• Well as a disciple of Christ I have begun to learn that God is not a big mean task master who demands perfection. Now first of all, I don't usually stick my nose in people's business unless i'm asked, and since you are the one doing the asking, let me provide you with a snapshot answer (hardly) to your question.I have not yet become the full model of a victorious Christian living in a manner where i could instruct people to learn how to do what your asking by simply observing my daily routines. However i believe like the old song says "i'm on my way to heaven shouting victory," and I believe i found the pathway which one can follow and know they are headed in the right direction for themselves. The Lord is looking for balanced people that can actually represent him correctly. Believers have access to God given "authority" and "power" by the work of the Cross, and our partnership with this gift. That said, Paul in Ephesians 3 prays for believers to be filled with the power of God. After we receive that power through faith, we can walk in agreement with Christ. Now all intercessors know Ephesians 5, especially the weapons of our warfare part, but remember believers are given instruction by Paul in Ephesians Ch.3 and 4 that deal with individual responsibility to our commitment to Christ, and to the Godly stewardship of all relationships as Christ leads us to do. Honoring mother and father is not just a nice gesture, its a command, a good start. The other two big big things Intercessors and all Christians need to learn how to do is forgive and repent. We forgive everyone of all actions taken wether knowingly or unknowingly. We also Ask God to forgive us of everything we have done wrong to Him, wether we knew about it or not. Now heres the part that Paul infers, the bookends of the Christian walk are to always be repenting and forgiving. Why is all this necessary????  A spiritual parent of mine once said to me that "if we do not take care of our relationships, and if we are not diligent with what we have been entrusted with, then we walk around as believers with holes in our shields of faith. In other words vantage points are created where the enemy can come in and beat us to the ground and where he will try to keep us. Last thought, Paul also guards believers to live with thanksgiving. Without thanksgiving we lose our intimacy with God and remember No one who murmured was able to go into the promised land. We can't accomplish Gods purposes without always being thankful. It seems overwhelming, but if you use Ephesians Ch.1-4 as a place of evaluation and ask the Holy Spirit if there are areas mentioned By Paul that you are in need of attention, and you make a life goal of always living like previously mentioned, then you will be Spirit-led, and living in peace. The Mental needs come from renewing our minds. Responding to the Physical part of your inquiry, Benni Johnson (author of the Happy intercessor) preached once about how God told her to get healthier as He wanted her fit for the long haul. I too need to put down the ice cream and work on this life goal a bit more consistently. Lastly, I believe spiritual tuneups are good once in a while. We change are automobile oil periodically and also i have my teeth checked and cleaned twice a year. Checking in with a spiritual leader/counselor (by counselor i mean someone who can hear the Holy Spirit themselves and not rely upon human effort) is also essential. I hope I have not overwhelmed you. And once again i'm not an expert, i'm just a disciple learning to be like Christ. God Bless Bob Murillo.     

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