If it seems to you as if the world is getting more and more rude and unkind to one another, you're not alone.
Some major media outlets are going so far as to calling the time we're currently in an "Epidemic of Unkindness."
But don't worry... there's great reason for hope!
We know as believers, the church is called to be the light in the time of darkness (Matthew 5:14), and this means there's a tremendous opportunity for you and your church to stand apart from the bitterness and anger we see all over the internet and social media.
Now is the time for you as a leader to do your part—educate your members on the importance of being the light in darkness.
Teach your members how to become kinder to their family, friends, co-workers, and everyone else in their lives by using one of Pastor Rick Warren's timely sermons called, Counter-Culture Kindness.
This powerful message will help you teach your members how to...
- open their eyes and hearts to see the needs of the people around them, and be a voice of compassion - not only sympathize with others... but also empathize with their pain - prioritize others' needs above their own schedules... so they can be people of action, not just talk - be generous with their resources to help those in need
This sermon is available as a download and comes with the following sermon tools:
- MP3 audio of the sermon — Listen to how Pastor Rick preached this message, noting his tone, pitch, speed, and other variations of delivery.
- Full transcript of the message — Follow along as you listen to the message and mark the transcript with your notes.
- Outlines (blank and with fill-ins) — Customize this outline to your message and give it to your members to take notes as you preach.
- Message slides (.jpeg and PowerPoint) — Customize these slides to highlight certain parts/Scriptures in your message.
- Talk It Over Discussion Questions — Give these engaging, follow-up reflection questions to your small groups to discuss what they learned from your message in their weekly meetings.
Start preparing your message today by clicking HERE. We can rise up out of the shadows of hate and darkness. Get the sermon message, now!
Blessings, The Pastors.com Team
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