Resources ~ PRAYER BOX

Prayer Box In Local Gym 

It is amazing how many people go to the gym to improve their bodies. While running on the tread mill they look at this prayer box inviting them to invite God to improve their lives through Jesus Christ. This is a prayer box that has no prayers on the side. This box is ten dollars and can be ordered at
Here is an idea: Plan on launching a Box  3:16 campaign during lent. Friendswood UMC is aiming at placing 80 boxes in the Friendswood community during lent. They will put them on the altar and commission their members to take them out the first Sunday in Lent.
Do send your prayer box testimonies to Terry at the above email. Thanks

What We Offer

Our goal is to help your church prayer better, longer and more on target. This is the newly remodeled prayer center of the Faithbridge UMC in Spring, Texas. The room is called the engine room on Sundays with 10 to 14 people signed up to pray during the service. And recently through a Pray First campaign 200 people signed up to pray weekly. Pastor Ken Werlein believes prayer is "first".
We would love to help you update and expand your prayer ministries. We have available dates in November and the Spring.
Terry Teykl  

Feeling Discouraged About Life
        And prayer does not seem to help. In fact perhaps you are too depressed to pray. Then don't try. Let Jesus pray for you. In Romans 8:34 it declares, "Christ Jesus, who died---more than that, who was raised to life---is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us." 
        Just get still and say, "Jesus please pray for me and I will just receive." Amen, He does the rest.
(By the way these are two of my dogs, they love each other so much. Duggan and Samson)   
For products and scheduling contact Jan

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