
#ReimagineEVANGELISM...as a call to love

– Provided in partnership with the Great Commandment Network –

Just as God continuously shows us comfort and acceptance, we can give these important relational needs to the ones we hold dear.  We’ve compiled some fresh and creative ideas to help you meet the relational needs of your significant other during this season of love!



10 Ways Love (1)

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—These resources are 25% off! Discount is taken at checkout.—

Called2Love: A 40-Day Journey into Marriage Intimacy


This resource shows you how to love your spouse like you’ve been loved. You will experience deepened closeness, healing for disappointments and hurts, and clarity on how God can involve you and your marriage in more of His mission.

Click here for a sample of this Called2Love resource!

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Thursdays beginning February 2, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. CST 

This six-week course is meant to help you build a Relational Ministry Team for couples in your church and community. Each week of the resource is structured the same.

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Facilitated by Brian & Christi Shobert

During this course you will:

  • Participate in personal, daily devotions with a story, short prayer, and reflections.
  • Journal about your personal story and reflect on your marriage story so the call to love becomes more personal.
  • Experience moments with Jesus through guided devotionals, and encounter His incredible love for you.
200 Collegiate day of prayer-2

We're celebrating the 200th anniversary of Collegiate Day of Prayer!

In 1823, nearly every major denomination and university across America united in prayer for our nation’s college students. Today, churches and campuses across America are again uniting in prayer for the next generation on college campuses.

Click here to get involved!


Nat. Marriage Week

National Marriage Week is February 7-14!

National Marriage Week is centering its 2023 efforts on encouraging a healthy marriage relationship by encouraging couples to invest in regular date nights, which fosters a higher level of marital satisfaction.

Click here to learn more!



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