
I call on You, my God, for You will answer me; turn Your ear to me and hear my prayer. — Psalm 17:6
I’m sure you’ve seen the news this week.
Bashar al-Assad's regime has been accused of launching chemical weapons against their own people. The images are devastating. It’s hard to imagine such an evil action against humanity.
President Trump replied with a swift missile assault in retaliation.
And we’ve received the following message from a partner in Damascus:
“The world uses bombs and rockets. We have a weapon that gives life: the Word of God. Many thousands of families found their way to the churches. But we need help.” 
Much is unknown in this hour. What does tomorrow hold? Will this already tense situation escalate, or will our leaders and the leaders of the world pursue diplomacy?
But one thing we do know: as believers in Jesus, we must hit our knees in prayer.
Prayer knows no boundaries. It opens doors. It opens hearts. It’s our holy obligation in our partnership with God to bring His will to pass on earth “as it is in heaven.”
Please pray for our partners throughout Syria. Compelled by building God’s kingdom — most refuse to leave. This is their mission field.  And their calling.
And our partners on the ground ask for you to pray for all the innocent bystanders — regardless of their faith. Many have been caught in the crossfire…and the loss of life has been senseless.
I’d also ask you to lift up all our world leaders — to work towards peace.  And for God’s Spirit to guide discussions and provide peaceful options.
Find out more details on how you can pray and support those suffering in Syria. 
Thank you for your partnership in prayer during this critical hour. I’ll keep in touch.
In Christ,
Dr. David Curry

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  • Lord Jesus Chris, Son of God, have mercy on all those in Syria who are so affected by the ongoing violence there - whether at the hands of the government, or of ISIS, or of the rebels.  Build up your church in Syria and grant courage to those who serve You there.  Bless your people with blessings both spiritual and material, so that it may be known throughout that country that you and you alone are God.  Make of your people channels of blessing and love to those who are far from you. 

    May your grace and love stand in stark contrast to the hatred and violence of those who have set themselves against you and against your people.  May the truth of your word stand out against the lies of false religion and of people whose primary aim is their own power and advancement.  May your light shine in the dark places in Syria, bringing a new day in this country that so desperately needs it.

    Please bring an end to the terrible conflict in Syria, and bring it about in a way that opens doors for the Gospel and provides opportunities for your people to share your love in word and in deed.  Raise up your church around the world to respond to this crisis in a way that honors you in the sight of the world.


  • Praying for God's mercy and protection and for the time to come that He will stop all wars.

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