#RethinkEVANGELISM...as Emergency Response

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We know you and your church are concerned about people in distress. We also realize you may be overwhelmed by the needs around you and worry about what you should do (and not do) to help those facing difficulties—from mild stress to mass trauma.


That’s why we’re offering a complimentary e-book on How to Help (and Not Help) After a Crisis. We’ve curated this resource to provide advice about what is most beneficial to people after a loss or tragedy. DOWNLOAD IT NOW to receive words and phrases to avoid, ways to help, and tips on listening well.


We pray the e-book equips you to more confidently serve those in challenging situations. Thank you for allowing us to come alongside you.



Jamie Aten, Ph.D. and Kent Annan, M.Div.

Co-Founders of Spiritual First Aid


P.S. Our 6-session online Spiritual First Aid Certificate Course has many more downloadable tools to help you meet the needs of people of all ages. ENROLL NOW to receive biblically-informed, evidence-informed, and trauma-informed training on caring well for others.

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