Resources at PrayerShop

Pray Beyond One Day

The most recent issue of PRAY magazine, focuses on the theme of the National Day of Prayer: Love One Another.

This would be a great resource to put in the hands of your congregation, small group or Sunday school class to keep them praying for our nation long past the National Day of Prayer.

Supplies are limited, so order your copies today!

Multiple Copy Discounts
Are Available


Turn Unplanned into Prayer!

New Resource at PrayerShop

Many of you have already seen the movie, Unplanned, which is a powerful portrayal of the truth of abortion.

I know a number of places where this event moved movie-goers to start an impromptu prayer meeting.

As a prayer leader in your church, I encourage you to get some prayer guides to help your people pray against this moral evil. Upholding Life in Prayer will help your people pray on target.

Sold in Packs of 50


Great Resources to Get People Praying for Their Church

It is always a challenge to get believers to pray regularly for the kingdom ministry of their church. Here are two resources that will fuel their prayers and get them focused on praying God's purposes over your church.

Pray the Word for Your Church is a powerful book of prayers that includes a prayer journal to help focus prayers on the ministries of a church.

Targeted Prayers for Your Church is a scripture-based prayer guide that sells in packs of 50.

Both products have multiple copy discounts.

Click on either image or their titles below to go to the product page for information or to purchase.

Pray the Word for Your Church

Targeted Prayers for Your Church

NOTE: Click the button below to read the first-hand story of what happened in a smaller church that started praying through Pray the Word for Your Church.


Are You a Pastor or Prayer Leader in Your Church?

If you are in a role in your church where you have to encourage, challenge, or equip people to pray, to want to grow in their prayer lives, then you should join the Church Prayer Leaders Network!

A membership in the CPLN gives you access to more than 700 articles on prayer at, discounts on resources at and Pray magazine (to name just some of the benefits). All this for just $35.99 per year!

Go to for more information.

Why not join today to get help and encouragement in this important ministry you have in your church?

Jonathan Graf
Vice President of Publishing and Resources
National Day of Prayer Task Force

PrayerShop 2800 Poplar St Suite 43-L Terre Haute, Indiana 47803 United States (812) 238-5504

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  • Resources at PrayerShop

    --A Ministry of the National Day of Prayer Task Force

    I wasn't planning on sending you a resource email this week, but something just happened that I was too excited to wait another week to tell you about!

    We just got our shipment of a new title we are now stocking in our store. It's a book that has and is changing my life. A book that tells an absolutely incredible story (that has been developing over 250 years) of prayer, God's grace and timing, and the healing of racisim in America.

    You need to read The Dream King: How the Dream of Martin Luther King, Jr. Is Being F... by Will Ford and Matt Lockett.

    It will both challenge and inspire you!


    Jon Graf
    Vice President for Publishing and Resources


    Freshen Up Your Prayer Life or Your Times of Group Prayer

    Filled with simple, yet stimulating ways to engage in prayer, 52 Creative Ways to Pray can freshen up your personal prayer life, or the prayer lives of those to whom you minister.

    "These inspired ideas for keeping prayer fresh have been tested and tried in real time with real people. I am thrilled to have this new and practical tool for helping people learn to pray." --Jennifer Kennedy Dean, Executive Director, The Praying Life Foundation


    Excellent Christmas Gift to Encourage a Friend's Prayer Life!

    Christmas and the New Year are coming up fast. Have you considered starting a journal with the new year?

    Have you been thinking of a gift to get for those on your prayer team, or in your small group?

    Consider the best prayer journal on the market today!

    The Pray! Prayer Journal includes space to write each day . . . plus, dozens of prayer tips from Pray! magazine, 12 Scripture-based prayer guides, and a year long Bible reading plan.

    Originally published in 2003, now in its 11th printing, The Pray! Prayer Journal keeps selling each year because it is so practical, so good. It also keeps selling, because people who use it buy new copies every year!

    I encourage you to get your copy for 2018, or consider buying copies for your friends.


    It's Time to PRAY!

    If you do not have a subscription to Prayer Connect magazine, now is the time to sign up. We are changing our name to PRAY.

    You do not want to miss all the encouragement and helps on prayer and praying for our nation that comes every three months in PRAY.

    Go to for more information.

    If you are already a subscriber to Prayer Connect, your subscription just rolls over into PRAY.

  • Resources at PrayerShop

    --A Ministry of the National Day of Prayer Task Force


    Greetings! I am sure you are back in the "swing of things" following the Christmas and New Year's season. January is a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. What have you done with your prayer life to give it a fresh start?

    This email highlights some resources that can give your prayers a "jolt." We hope you will check them out.

    Above all, we highly recommend that you subscribe to PRAY magazine. Why not get a spark for your prayer life every quarter . . . coming right to your door automatically?


    Enjoy Shopping,

    Jon Graf

    Vice President of Publishing and Resources


    How to Pray More in Line with Scripture

    An Extra $1 Off Per Copy for the Rest of January.

    A practical devotional that will teach you to pray the spiritual growth agenda of Paul over your loved ones. Move beyond just fix-it praying to asking God to fulfill His purposes in your friends and family.

    Read an Article by Jon on This Topic:

    "His Kingdom Come: A Dynamic Way to Pray for Everyday Needs


    Does Your Prayer Life Need a Boost?

    What about prayer in your small group?

    52 Creative Ways to Pray is filled with ideas that will give new life to an individual's prayer time or will make prayer more dynamic in a small group or all-church prayer gathering.

    Written by a long-time pastor of prayer, Paul Covert, this book might be just what you need to liven up prayer in your life or ministry!


    Learn to Pray Some Dynamic Prayers for Your Husband

    Jennifer Smith of has compiled a book of 31 powerful prayers for your husband that touch on key areas of life that all husbands experience.


    Why Not Bless Your Wife with Prayer?

    Out of his ministry, Aaron Smith, and his wife, Jennifer, have compiled a unique book of 31 prayers for a husband to pray for his wife. Each prayer is focused on a key area of need all wives face.


    Everyone Needs to PRAY!

    If you have not subscribed to PRAY magazine yet, the magazine of the National Day of Prayer Task Force, you need to do it now. Don't miss an issue. Subscribe today.

  • Resources at PrayerShop

    --A Ministry of the National Day of Prayer Task Force

    One of the best ways to encourage people in your congregation to pray is to put good prayer guides in their hands. This email shares a number of guides we produce that you can purchase. Two of our top-selling guides are also on sale for an additional $2.00 off per pack of 50 through the month of February. I encourage you to consider them for your church.

    Enjoy Shopping,

    Jon Graf  /  Vice President of Publishing and Resources


    Give Your Prayer Life a Boost!

    Now on Sale through February!

    52 Creative Ways to Pray is filled with ideas that will give new life to an individual's prayer time or will make prayer more dynamic in a small group or all-church prayer gathering.

    Written by a long-time pastor of prayer, Paul Covert, this book might be just what you need to liven up prayer in your life or ministry!

    Check out 4 ideas that are
    in the book.


    How to Pass on Your Prayer Knowledge to Others

    A unique new release by PRAY editor, Carol Madison will both inspire you and equip you to pass on your knowledge of prayer and experience in prayer to the next generation.

    Whether you mentor formally or informally, Prayer That's Caught and Taught will provide you with 9 principles of prayer that believers need to know to be effective in prayer.

    Three Scripture-Based Prayer Guides to Get Your Congregation Praying on Target


    A Month of Prayers for Your Church

    This best-selling prayer guide will help your people focus prayer on a different aspect of your church life and ministry each day of the month. Formatted to fit in a pocket or someone's Bible, people will love to use this guide.

    A Pack of 50 normally sells for $10.99, but you can get them this month for $8.99.

    Buy 5 or more packs at $6.99 each!


    Let Our Bestselling Book Invite God's Blessing and Power on Your Church

    Pray the Word for Your Church is changing churches all over the nation . . . and around the world. Churches that get their people praying through this 31-day guide are seeing an increase in souls saved and other kingdom advances.

    Check out this first-hand story of what God did in a church as they started praying through this guide.

    The Holy Spirit Ignites a Church


    Cover Your Community Heroes with Prayer!

    This 10-prayer, Scripture-based guide focuses needed prayer on those who put their lives on the line in our communities each day. Get your congregation praying regularly for those in your town.

    A Pack of 50 normally sells for $10.99, but you can get them this month for $8.99.

    Buy 5 or more packs at $6.99 each!

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