#ReimagineEVANGELISM...with an


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#ReimagineEVANGELISM...with an"Anchor Sunday" At Your Church! 

Pastor, would you like to equip your congregation to do evangelism?

Here’s an easy way to do it.

Sponsor an “Anchor Sunday” at your church. Here are the steps:

  1. Watch the video by Pastor Brian Bill.
  2. Let us know how many copies of An Anchor for the Soul you need.
  3. We will donate the books, and we will pay the postage to ship them to you.
  4. Give a copy of Anchor to each family in attendance.
  5. Ask them to share it with someone who needs to know Jesus.

We currently have over 70,000 copies of Anchor in English and 55,000 copies in Spanish in our Book Depot in Moline, IL.

We’d love to help you equip your congregation to share Christ.

Why does this idea work? It’s all about human nature. If you give your people a copy of An Anchor for the Soul, they are more likely to pray for opportunities to share the gospel with someone who needs Jesus.

It’s really that simple.

What’s the catch? There is no catch!

We’ve got copies of Anchor that we’d love to ship to you. We’ll keep giving them away until we run out–and then we’ll print some more.

Please note: We ship only in boxes of 100. We aren’t set up to send smaller quantities. Because of the expense and the difficulty of international shipping, we can only ship books within the United States. 

If you are a pastor, you can get the ball rolling by sending an email to books@keepbelieving.com.

If you are a layperson, forward this email to your pastor and let him know you think it’s a good idea.

Then pick a Sunday.
Let us know how many copies you need.

We will ship to any church in the US, and we’ll ship both English and Spanish copies in boxes of 100.

For more information, send an email to books@keepbelieving.com.

Let’s join together to reach our friends for Christ!
Ray Pritchard







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This email list allows you to receive the free sermon email from Pastor Ray Pritchard, President and founder of Keep Believing Ministries.

Our mailing address is:
Keep Believing Ministries
P.O. Box 257
Elmhurst, IL 60126


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