A Note from Pastor Larry . . .                                     July 21, 2110
The Patriotic Battle Continues in Our Culture
Do you wonder what’s happening in the battle to protect our most basic patriotic practices? Brad Dacus’s Pacific Justice Institute reports that this year we have seen atheists and “freedom from religion” groups strategically attack some of our most basic patriotic practices . . . 
  • Pledge of Allegiance — We find that this fight is far from over.  Even though a three-judge panel ruled that the pledge was constitutional, the Ninth Circuit is now considering Dr. Michael Newdow's request to have a larger eleven-judge panel to rehear the ruling.
  • Highway Memorial Crosses — An atheist group in Denver, CO asked a federal appeals court to prohibit the use of memorial crosses along Utah highways to mark sites where state troopers have been killed in the line of duty.  The crosses are privately funded, but the atheists claim the Utah Highway Patrol insignia illegally mixes church and state.
  • National Motto:  "In God We Trust" — The fight continues with the Freedom from Religion Foundation.  Michael Newdow describes atheists as "the Nation's most stigmatized suspect class," and insists that "'In God We Trust' facially endorses the controversial, purely religious notion that there exists a God whom Americans embrace." The foundation is also fighting Ontario City Council who voted unanimously to include the motto, "In God we Trust" in a semicircle above the city seal in the council chambers.
If you’d like to know more about what’s happening in California and around the country with this battle, a good way to check is at Pacific Justice Institute’s website www.pacificjustice.org.

I believe it was clear in the minds of our founding fathers that “all men are . . . endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” (Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776).

What I believe is at stake here is literally—

        > a challenge to our public liberty;
        > acknowledging God as our creator; and
        > that our rights come from God and not from government.

Pray with me that America will be in a place where God can bless us as a nation and as individuals.

In Christ’s name,
Pastor Larry
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