RESOURCE: Back To Church Sunday * Friends Day * Discover Church Day
Dear GO Movement Leaders and Partners,
A kind reminder on the ‘Back To Church Sunday’ Webinar that’s happening on 22nd June, 2022. It’s at 10am EST (Orlando).
To have a quick recap - ‘Back to Church Sunday’ or we call it ‘Friends Day’ or ‘Discover Church Day’ is about motivating Church Members to invite those believers who have abandoned coming to Church and encourage them to come back to Church. This concept is not exclusive for Christians but also for non-believers and extend an invitation for them to come to Church. We will have Scott Evans share about it in detail. You can visit the webpage to get familiar with the same.
We will have translation channels for Spanish, French, German and Portuguese for this event.
The details of the Zoom event are as follows:
Date: 22nd June 2022
Day of the Week: Wednesday
Hours: 10 am – 11:30 am EST (Orlando)
4 pm – 5:30 pm CET (Berlin)
10 pm – 11:30 pm PHT (Manila)
Looking forward for your participation Blessings Your GO Movement-Team |
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