Home Repairs Ministries
Dear Phil,

Are you old enough to remember the song, “Kum Bah Ya”? The origin and history of the song are disputed, but it hit big in the folk revival scene in the 1960’s. A couple years later, a song called “Pass it On”  entered the church. The song began, “It only takes a spark to get a fire going . . . . that’s how it is with God’s love, you want to pass it on”. That’s a great theme for this month, since that’s what Home Repairs Ministries is all about.

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Passing it On to Gary 

Gary called us a while back, asking for some help.   

Having worked in inner-city ministry for many years, my mind immediately focuses on making ministry developmental -giving people skills and knowledge to improve their situation...

See How HRM Helped Gary Learn a New Skill 

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A Different Way to Pass it On

Even in situations where it isn't practical or possible to teach someone a new skill, we do have something critical to offer in addition to the repair. 

Find Out What it is (Hint: It has something to do with a relay race) 

You Can Pass it On, Too! 

I went to visit Peter, a man in his 80’s, whose wife had died very recently, and heard his heartbreak and fear of being alone, followed by the joy of his conversion two years earlier.  What a joy it was to pray with this frail, hurting old man with so much to look forward to because someone shared “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6) with him. A woman named Michelle had successfully passed Jesus on to Peter, and now she was sharing some of his housing needs with us. HRM accepted that baton.  

Now we need some volunteers to help us clear out all the weeds in his back yard in Roswell.How about giving some of your time, strength and love to Peter? Why not bring your family or discipleship group? Or, if you are looking for another way to help, your financial support can also help us to "pass it on".

Sign up to help Peter  

In Christ,
Harvey Anderson
Harvey Anderson 
Home Repairs Ministries, Inc.
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Home Repairs Ministries PO Box 922194 Peachtree Corners, Georgia 30010 United States (404) 964-6681

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