I just received a letter fromGloria Cookson, a teacher at Mount View Middle School in Thorndike, Maine, who looks forward to spending eternity with her colleagues. How profound! In my 15 years in public schools, I’ve met too many teachers who couldn't close their classroom doors fast enough to avoid toxic workplace relationships. Why is Gloria so different? She is a Teacher Who Prays! See Gloria's letter below:
"Teachers Who Pray plays a very important part in my professional life.
It provides a new viewpoint - the devotionals and reading - acknowledging the presence of Christ and the efficacy of prayer provides the structure and strength of my work day.
It provides fellowship - my colleagues have become fellow prayer warriors-- helping me to see the spiritual battle behind the seemingly worldly war. They provide partners with whom to share cares and concerns. They provide stories of joy and the revelation of Godly interventions in the lives of our students.
It provides strength - I know I can, with confidence, pop into a colleague's room and ask for prayer. I know, with that same confidence, that I can share a reason for rejoicing.
I am going to spend eternity with these people...what a wonderful future promise!"
Gloria Cookson Mount View Middle School Thorndike, Maine
Imagine the love, joy, and hope that would spring forth in public education if every school had a core group of teachers that regularly prayed together for the specific needs of their school—in the absence of students—before or after school, or on a duty-free lunch break. That’s the spiritual definition of a “turnaround school.”
Sincerely yours,
Marilyn Rhames Founder & CEO Teachers Who Pray
In January, TWP Founder Marilyn Rhames was among a delegation of five American educators that toured Haiti to better understand the nation's history as the first Black republic to reject colonialism and win its independence via a revolution (1804). The group observed in classrooms and met with teachers who work inAnseye Pou Ayiti (translated "Teach for Haiti") partner schools. It was a life-changing experience for Marilyn. Best of all, she met Christian teachers who offered to translate the TWP prayer guide,O Heart, Vigilant and Sincere,into Haitian Creole and French so that more teachers in Haiti will have access to the spiritually rich content that can help improve teaching practice. God is at work in Haiti!
Teachers Who Pray is setting our own agenda for education reform. It’s a revolution of faith and love that begins within the heart of individual teachers and then finds its way to touch every heart in the school building! Collectively, over time, this movement will produce systemic change in the school system.
This is teaching coach Gregory Pierre talking about how his faith in God guides his teaching practice. Gregory is an Anseye Pou Ayiti teaching ambassador who is doing great work in social-emotional instruction.
Makenzy Voltaire is on the team of Haitian teaching coaches who is translating the Teachers Who Pray prayer guide,O Heart, Vigilant and Sincere,from English to Creole and French. Listen to what motivates him to do it.
We Need Your Support!
Please consider making a gift to help Teachers Who Pray continue to provide encouragement and support to educators! No gift is too big or too small!
When you give, you will receive a downloadable copy of our 12-month teacher prayer guide,"O Heart Vigilant and Sincere,"as a Thank You gift. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
June 17 - July 28, 2018 TWP Founder Marilyn Rhames Spends 40 Days in the Wilderness
Jesus prayed for 40 days in the wilderness to affirm His radical call to change the world ... and so will I.
Teachers Who Pray is not just a "nice thing to do" -- its mission is to change the world by improving education. This is no easy task; thousands have tried and failed. ButI can do all things through Christ which strengthens me (Philippians 4:13)! In the wilderness -- without easy access to running water or electricity -- I will seek God's wisdom and direction and secure the courage takes to obey Him.
THANK YOUto the 45 individuals and two churches that sent in more than $8,000 to pay for the Christian leadership training that I will receive during this 40-day adventure. Support poured in from 14 states and Canada, from $25 to $1,200, from friends and those I've never met. Your giving has fully funded this retreat -- providing more than what I had asked for, allowing me to buy supplies that this city girl never knew she needed. I pray that each donor reaps rich blessings of faith right along with me!
TWP will change the world. Through ordinary teachers, principals, coaches, bus drivers and school security staff, we will be the hands and feet of Jesus, serving our students and families with the love, diligence, and joy of God. This is how we will transform the education-- and the world.
Please pray for me as I pray for you!
Blessings, Marilyn Rhames Founder & CEO Teachers Who Pray, Inc.
TWP Founder Marilyn Rhames shares at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C. last month (AEI's headquarters in background). She is evangelizing her vision to education leaders from all over the country. (See photos/captions below.)
Marilyn with (ROW 1): Former DC ChancellorKaya Henderson, now head of community impact for Teach for All;Candace Moore, staff attorney for the Education Equity Project in Chicago;Porter Moser, head men's basketball coach for Loyola University; (ROW 2) Dr. Andrea Ramirez, acting executive director at Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships at the US Department of Education; Jimmy Kemp,founder and president of the Jack Kemp Foundation;Maze Jackson, WVON black talk radio show host in Chicago; (ROW 3): Jean-Claude Brizard, former CEO of Chicago Public Schools and now at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation;Stacey Childress,CEO of NewSchools Venture Fund;Dr. Annie Abrams,retired educator and still a political, social, civic, and community activist in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Marilyn with (ROW 1): Dr. Sharon Price, professor at Trinity Christian College near Chicago;Dr. Irvin Scott, professor at Harvard University Graduate School of Education and founder of the Harvard Leadership Institute for Faith and Education;Sam Chaudhary,co-founder and CEO of ClassDojo;(ROW 2):Joshua Kaufmann, executive director of Teach Plus Chicago; my husband Kevin Rhames andDaniel "Danny" Buggs, former New York Giants and Washington Redskins wide receiver; Frances Messano, managing partner at NewSchools Venture Fund; (ROW 3) Jim Shelton,former US Deputy Secretary of Education and current head of the education division at the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative;Todd Ricketts, co-owner of the Chicago Cubs (I'm wearing his Cub World's Series Championship ring!);Teachers Who Pray boothat the Kemp Forum in Chicago.
Our fiscal year ends on June 30th ...
Please consider making a year-end gift to help TWP finish the school year strong.
Early-Bird Registration is Open
EDify Retreat 2018
Oct. 5-7 in Wukwonago, WI
The 'Mindfulness' of Christ
(Philippians 5:2)
Sign up NOW and SAVE!
Keynote speaker: Former NFL player & author Daniel "Danny" Buggs
(Click the registration button for full list of speakers, topics, and other details!)
TWP Founder Marilyn Rhames Spends
40 Days in the Wilderness
Teachers Who Pray is not just a "nice thing to do" -- its mission is to change the world by improving education. This is no easy task; thousands have tried and failed. But I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me (Philippians 4:13)! In the wilderness -- without easy access to running water or electricity -- I will seek God's wisdom and direction and secure the courage takes to obey Him.
THANK YOU to the 45 individuals and two churches that sent in more than $8,000 to pay for the Christian leadership training that I will receive during this 40-day adventure. Support poured in from 14 states and Canada, from $25 to $1,200, from friends and those I've never met. Your giving has fully funded this retreat -- providing more than what I had asked for, allowing me to buy supplies that this city girl never knew she needed. I pray that each donor reaps rich blessings of faith right along with me!
TWP will change the world. Through ordinary teachers, principals, coaches, bus drivers and school security staff, we will be the hands and feet of Jesus, serving our students and families with the love, diligence, and joy of God. This is how we will transform the education-- and the world.
Please pray for me as I pray for you!
Marilyn Rhames
Founder & CEO
Teachers Who Pray, Inc.
She is evangelizing her vision to education leaders from all over the country.
(See photos/captions below.)
Our fiscal year ends on June 30th ...
Please consider making a year-end gift to help TWP finish the school year strong.
"Teaching in the Emergency Room"
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