Greetings in Christ. Even though WayMakers is no longer producing Seek God for the City 40-day prayer guides, we continue to provide biblically based prayer guides that help you pray for others with solid hope and life-giving clarity.
We publish biblical prayers with our "Ways to Pray" booklets, a series of small 16-page prayer guides. We want to introduce you to these wonderful guides helping you pray for other people.
These six booklets are:
- Blessings: Ways to Pray in Hope
Learn how to pray blessings by using your own words to express the goodness in God's heart for others. Seven biblical themes with sample prayers of blessing help you pray for the fulfillment of God's purpose for next-door neighbors or distant nations.
- Light from My House: Ways to Pray for God's Light to Shine
Fight the battle of light overcoming darkness in the lives of people you care about. Focused prayers ignited by biblical passages about the light of Christ.
- The Lord is Their Shepherd: Ways to Pray for Goodness and Mercy
We are familiar with the 23rd Psalm, but these familiar words take on a surprising depth as we pray them for others. Pray your way into the story of what God is already doing in the lives of people who are close to you, but maybe still far from God. Pray them all the way home.
- Open My City: Ways to Pray for Neighbors
Seven biblical themes of openness. Pray for God to open the eyes, ears and lives of those who seem closed to Christ. Pray for the homes and hearts of Christians to openly welcome them.
- Prompts for Prayerwalkers: Ways to Pray from God's Word for Your World
Helps first-time prayerwalkers get started and also encourages veterans to keep going. Select scriptures and "street-tested" prayers equip you to pray on-site with insight.
- What Would Jesus Pray? Ways to Pray Like Jesus
Prayers that Jesus actually prayed, organized around seven parts of the "Lord's prayer." Pray with the same clear purpose Jesus used when He prayed for others during His ministry on earth.
Each of the booklets is $2.00. There are great quantity discounts for as few as twenty copies. They are checkbook size and printed on lightweight, quality paper. Many people give them as meaningful Christmas gifts. The quantity discount makes it easy and affordable to order any number or combination of the six guides. Your order will be fulfilled in a timely way with reasonable shipping.
We pray that you will have a rich and Christ-filled Thanksgiving and Christmas season. May God bless you with the joy of Christ's life and grace as you move into the coming new year.
In hope,
Steve & Barb Hawthorne WayMakers
PS: Consider giving some of these as Christmas or New Year gifts. Check out our website (https://waymakers.org/store/) to see sample pages of each guide and to order easily.