Utopian Dogmatics As Satan’s “Heaven on Earth”
(By Dennis Peacocke, published through GoStrategic as part of his Bottom Line commentaries. www.gostrategic.org).
But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on God’s interests, but man’s.” —Matthew 16:23
This Scripture is far more fascinating than we have time to fully unpack. Suffice to say, Jesus is noting that Satan had a plan for mankind and that plan appeared to have enough potential “good” in it to carry away multiple angels and surreptitiously huge amounts of mankind throughout history. I suspect that the catastrophe of the Fall shocked Satan himself. The point of this is that Satan, speaking through Peter, wants man to have a perfect earthly future someday just like Jesus does, but without Jesus and the events and principles of the cross as its centering point.
This satanic plan repeatedly shows up in history as the quest for a utopian society providing mankind a “heaven” on earth through enlightened social policy. Sin, being rejected as a systemic issue incapable of being resolved by further education or social restructuring as Judeo-Christianity maintains, is now left to the world system to find a re-engineered solution. Enter a host of historical “saviors,” none more relevant for this discussion than Karl Marx. To Marx’s credit, many of his concerns remain as current social topics, not the least of which are the challenges the power of capitalistic economics have given us and their increasing drive of politics and culture.
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