What Can Happen When a Student Prays in School?
School Prayer Walk
40 Pray On Site at a School!


The act of teachers leading students to pray within public schools has long been outlawed.  But, despite the work of organizations that align themselves against the Name and work of Jesus Christ, openings still exist for students to pray in their hallways, lunch rooms, and schools.


Recently, OnSite partnered with a local student-focused Cru ministry to have their students lead small groups of students and adults through their high school; praying as the Spirit led.  Around 40 participated in the hour-long time of prayer that evening.


During the prayer time, the Lord paired me up with Joseph, a Sophomore at the school.  While quietly walking and praying through the halls, there were times when Joseph would stop and pray in front of particular lockers.  Other times, he and I would take turns praying aloud for the people or situations that God placed on our hearts.


At one point, Joseph shared a burden that God placed on his heart.  He said, "Rob, I wish we had time to pray over each individual locker in this entire school."  (The school has an enrollment of around 4,400 students- the largest high school by number in the state)!  The Holy Spirit quickened me to encourage Joseph.


I asked, "Joseph, do you ever stay after school?"  He answered, "Yes."  I replied, "You don't need to canvas the entire school in one evening, but if you pray over a number of lockers each time you do, you'll cover every student in prayer over the course of this school year!"


His face brightened.


Two weeks later, I asked if he'd started praying locker-by-locker.  He had, but he also reported how God had changed his outlook on his school and schoolmates simply from our time of prayer walking the halls together.  He noted how he now started sharing his faith during his lunch period, plus he also felt greater freedom to pray with and for others as the Spirit prompted him to do so.


God is working in our students' lives and schools!


Encourage a student and offer to pray for and/or with them this week.  God may open many more opportunities for them as a result!


For more about prayer walking schools or other locations, contact Rob at robg@prayonsite.org. 

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