Prayers & Poetry

What are your experiences with poetry and prayer?


I work at a retirement center and recently I learned how a man who had a stroke and who could not talk, was able to communicate by singing.  Songs often begin with poetry, so I wonder if God sometimes gives us poetry to express the things that we can't quite verbalize normally in prayer.

This week, I noticed a spiritual trend in my life.  God has given me a poem when I was struggling  with at least two difficult issues in my life.  I find it somewhat humerous and intriguing that He would use poetry when I don't particularly enjoy it and I don't really know the "rules" for writing it. 

This past weekend I was wrestling with God over some issues related to submission and authority, because of some history of abuse by authority figures.  After spending an afternoon and evening walking and talking with God in the woods, I sat down to do some journaling prayer and the following poem began to flow...


Into Your Refining Fire

I choose to go

How I'll turn out

I do not know


Mold me and make me

Fit for your plan

Even if it means

I must submit to a man


Re-direct and protect me

From those who'd abuse

Help me see clearly

How to serve those you choose


Your purposes are so much greater

Than all my fear and pain

Help me serve you freely

And bring honor to your name


You've given me a vision

And You've mapped out a plan

To go and make disciples

Who will do all that You command


Obedience, Surrender,

Your will is my desire

So consume me, then fill me

And release me with fire.


---Jenni Biegler (February 9, 2011)

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  • Jenni, I hear your heart. I write poetry too. and I write more than I talk. I find myself without words most times unless I set down and allow the Holy Spirit to come minister to me. I write things for others in hopes it will help them along the way. Thank you for sharing from your heart. I believe much healing comes from the confession of our heart. Truly, I will pray for your release from the fears that are only holding you back from that which God has for you.
    • Jenni, what an anointed poem!  He uses the unusual things in our lives.  Just lately, a counselor I was seeing suggested getting some coloured pens, paint & paper the draw with.  Sometimes when I am journaling I see faces and things in the letters I am writing.  He speaks through this to me of what He wants to do or where He's taking me.  The poem is beautiful!  There must be quite a testimony from that.  The poem has really touched my heart, and encouraged me to go deeper, or aleast let Him go deeper in my heart.  God bless you!
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