Ramadan begins in about two weeks, on June 18. Muslims are seeking God in special, focused ways during these 30 days of prayer. Let your faith rise up during this great opportunity for Christians to be praying for God to ignite a deep hunger for the Truth among Muslims around the world.
The 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World will help bring a new level of faith and passion as we ask God:

  • to reveal Himself to Muslim people
  • to embolden Christians who live and work with Muslims
  • for greater breakthroughs for the Gospel among Muslims

WayMakers still has a limited quantity of the 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World. We encourage you to order soon so that you can distribute the guides in a timely manner for your church or prayer group. This full-color, illustrated guide is a proven resource to help Christians pray with informed wisdom and faith for people in the Islamic world. The special Just for Kids version will involve your children in prayer for Muslims as well as engage them in many fun activities.
Check out some sample pages and order both the Adult and Kid versions atwww.waymakers.org/30-days. Call us at (512) 419-7729 for quick shipping information or for any questions you might have. Quantity discounts are available.
We encourage you to join with Christians around the world during this Ramadan season as we pray for God’s light and life to permeate even the most difficult places. Let’s join together in hope and faith, believing in our great God Who seeks and saves those who are lost to Him.
Barb Hawthorne & Stephanie Tucker

PS This prayer guide has been translated into many languages. Click here to find what translations are available.

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  • Following message received from dr Bennie Mostert, Jericho Walls International Prayer Network. Please make this information available to your local church/prayer groups/etc.

    Ramadan 2015

    Mission Network News wrote: "As hot as the situation in Iraq and Syria has been in recent weeks, it is possible that it is about to get worse soon.

    Ramadan 2015, is from 18 June to 17 July. Ramadan is one of the 5 pillars of Islam and in this month Muslim all over the world will fast for 30 days and that usually means trouble as religious fervour stirs. ISIS has laid out new rules for the cities it controls during the holy month.

    Why should Ramadan 2015 be any more dangerous than holy months of the past?

    The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) has a history of taking advantage of the spiritual emphasis to pursue their goals. Barbaric forms of torture filled the headlines at this time last year. The terror group is regarded as even more ruthless than al-Qaeda, from which it sprang. Fear keeps people cowed, and the only power in the world of Islamic extremism is wielded by the hand holding the biggest weapon."

    The need of the hour: Christians who know how to move men through God by prayer alone and to bring down through God by prayer alone all the power and blessings we need.

    30 Days Prayer Guides to pray during Ramadan

    The following links will give you access to different 30 Days Prayer Guides:



    Full colour PRAYER GUIDE: 30Days of Prayer for the Muslim World (Ad...

    Kids version

    The following links will give you access to a 30 Day Prayer Guide for South Africa.

    English version (Light the Darkness)

    Shortened version (Light the Darkness)

    At http://pray30days.org/order/ you will find 30 Day Prayer Guides in the following languages:

    Albanian, Chinese, Bahasa Malay, Chech, Dutch, French, German, Hindi (and several other Indian languages), Italian, Vietnamese, Swedish, Mongolian, Portuguese, Sinhalese, Spanish, Swahili

    DOWNLOAD 30 Days of Prayer for the Arab World (Arabic version) 

    If the Arabic version is not opening, send an email to pray@jwipn.com and request the Arabic document.

    If you want to participate in prayer walking during Ramadan, please send an email to jesaja19.23@gmail.com to receive more specific information.

  • 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World  
    18 June - 17 July 2015
    View this email in your browser

    The terrible deeds of ISIS, done in the name of Allah and following the violent example of Muhammed, have horrified Muslims who are now questioning their faith. The love of God is particularly poignant for Muslims who may have been suppressed by other Muslims. One Shi’a man was attracted by the truth that "God loves all people" and that he was personally loved and protected by God. Similarly, a West African was surprised by God’s love "for all people of all races, including enemies."
    Missionaries to the Islamic world say more Muslims have converted to Christianity in the last 14 years than during the entire 14 centuries of Islamic history.  Many keep their conversion a secret, afraid for their lives.


    Week 5: 12 – 17 July 2015


    The Night of Power or Laylat al-Qadr
    , is an Islamic belief the night when the first verses of the Quran were revealed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad. It is one of the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadan. Muslims believe that on this night, God blesses everyone, forgives all sins, grants all prayers, and angels come down to earth.
    Muslim scholars believe that while the Koran was revealed over a period of 23 years the Night of Power is considered the night in which the first revelations of Islam and the prophethood of Muhammed began. This night is in celebration of the arrival of the Koran. The whole Night of Power, from sunset to dawn, is the holiest night of the year. It is believed that there are groups of special angels who are only seen on the Night of Power. These angels perform special purposes.
    • the Lord to reveal Himself to Muslims on this night. Pray for them to have dreams and visions of Jesus Christ. (The Bible, Acts 2:17)
    • the hearts of Muslims to be open to the Gospel. Pray for the veil of deception to be removed from their minds. (The Bible, II Corinthians 4:3)
    • the strongholds of Islam to be demolished. Pray for the lies of this false religion to be exposed. Ask the Lord to set free all who have been deceived and misled by Islam. (The Bible, II Corinthians 10:4,5)
    • the salvation of leaders in the Muslim world – especially heads of government, imams, and members of terrorist groups. (The Bible, I Timothy 2:1-4)
    • a great harvest of souls as the Kingdom of God comes in great power in the Islamic world. (The Bible,I Corinthians 4:20)

    30 Days for the Muslim World
    Window International
    Jericho Walls International
    Open Doors SA

    Day 30 of Week 5 has Practical Steps and Prayer Points for the way forward
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