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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Pres. Obama affirms Jesus as his Savior and Lord, stands for religious freedom" align="right" width="216" height="18"/>
By Mark Ellis
Senior Correspondent, ASSIST News Service

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (ANS) -- At the 62nd annual prayer breakfast Thursday morning, President Barack Obama confirmed his faith in Christ and took a strong stand for religious freedom around the world, encouraging prayers for imprisoned pastors in Iran and North Korea." alt="" align="right" border="1" width="320" height="213"/>

Pres. Obama at 62nd Prayer Breakfast

The First Lady and Vice-President Biden attended the traditional gathering held at the Washington Hilton, along with foreign dignitaries such as President Martelly from Haiti and President Nishani from Albania. Rep. Janice Hahn (D-Calif.) and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) co-chaired this year's breakfast.

Bethany Hamilton, the evangelical surfer who tragically lost an arm in a shark attack, read the story of the Good Samaritan from the Book of Luke and the well-known Scripture from Ephesians about how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.

President Obama recalled the significance of his church involvement in Chicago. "I'm grateful not only because I was broke and the church fed me, but because it led to everything else. It led me to embrace Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. It led me to Michelle - the love of my life - and it blessed us with two extraordinary daughters. It led me to public service. And the longer I serve, especially in moments of trial or doubt, the more thankful I am of God's guiding hand."

The President spoke out against the "modern slavery of human trafficking, an outrage that we must all join together to end."

He said he is especially looking forward to his return-visit to the Vatican next month to meet Pope Francis, "whose message about caring for the 'least of these' is one that I hope all of us heed." President Obama said he was inspired by the Pope's "words and deeds, his humility, his mercy and his missionary impulse to serve the cause of social justice."


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Mark Ellis is a senior correspondent for ASSIST News Service and the founder of  He is available to speak to groups about the plight of the church in restricted countries, to share stories and testimonies from the mission field, and to preach the gospel.

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