Prayerwalking Detroit

Downtown Prayerwalk
NEXT Saturday, July 20, 2013
Hope for the City logo
Dear Phil,

      A strategic day of the Hope for the City outreach week will involve the entire network in prayerwalking Detroit. We will begin at The Spirit of Detroit at City Hall and then divide into prayer groups to saturate the streets of Downtown Detroit in prayer. 

     We invite you to join us next Saturday for this important day of uniting in prayer for our city and preparing the harvest fields for outreach! 

Date: NEXT Saturday, July 20 
Time: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm 
Location: Spirit of Detroit at City Hall

Register online here
or email for more information. 

We look forward to seeing you there! 

For more information on the Hope for the City Outreach Week,  
go to 

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