Spiritually Influencing Government

Legislators Appreciation Week (November 24-30)

How are you responding to the onslaught of bad news from our government? When government's division, confusion, dishonesty and incompetency seems endless, are you going to stick your head in the sand, or join the society's criticism and condemnation, or will you bring the spiritual power of Christ's life within you to bear on our broken government?


I started the Culture of Honor because the Kingdom of Heaven can come to earth to fix what is broken. Redemption and reconciliation are embedded in God's nature. They are key, measurable realities when heaven shows up on earth. Our government is spiritually broken and needs us to pray with power for God to bring America His spiritual answers. A great work of prayer has been given to us. God works when we pray!



1. God is the God of the impossible. When we pray believing, circumstances do not limit the belief within our prayer, rather the nature and promises of God do.


2. Love is necessary to pray rightly. So easily we can pray a mean-spirited, judgmental prayer (aka - ineffective prayer) when we do not love those for whom we pray. Praying for government means praying for PEOPLE leading our government. Knowing about them and caring for them creates power in prayer.


3. Heaven moves with the "agreement in prayer". I believe much of the powerlessness of our prayer for government comes from the disjointed, conflicted prayers of a divided Church. We must find ways that we can agree in prayer. We must be able to pray equally earnest and loving prayers whether it's for a Republican or Democrat!


Please take a few moment during Thanksgiving Week (November 24-30) to express appreciation/honor and to pray for your local legislators. COH asks you to do two things...


First, Pray.

Begin by showing gratitude to God. Thank him for these men and women who have stepped forward to become public servants. Here's a sample prayer.


            Heavenly Father, I want to please you by honoring those you have set in authority. You told us in Your Word to honor the king and to pray for those in authority. So Father, thank you for ____________________. Thank you for calling him to serve us, and for giving him the desire and ability to do this job. I honor him and the important role he has in our state/nation. I ask that You give him wisdom to do his job well. Give him "wisdom from above" for the challenges that face our state/nation. Protect him from temptation and from ideas that will hurt our state/nation. Bless his family and protect them too. Amen.


Second, Contact Them.

            Send them an email or card that honors them. COH's unique impact comes from loving interaction with our legislators. We want our leaders to be influenced by the goodness of the Kingdom of Heaven. Hopefully you know the name of your legislators.(COH members can go to their own webpage to identify their seven elected officials and their contact information. To login, go to www.cultureof honor.org. Your login is your email address. Your password is 1culturehonor.)


Click here to join COH.


Now, more than ever, our leaders need spiritual support. Politician's approval ratings are the lowest they have ever been - ever! Instead of adding your judgment let's give them powerful, loving, united prayers!



Eric Neale Moore

Founder, The Society for the Promotion of a Culture of Honor

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