Praying the Lord's Prayer At Noon Would you join us at noon to pray the Lord’s Prayer? We can agree on this perfect prayer that Jesus gave us. Conservatives and Progressives and in-betweens can pray together this powerful prayer. We have written a guide to help you get started.
Unforgiveness can hamper our receiving from God. In fact unforgiveness is a pad lock WE PUT on God's pantry. We get offended and so we wait for them to come to us and ask our forgiveness. For years I prayed for my dad to come to the Lord and get a better job. Nothing happen. My dad was a good man but he drop the ball when it came to me. I was waiting for him to ask me for forgiveness. But I had to go first. So I asked him to forgive me, and as I was doing so the phone was ringing with a better job and in two weeks he accepted Christ!
Here is a prayer for you:
"Lord thank you that you went first and forgave me of all my sins and mistakes. Your grace covered my past and gave me a new life.
I forgive the people I have been waiting on to make things right.....
I forgive all the senseless things in life that hurt and I can not change.....
I forgive myself now....
So empower me with grace to now be as a duck and bead as water all the offenses that come my way in life.
In Jesus name I receive your promise and provision. Amen
Terry Teykl
At Home in the Funeral Home:
Last Thursday I did a funeral for an unchurched Biker and his clan. 400 came, I presented the Gospel and 75 prayed to receive Jesus!
One church in Ohio offers its fellowship hall to families for receptions after funerals. The church has since doubled in attendance. Praise God.
Remember do not wait for the lost to come go to where they are and be Jesus like.