A March For Jesus in 2021 in Youngstown, Ohio

Celebrate Jesus!!!

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Gary L. Frost
National Director, March For Jesus USA
A celebrity is someone who is celebrated. Jesus Christ is the ULTIMATE CELEBRITY and is worthy of the most extravagant CELEBRATION! 

Over many years in cities around the world, remarkable gatherings have taken place under the umbrella of The March For Jesus (MFJ). 

The March For Jesus is a procession of praise through the streets of the city, celebrating the lordship of Jesus Christ and culminating in a grand worship event in which Christians publicly proclaim the glory, the majesty, and the supremacy of the Savior. 

MFJ is all about Jesus ... and nothing else. Watch this brief, exciting video about MFJ 2022 HERE

This year, MFJ takes place on June 4, 2022. That also happens to be the Saturday before Pentecost Sunday! What an appropriate time to seek an outpouring of the Holy Spirit over our nation and around the world!

The March for Jesus 2022 seeks to create an atmosphere that encourages personal evangelism, prayer, unity, denominational coalitions, racial reconciliation, and individual and corporate repentance in local churches. 

Our MFJ USA goal for 2022 is to recruit and mobilize Christ followers from the largest cities to the smallest towns all across America to gather in their respective communities and simultaneously celebrate the lordship of Jesus Christ in a public procession of praise.

MFJ provides another dynamic step toward fulfilling the vision of ChristNow.com for an American CHRIST Awakening. See more on that HERE

So click the button below. Read more about The March For Jesus. Discover how YOU can help organize a MARCH FOR JESUS in the community where you live! 

You can REGISTER your community to become officially involved and get help at the same link. 


2 Corinthians 2:14
But thanks be to God,
who always leads us as captives
in Christ’s triumphal procession
and uses us to spread the aroma
of the knowledge of Christ everywhere.
The March For Jesus

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