Praying the 6 Spheres of Prayer


From Featured Contributor Thomas Bush - -

When Jesus taught the disciples to pray - he taught them 2 things not to do -  before he told them what to do. 

In effect, he said don't do your righteousness, including prayer, motivated by external things (to be seen or like those around you) rather let it be from your heart! 

  • Here's a definition of prayer: 
    "Prayer is a dialog and relationship with God with the power to change one heart and an entire nation." (National Day of Prayer Task Force)

Invite your congregation to do their part in helping grow the church as a house of prayer by praying their "Prayer Share".  (See below | Diagram by Cheryl Sachs)

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Prayer Share 1. Pray for My spiritual growth, my roles, my work & calling, etc, my relationship with the Lord, daily schedule, family/home, relationships

2. Pray for My Family/close relationships:  Use B.L.E.S.S. prayer (From Dr. Rick Shepherd) B-Bodily needs, L-Labor, E-Emotional, S- Social, S-Spiritual

3. Pray for My Pastor/Church/Ministry Leaders:  Pastor ___________

4.Pray for Ministries I am involved in or care about: ______________

5. Pray for Areas of Community God places on my heart:  Family, Non-Profits, Media, Business, Arts & Entertainment, Education, Government

6. Pray for My City/County and Its Leaders:  Federal, State and Local Leaders

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