual Awakening and Global Harvest
October 1-4
Middle East Prayer Assembly
Prayer for the Middle East
Sunday, Oct 6
Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem
October 14-20
Shining light on global corruption.
October 18-19
October 27
It is in our DNA
A recent PEW report offered an interesting perspective on the changing religious landscape in America. Among those who are religiously affiliated, 66 percent say they pray daily; and 22 percent, monthly. Among the unaffiliated, the number drops to 21 percent daily; and 20 percent monthly. So, four-in-ten "nones" overall tell us that they pray at least once a month, and yet half say their religion is "nothing in particular," still more than half keep praying. Prayer is instinctive. Endemic. It is in our DNA.
Want to schedule
Miami Pastors Prayer Summit
October 4-6
Marriage Seminar
Oakland, MD
October 25-27
School of Prayer
Stewart, FL
The Daily Tribune newspaper (Click through to the article). Pastor Joe Edwards, who hosted the conference at the Church at Liberty Square, noted "We were extremely honored to bring such a gathering of so diverse a group ... we're so excited to have people
like this come." Pastor Edwards called the conference "beyond anything we could have expected." Having the conference in Cartersville was an expression of the on-going interdenominational effort of the churches there to serve the community together.
The more than thirty workshops were crowded, often with overflowing crowds spilling into the hallways due to interest in various prayer ministry topics. "We had some outstanding and nationally known authors and speakers here - and the feedback about the conference has been excellent in content, not to mention inspirational moments," noted Doug Small.
Read more reflections on the conference>
The Alive Ministries office is working hard to upload workshop recordings and handouts online. Check out
Among the more than thirty workshops presented were:
Workshop presenters included:
Project Pray hopes soon to have two key prayer resources available.
Second, the prayer office is also producing a guide for small churches called The Praying Church Made Simple. It is a tool to cut through the 700 page resource guide and simplify the process into what Small calls the '3-legged stool' of prayer ministries - persistent personal prayer, regular corporate prayer options, and the mentoring of a developing group of potential prayer leaders. Then watch the Holy Spirit work.
After three intense days, the room was still comfortably full of prayer leaders who remained for the post-conference on 'Community Prayer Teams.' Three members of the National Prayer Committee were on hand for the presentation, four including Doug Small, the presenter. Representatives from almost a dozen cities in ten states sat around tables and considered how a network of city-based, prayer leadership teams might network prayer across their city, and then connect literally across the nation.
Small announced the first phase funding need to be $100,000 for the project. He said that would be raised in $250 increments - '400 Mighty Believers' who, as did those who gathered at the cave of Adullum with David, seeking national renewal.
Want to find out how to begin a Community Prayer Leadership Team? Maybe you already have one! Want to support the initiative. Contact dougsmall@projectpray.org. Go towww.pc2ln.org. The site is still under construction. Keep checking back.
And in other news...
Sept 25
See you at the Pole
Middle East Prayer Assembly
Great Day of Prayer
October 14-20
Shining light on global corruption.
October 18-19
National Day of Prayer
Live Broadcast
United Nations Prayer Initiative
Featured Publication
Principles of Worship
A Study of the Tabernacle of Moses
Read about it>
"I remain convinced, that the only hope for the nation is the cultivation of a praying people, and that requires a major shift in our theology of prayer and the current practice of prayer. It is a sheer rock cliff we are scaling - but once the paradigm shifts, awakening is unstoppable," Doug Small noted. "What we need now are small, sure and certain steps, by pastors and prayer leaders - incremental changes, that though small, will yield great results in the long term."
The Prayer Trainers Network is now in its infancy. Mentoring training is available, and soon the manual - not only for the training, but also for the curriculum for the first year of on-going Continuing Education for Prayer Leaders will be available in one volume.
If you are interested in the training and in perhaps leading a group of prayer learner-leaders in your church or area, contact Project Pray,dougsmall@projectpray.org.
Proposition - we are considering regional Praying Church Conferences. Would you be willing to host one? If so, give us a call, 1-855-842-5483 or emailbarbarasmall@projectpray.org.
The Community Prayer Council
As a part of the post-conference in Cartersville, under the joint banner of the Mission America Coalition and the National Prayer Committee, Doug Small held a post-conference establishing community prayer teams. The website is up in basic form, and still be worked on, and the idea is still developing. Small says, "A ton of these are already functioning. But they are not resourced or well-connected nationally. The goal is to find a way to connect the grass-roots prayer effort and fan the flames of community transformation.
Check out www.pc2ln.org.

Special Central North Carolina Prayer MeetingMonday, September 23
6:00 PM
Sandy Creek Church
Miami Pastors Prayer Summit Learn more
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Pray, Randolph
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Pray, Randolph County Pray!
Monday, September 23, 2013
6:00 PM
Sandy Creek Church
Join Doug Small and leaders from Randolph County on September 23, at the historic log church at Sandy Creek, for a county-wide prayer meeting. The event is sponsored by 'Pray, Randolph County Pray!' - a diverse group of churches that are seeking to engage the county in a prayer-care-share strategy.
Steve Sells, of the Randolph County Baptist Association reserved the historic site for the meeting, recalling that this site was the great-grandmother of Baptist churches throughout the south.
Some call it the 'ignored Great Awakening!' Beginning in 1755, its affects were felt for a century. The epic center was Sandy Creek, just northeast of Asheboro, North Carolina, but the radiating impact reached into Virginia and southward through South
He moved south and settled at the crossroads called Sandy Creek. On June 13, 1755, his infant church had 16 members. Over the next 13 years, 17 men responded to a call to preach the gospel. Sandy Creek had become a miniature preacher machine. In that season, the Piedmont region of
North Carolina was a veritable wilderness with a moral vacuum. Few churches and fewer preachers existed. So people began to beat a path to Sandy Creek. The population of central and western North Carolina was about 25,000, and the whole state had only 73,000 residents. The total number living in all of VA, NC, SC and GA were a bit more than a quarter of million. Still, between November, 1755 and January, 1758, over 900 were baptized - the equivalent of 3.6 percent of the regional population. Some 590 became members of the Sandy Creek congregation.
n 1769, a business meeting drew 1200 people to the tiny church, almost 5 percent of the regional population, virtually one in twenty of all the folks in central an
d western North Carolina. Today, that would constitute a state-wide ecclesiastic gathering of a half-million Christians. With other churches popping up as a result of the revival, an association of churches was formed in 1758, the 3rd oldest in the nation. By 1771, the year Shubal Stearns died, the Sandy Creek church had given birth to 47 other congregations, birthing almost 3 per year. It is estimated that over 1,000 churches came from Sandy Creek.
One report provides a glimpse of the passion of those involved in the revival. On June 4, 1768, John Waller, Lewis Craig and James Childs were arrested and brought before a board of three magistrates who convened in the church-yard, and demanded that they appear in court or pay a stunning fine of one thousand pounds. The charge was disturbing the peace. The opposing
lawyer made their crime clear, "These men are great disturbers of the peace, they cannot meet a man upon the road, but they must ram a text of scripture down his throat."[1]Evidently, passionate witnessing abounded even on the roads, by Christian men impacted by the revival, and a community feeling the weight of such confrontation.
Join pastors and invited laymen at Sandy Creek onSeptember 23, for a 'back to the future' gathering. Space is limited in the log structure.
Monday, September 23, 2013
6:00 PM
Sandy Creek Church
[1] Robert Baylor Semple, History of the Rise and Progress of the Baptists in Virginia, Richmond, Virginia, 1810, p. 15.