"What is your heart for PrayNetwork.org?"

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PrayNetwork.org Launched

Recently, Jonathan Friz (a featured member of our network and a prayer leader colleague) asked an important question ...

"I would like to hear your heart for PrayNetwork.org. i'm really bad at social media (not even on facebook), but i'd love to hear more of your heart for it."

My Response - This is exactly what I hope every member is asking ... and praying: "Lord, what is your purpose and plan for this network of prayer-focused, prayer-driven people? How can I best benefit and how can I make a significant contribution to the Body of Christ?"

As I have been praying and listening, these hopes and dreams  flood my mind and heart:
  • You are correct. PrayNetwork.org offers many of the same tools that are available on most social media sites. But. While our purpose is similar (community built out sharing life information), our focus is radically different. "Social media" is, well, social, Fun, friendship, sometimes foolishness. We utilize social media tools to build a community that results in worship (adoration of our Lord), discipleship (scripture-rooted transformation into the image of Christ), fellowship (with one another in the Spirit), leadership (prayer champions are desperately needed in our congregations and ministries), stewardship (more effective use of spiritual gifts to serve so many have to explore and experience life-giving prayer), partnership (congregations and ministries living out the unity Jesus prayed for in John 17), and citizenship (relating to our culture through a praying, caring, sharing the Good News lifestyle)
  • I see clearly the need for a transition from a passive archive (and a very good one, at that) to an active learning community. Each member enjoying the benefits of reading, reviewing, researching on the site but also taking more seriously the opportunity of reaching-out and blessing others by posting, commenting, uploading - In other words, an active learning community.
  • I want PrayNetwork.org to one day be the home of 250 prayer-driven or prayer related ministry organizations(publishers, trainers, resource-ers) and 250 of the best prayer champions (authors, pastors, prayer coordinators, conveners and coaches) from North America and across the globe. Each one contributing at least monthly.
  • Yet, I want the members of PrayNetwork.org who have not published a book or produced a nationally renowned prayer guide, are equally valuable. The question they ask, the comment they make, the article they link us to, may just be what the Lord chooses to use to build up another believer. Maybe when that woman or man, senior or student, needed it the most. 
  • At 5 years old, we have only just begun. We need a continuing increase from our current levels of 4800+ members (how many thousands of prayer-starved Christ followers would be transformed from the fresh thought and best practices already available on PrayNetwork.org?), 1244 (most-of-them) inspiring photos and 255 corporate-prayer-prompting videos, 1162 roundtable disciple-making discussions, 1866 thought-provoking blogposts, 364 prayer-related events, and 93 affinity-focused groups.
  • One day I hope a new member, when asked how they found our learning community, says something like: "My friend/pastor/Sunday School teacher/Bible study leader/prayer team captain ... The book I was reading/website I was reviewing ... recommended PrayNetwork.org as a one-of-a-kind place for all-things-prayer. It did not promote one person's ministry or one specific company or product; it promoted everyone and every group who "promote" Christ-centered, biblically-based, life-changing, community-impacting prayer. And they were correct."
PrayNetwork.org is dedicated to serving the Holy Spirit's Prayer Movement, which is why I invite every prayer champion, prayer coordinator, praying pastor, prayer author, to bring us their comments and questions, guides and newsletters, sermon and seminar notes. Plus, that devotion to prayer, causes me to send "friendly invitations" to stranger and friend alike, because I know they will find something or someone that will help them be "transformed by the renewing of their mind about the purpose and pleasures of prayer.

If we become average or stagnant, it is my fault. If we thrive in learning to love greater the one to whom and with whom and through whom we pray, our community has succeeded. Succeeded in serving well the prayer movement at an increasingly desperate time in global history. 

Will you change history with me, with us?

Phil Miglioratti
Your servant

NEW Membership Policy

PrayNetwork.org is now OPEN to the public:
  • The entire site is accessible for you to read and research.
  • Commenting, launching new Roundtable discussions, adding prayer-related events, joining Groups ... all the "social media" functions, are restricted to members only
  • ...in order to protect the integrity of the content and conversations.
  • Membership is free, easy & quick, and protected from spammers
  • Become a member of this growing, all-things-prayer, learning community right here >>>

Features & Functions


PrayNetwork.org serves Christ-followers who want to become prayer champions in their sphere of ministry, see their congregation / organization become prayer-driven, and have a vision to live in a prayed-for community.

Contribute to the conversation.

Invite others who have something to say; something to learn.

Phil Miglioratti
Manager @ PrayNetwork.org

You need to be a member of The Reimagine Network to add comments!

Join The Reimagine Network

Email me when people reply –


  • Fresh. Every Day. For You.



    Visit PrayNetwork.org at: http://www.praynetwork.org/?xg_source=msg_mes_network

  • 2483476864?profile=original

    PrayNetwork Spotlight: Prayer Connect magazine

    E2jVahgvcNJkervObdIKNz93BBkadpgLe3eHJLRzZTQxV3aJZoPGu7ly6lRu02kG7F8XHnnMt5fSSypgdaylohXownvX00i2R1nogKGUQHDfordXIGjMqsZ8h5xQcHBEO5QLJs_bzrfa-ePoORdYAxQKdqsPzPmwL1E-6oZi41WVMXBsCiSQn1cyqP3icVPVOk0ZcgE8lt6mHCagRTD3Ow3WK9gbxlqEK_0iJ1NCVjHDb-33fi0bU1IgyKfIeCVAqrBtPXdC4emP=s0-d-e1-ft#<a href=https://api.ning.com/files/64iASuFEUpx-bJWvEwrJIEtMBSHcjVNybnoMskGl3...*MxQDZ2aQj*pumBOvhPP6vV1bfkw9Dl2LgSV09rV0/Andrew_Wheeler_Amazon.jpg?width=64&height=64&crop=1%3A1" alt="" class="CToWUd"/>

    2483478087?profile=RESIZE_320x320Launched in 2011 to fill the void left when Pray! Magazine went out of print (a gap this Network also helped to fill!), Prayer Connect is published bi-monthly by the Church Prayer Leaders Network and PrayerShop Publishing, both divisions of Harvest Prayer Ministries.  The three-fold mission of the magazine and its companion website, www.prayerconnect.net, is:

    • To encourage and equip believers toward a deeper walk with Jesus Christ through prayer
    • To resource prayer leaders and pastors with >>>

    Visit PrayNetwork.org at: http://www.praynetwork.org/?xg_source=msg_mes_network

  • 2311444249?profile=original
    Our church seems to be strong in at least two ways.  We pray and we care.  Seeking to use these two simple gifts we pitched a "Prayer Care Tent" at a local festival with a banner saying "Free Prayer".
    Two of us sat down at the tent for about 30 minutes.  
    We seemed invisible to the people around us.  A few doubts entered our minds.  After all, we had no gimmicks and no giveaways. Nothing tangible to offer people.  But then we said a prayer and about 10 seconds later a group of teenagers walked up.  Over the next 3 days God brought 99 people to us.  There was no bait and switch.  People only came to us for one reason. We had nothing to offer, but Jesus and His care.
    An elder from our church served at another tent for a local business.  He told me, "we offered a couple thousand dollars worth of prizes but we only had 74 people visit our tent."
    A month later, we pitched the same tent in front of our church along a busy street. While I and a few other volunteers had lunch, God brought our first two pilgrims seeking prayer. After lunch, we held up signs which said, "Drive thru Prayer".  We could only endure the heat and humidity for about an hour, and no one pulled over while we held the signs. But after we sat down exhausted, our third pilgrim pulled up.  Stephen received our prayers and witness.  Two of our men led him to Christ on the spot.  He found hope for himself and his 10 year old son with autism.
    Through it all, God showed us how much he needs our help.  NOT!
    ADD+  your photos here >>>

    Visit PrayNetwork.org at: http://www.praynetwork.org/?xg_source=msg_mes_network

  • Access here>>>


  • oUZ0ZjwI3XhICJU2hajM78ArNmkq1q4Z1Xq5e-q7gJfG7w5dD108rny-3qAZxs_zn352gzoL8rbQx6hL5lnsEonX6eNo8N8bDA65FYd-BEz1egaLkkMSd0TMhSYGqI4jh_oRsZ5FZ5q9HFtfpSMSSDShep9fWEvOLNj6jc3SxmZOF1-fr7muVhjMSJq9K8isOdUyxaPwqqNTqTDtC-mFFYjvgAOFxYlVwPHzCOrTQbZafSHVXQ-TacHrq7aeZnOc=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=

    Start a group or create your own Ministry Site!


    Create your own "website" for your personal content or your ministry.

    • Promote your organization name ... and logo ... and give a "Description" of how you serve in and through prayer
    • Place your mission/vision statement in the "Text Box"  
    • "Discussions" allow you to start conversations on issues
    • "Comment Wall" updates status/news/photos regularly
    • "Pages" allows you to upload articles, newsletters, resources
    • "Members" allows friend/partners to comment and add content

    Start a group, ministry team, or learning community:

    Want to meet people and share ideas on a common prayer interest or pray about a matter close to your heart? See All Groups here on the network. Find and join a group of like-minded folks, or if there's not one already, start your own by clicking Add a Group.

    Maybe you're a pastor, prayer coordinator, or leader of a city-wide prayer event and you'd like to form a group to share tips and encouragement. Or perhaps your son or daughter was recently deployed to Iraq and you'd like to pray with others in the same situation. Or you may have a passion for Persia and be interested in meeting others who God has given that passion to. Or on the first Friday of every month you may want to pray for the nation. Maybe you want to chat with others who have a prayer room at their church. Maybe you want to meet with other prayer coordinators about how to encourage the youth in your church to pray. Or you may want to start a group that gives tips and encouragement for how to pray with your children. The possibilities are endless. There are public and moderated groups. Anyone in the PrayNetwork.org community can join a public group. But there can be moderated groups, also, where, for example, you may need to be a pastor or grandparent or prayer leader to join.

    When you Add a Group, you are able to give your group a name, describe who it's intended for, and any other information that would help a person know what your group is about. If you will be meeting at certain times, give that information, too. Then send your invitation and get ready to make new friends and prayer partners!

    Visit Pray.Network at: http://www.praynetwork.org/?xg_source=msg_mes_network

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