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Prayer Alert

for Turkey 


  August 30, 2013
Dear Friends,

This comes from one of the Christian leaders in Turkey who asks our prayers for the current upheaval going on in the country with many thousands protesting against the Islamist-oriented government. Lets' pray for God's will to be done and His purposes accomplished in what has been called the "most unreached" nation in the world for the Gospel of Christ:

"We wanted to let you know about the recent events in Turkey and ask you to join us in prayer. The protests are still going on 78 cities with different intensity. The hardest ones are in Istanbul, Izmir, and Ankara. The protest is against the intolerance and dictatorship of the government. The people who are protesting want the government to respect their rights, instead of keeping to change the laws to control their lives. There has never been such a protest before in Turkey. The protestants are mainly college students and elderly people. They just sit, walk, sing, and talk. There is no violence or resistance on their side when the police beat them up to arrest them. They even clean the mess and bad graffiti about the prime minister every morning until 4:00PM! It's amazing! People just want to be free from the dictatorship of the government and live in real democracy, not on paper, and they do it with a very civilized and loving attitude. They even serve food and drink to the police who are attacking them with gas bombs, water tanks, etc.

We were hoping that people would not die, but one person was killed by the police in Ankara and another in Antakya during protests. The prime minister started to threaten indirectly by saying that he has been holding 50% of his people not to get involved and do something against the protestants. He'll probably announce what he will do on Saturday and if he releases that 50% on the protestants , a civil war will start and many people will die. Please, pray with us (and even fast if you can) that God will resolve it before many people die. May His will be done and may we, believers be ready to be used by Him as He works in His sovereign ways.
Thank you so much for your prayers!"

John Robb
Chairman, International Prayer Council
International Facilitator, World Prayer Assembly 2012

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  • Icon_PrayerAlert.jpg ’Audit the IRS’ Rally Planned at Capitol June 19

    The West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol is set to be the site for a rapidly-called rally for June 19 from noon to 2:00 P.M. EDT, being called ’Audit the IRS.’

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    U.S. Says Taliban Agrees to Afghanistan Peace Talks

    Senior Obama administration officials said Tuesday that the Taliban has agreed to participate in peace talks based in Qatar, a key step forward in the effort to jump-start a political resolution of the war in Afghanistan ahead of U.S. plans to withdraw troops.

    Group of 8 Leaders Press Russia on Syria

    Senior officials at a meeting of the Group of 8 industrialized countries here struggled on Tuesday to draft a statement on the war in Syria acceptable to both Russia — the main international backer of President Bashar al-Assad — and to countries that want to see a rapid transition of power in Damascus.


    Share the Prayer Team - please forward this email to your friends, family, church members and/or co-workers.

    Presented By ~ The Presidential Prayer Teams
    Since 2001, The Presidential Prayer Team has been the source millions of Americans have turned to for 
    encouragement and inspiration to pray for America, our President, our national leaders and our Armed Forces.

    If you would like to receive these daily devotionals by email? Join the Prayer Team -- it's free! 
    Join the largest group of intercessors in America, and we'll provide you with an extensive variety
    of tools and resources (like this devotional and Prayer Watch) to assist and support your prayer life.

  • U.S. Files Espionage Charges Against NSA Leaker

    Criminal charges have been filed against Edward Snowden, the former NSA contract employee who revealed two of the government’s top-secret surveillance programs.

    Immigration Bill Provision Set For Monday Senate Vote

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    System Outage Causes Southwest Airlines To Cancel 64 Flights

    It took passengers on Southwest Airlines a little longer to get to their destinations yesterday, after a computer failure caused the airline to temporarily ground all of its planes.


    Share the Prayer Team - please forward this email to your friends, family, church members and/or co-workers.

    Presented By ~ The Presidential Prayer Teams
    Since 2001, The Presidential Prayer Team has been the source millions of Americans have turned to for 
    encouragement and inspiration to pray for America, our President, our national leaders and our Armed Forces.

    If you would like to receive these daily devotionals by email? Join the Prayer Team -- it's free! 
    Join the largest group of intercessors in America, and we'll provide you with an extensive variety
    of tools and resources (like this devotional and Prayer Watch) to assist and support your prayer life.
  • Steps to Walk By
    Dr. Charles Stanley’s seven steps can help you know what David knew about living God’s way and having abiding confidence in Him.
    Teach me your way, O Lord, and lead me on a level path because of my enemies.
    Psalm 27:11
    1. Cleansing – keep short accounts. If there is something hindering your relationship with God, confess it. 2. Surrendering – come before Him with a humble heart so that He may exalt you (I Peter 5:6). 3. Asking – “You do not have, because you do not ask.” (James 4:2) Remember that your requests must be in line with what God would want.

    4. Meditating – God’s promise is that His Word will be a light to your path, so the more you think on what He says, the more clear the way will become (Psalm 119:105). 5. Believing – you must believe that He will answer your prayer (Mark 11:22-24). 6. Waiting – if you run ahead or manipulate the circumstances, you will miss the good the Lord has in store for you. Choose to wait for His move (Isaiah 40:31).

    7. Receiving – as you are obedient and diligent in seeking His will, He will hear and give you the wisdom you need (James 1:5). Now intercede for this nation…that its people will walk in the way of the Lord.
    Recommended Reading: Psalm 1  Click to Read or Listen
    J.K. - Your Prayer Team writing staff

    Colorado Fire Most Destructive In State’s History

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    Hassan Rouhani Wins Iran’s Presidential Election

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    Poll Reveals Most Men Want To Be Dads

    More than eight out of ten men say they want to be fathers or think they’d like to be one someday.


    Share the Prayer Team - please forward this email to your friends, family, church members and/or co-workers.

    Presented By ~ The Presidential Prayer Teams
    Since 2001, The Presidential Prayer Team has been the source millions of Americans have turned to for 
    encouragement and inspiration to pray for America, our President, our national leaders and our Armed Forces.

    If you would like to receive these daily devotionals by email? Join the Prayer Team -- it's free! 
    Join the largest group of intercessors in America, and we'll provide you with an extensive variety
    of tools and resources (like this devotional and Prayer Watch) to assist and support your prayer life.

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    Walk On
    In 1948, a young man returning from service in the South Pacific told a friend he was going to “walk off the war.” He gathered supplies in a rucksack, laced up his well-worn boots and waved goodbye at the base of Mt. Oglethorpe in Georgia. To the surprise of many, 127 days later he stood at Mt. Katahdin in Maine. Earl Shaffer was the first person to hike the entire Appalachian Trail in one trek.
    You will understand righteousness and justice and equity, every good path.
    Proverbs 2:9
    Some were slow to acknowledge the achievement, believing the 2,000 mile journey was impossible on foot. Today, with Earl Shaffer as their inspiration, between 1,800 and 2,000 people yearly set out to walk the entire Appalachian Trail. 

    The Bible compares a life of faith to a long journey. It says the traveler will encounter looming mountains, rushing rivers, dark nights, deserts, and many challenges on the road. However, with perseverance one is told to expect the journey to be along a good path brimming with protection and understanding.

    People of faith, pray for Christians in America. As one generation prepares to retire from service, may the next find their place in devoted service. And through the faithful service of some, may many be inspired to embark on their faith journey.
    Recommended Reading: Deuteronomy 11:18-23  Click to Read or Listen
    G.C. - Your Prayer Team writing staff

    Edward Snowden and NSA Surveillance Headline News

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    20-Week Abortion Ban Heading to House Floor Next Week

    The House will vote next week on a bill banning abortions across the country after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

    President Obama Urges Congress to Back Immigration Bill

    President Barack Obama sought to inject momentum into the push for U.S. immigration reform on Tuesday, urging lawmakers who were "serious" about the issue to support a Senate bill and highlighting the economic benefits of changing the system.


    Share the Prayer Team - please forward this email to your friends, family, church members and/or co-workers.

    Presented By ~ The Presidential Prayer Teams
    Since 2001, The Presidential Prayer Team has been the source millions of Americans have turned to for 
    encouragement and inspiration to pray for America, our President, our national leaders and our Armed Forces.

    If you would like to receive these daily devotionals by email? Join the Prayer Team -- it's free! 
    Join the largest group of intercessors in America, and we'll provide you with an extensive variety
    of tools and resources (like this devotional and Prayer Watch) to assist and support your prayer life.


    : (Toll Free) 866-433-PRAY or 866-433-7729 (Press 1 for Member Services) Fax480-946-3341 
    Mail Address: The Presidential Prayer Team, PO Box 69010, Oro Valley, AZ 85737-0009
    Email Address: Info@PresidentialPrayerTeam .org

  • NSA Leaker Leaves Hong Kong With Final Destination Unknown

    After being formally charged with espionage, former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden has left Hong Kong and is reportedly heading toward Russia and then an unknown final destination.

    Massive Colorado Wildfire Grows To More Than 66,000 Acres

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    Resistance Expected As Obama Prepares To Roll Out Climate Plan

    President Obama plans to announce his climate plan this week which bypasses Congress by using his executive powers.


    Share the Prayer Team - please forward this email to your friends, family, church members and/or co-workers.

    Presented By ~ The Presidential Prayer Teams
    Since 2001, The Presidential Prayer Team has been the source millions of Americans have turned to for 
    encouragement and inspiration to pray for America, our President, our national leaders and our Armed Forces.

    If you would like to receive these daily devotionals by email? Join the Prayer Team -- it's free! 
    Join the largest group of intercessors in America, and we'll provide you with an extensive variety
    of tools and resources (like this devotional and Prayer Watch) to assist and support your prayer life.


    : (Toll Free) 866-433-PRAY or 866-433-7729 (Press 1 for Member Services) Fax480-946-3341 
    Mail Address: The Presidential Prayer Team, PO Box 69010, Oro Valley, AZ 85737-0009
    Email Address: Info@PresidentialPrayerTeam .org
    Dictatorial Delusions
    Many world leaders have harbored ambitions to rule the world. One of them was Joseph Stalin, the notorious Soviet dictator, who was willing to eradicate millions of innocent people on his path to power. He was also not beyond shooting his own soldiers if they proved unwilling to press forward at all costs. “In the Soviet army,” he once said, “it takes more courage to retreat than advance.” But Stalin’s empire is now gone, sharing the destiny of all other kingdoms built by men with delusions of grandeur.
    He makes nations great, and he destroys them; he enlarges nations, and leads them away.
    Job 12:23
    The fate of every nation is decided by God, not by individual courage, wars or crazed despots. This is a comfort to the Christian, but also a caution. America’s past is a proud one, but her future is by no means assured.

    As you intercede for your country today, do so with the humble realization that God alone determines the destiny of nations and individuals. He has made clear in His Holy Word the things He will reward and the things He will punish. Pray that America’s leaders will honor the Lord today – for that is the only true path to power.
    Recommended Reading: II Chronicles 12:5-12  Click to Read or Listen
    J.R. - Your Prayer Team writing staff
  • On First Day in Africa, President Obama Says Mandela’s a ’Hero for ...

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    Feds Launch Massive Crackdown on ’Designer Drugs’

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    U.S. Begins Shipping Arms for Syrian Rebels

    The Central Intelligence Agency has begun moving weapons to Jordan from a network of secret warehouses and plans to start arming small groups of vetted Syrian rebels within a month, expanding U.S. support of moderate forces battling President Bashar al-Assad, according to diplomats and U.S. officials briefed on the plans.


    Share the Prayer Team - please forward this email to your friends, family, church members and/or co-workers.

    Presented By ~ The Presidential Prayer Teams
    Since 2001, The Presidential Prayer Team has been the source millions of Americans have turned to for 
    encouragement and inspiration to pray for America, our President, our national leaders and our Armed Forces.

    If you would like to receive these daily devotionals by email? Join the Prayer Team -- it's free! 
    Join the largest group of intercessors in America, and we'll provide you with an extensive variety
    of tools and resources (like this devotional and Prayer Watch) to assist and support your prayer life.


    : (Toll Free) 866-433-PRAY or 866-433-7729 (Press 1 for Member Services) Fax480-946-3341 
    Mail Address: The Presidential Prayer Team, PO Box 69010, Oro Valley, AZ 85737-0009
    Email Address: Info@PresidentialPrayerTeam .org

    Enduring Prayers
    In today’s society, we tenaciously avoid waiting. The Bible mentions primarily three types of waiting. The first is the evil man waiting on his unsuspecting victim. He greatly desires what his victim has, whether it’s treasure, supplies or power, so he waits for the right time to snatch it. The second is a servant waiting on his master. Everything on the servant’s agenda is set aside; his only concern is what concerns his master. The third type is waiting on God.
    Wait for the Lord and keep his way, and he will exalt you to inherit the land.
    Psalm 37:34
    You can learn from the other two types of waiting. Do you want God and what He has for you enough to stop everything and wait? Do you wait on the Lord as a servant waits on his master, putting His will first? The Bible also says to wait patiently. Patience is the ability to endure trials with a good attitude while waiting for God’s blessings – not demanding your own way, and knowing His blessings are worth it.

    Are you seeking your Heavenly Father for your life and country, patiently trusting He hears you and will answer? Set your heart to wait on the Lord. He will reward your enduring prayers in due time.
    Recommended Reading: Isaiah 40:27-31  Click to Read or Listen
    C.P. - Your Prayer Team writing staff
  • Best Practices
    One of the hottest and fastest growing industries today is “service” businesses, especially those providing assistance to the aging or elderly. From grocery shopping to dog walking, private health aides to lawn service, home beauty treatments to personal readers; every necessity or convenience is for hire these days. Experts agree the key for success for these or any business is one thing … how well the customer is treated.
    Epaphras our beloved fellow servant. He is a faithful minister of Christ on your behalf.
    Colossians 1:7
    Today’s verse mentions one of the Bible’s many servants, recognizing his efforts…and showing the importance of service. In Scripture, there are at least 38 verses dedicated to exactly how we are to treat “one another.” They are like a “best practices” plan in managing relationships for the follower of Christ. At first glance, they seem to be reminders for simple things: love one another, encourage one another, build each other up, forgive one another. While simple in concept, many prove to be challenging in practice.

    As America’s population ages, many people find themselves in need of assistance. How are you doing in loving and supporting those in your family, your circle of friends, and your neighborhood? Remember, God’s love is never seems clearer than in how you treat others.
    Recommended Reading: I John 4:7-12  Click to Read or Listen
    G.C. - Your Prayer Team writing staff

    Introducing a new BOLD (Beside Our Leaders Daily) prayer initiative for impacting America's leaders. During the final six months of 2013, we'll be giving you focused and specific prayer direction and information on the highest positions within our government.

    Each day we'll move office-by-office and department-by-department -- from the Administration, Congress, the judiciary, and our military -- praying for those individuals within our government who shape the course of this great nation.


    Be BOLD in Prayer Today for Justice Department - Robert G. Dreher, ...

    For Sunday, July 07, 2013 

    The Environment and Natural Resources Division of the Justice Department, through litigation in federal and state courts, safeguards and enhances the American environment, acquires and manages public lands and natural resources, and protects and manages Indian rights and property. (More Here)

    Some Fear Civil War As Violence Spreads In Egypt

    Soldiers have taken to the streets to quell demonstrations in Egypt, two days after the nation’s military replaced the country’s president.

    Police Say Suspect Had Maps To Seattle Colleges And Molotov Cocktails

    Authorities say a Nevada man who was arrested near the University of Washington campus had weapons and explosives on him along with anti-government propaganda and directions to three Seattle colleges.

    Giffords Speaks About Gun Control On Tour

    Gabrielle Giffords has become the face in the fight for gun control since a gunman shot her in the head 30 months in Tucson, Arizona.


    Share the Prayer Team - please forward this email to your friends, family, church members and/or co-workers.

    Presented By ~ The Presidential Prayer Teams
    Since 2001, The Presidential Prayer Team has been the source millions of Americans have turned to for 
    encouragement and inspiration to pray for America, our President, our national leaders and our Armed Forces.

    If you would like to receive these daily devotionals by email? Join the Prayer Team -- it's free! 
    Join the largest group of intercessors in America, and we'll provide you with an extensive variety
    of tools and resources (like this devotional and Prayer Watch) to assist and support your prayer life.


    : (Toll Free) 866-433-PRAY or 866-433-7729 (Press 1 for Member Services)Fax480-946-3341 
    Mail Address:The Presidential Prayer Team, PO Box 69010, Oro Valley, AZ 85737-0009
    Email Address: Info@PresidentialPrayerTeam.org
  • Officials See Immigration Reform Bolstering Social Security in the ...

    The White House said this week that passing the immigration bill will help boost Social Security - one of many claims that gets at the heart of the immigration debate and whether it’s good for the economy or not.

    Troops Open Fire on Pro-Morsi Protesters in Cairo, Killing 3

    In what the Muslim Brotherhood titled "Friday of Rejection," thousands of Islamists marched on the Republican Guard headquarters demanding the ousted president’s return.

    House Lawmakers Mull Response to Health Care Law Mandate Delay

    The Obama administration’s stunning punt on the employer mandate in the health care law will be a major focus of some House lawmakers when they return next week.


    Share the Prayer Team - please forward this email to your friends, family, church members and/or co-workers.

    Presented By ~ The Presidential Prayer Teams
    Since 2001, The Presidential Prayer Team has been the source millions of Americans have turned to for 
    encouragement and inspiration to pray for America, our President, our national leaders and our Armed Forces.

    If you would like to receive these daily devotionals by email? Join the Prayer Team -- it's free! 
    Join the largest group of intercessors in America, and we'll provide you with an extensive variety
    of tools and resources (like this devotional and Prayer Watch) to assist and support your prayer life.


    : (Toll Free) 866-433-PRAY or 866-433-7729 (Press 1 for Member Services)Fax480-946-3341 
    Mail Address:The Presidential Prayer Team, PO Box 69010, Oro Valley, AZ 85737-0009
    Email Address: Info@PresidentialPrayerTeam.org


    Current Critical Prayer Concerns 


      July 13, 2013
    "Break the arm of the wicked and evil man; call him to account for his wickedness that would not be found out." (Ps. 10:15)
    "A little while and the wicked will be no more; though you look for them, they will not be found. But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace." (Ps. 37:10-11)
    Dear Partners in Prayer,

    May we ask your help to pray for these serious situations? Please feel free to copy and distribute this alert to other intercessors and prayer groups you know.


    1. Egypt - this nation has been on a roller coaster ride politically. After millions protested the regime of President Morsi, the powerful army deposed him several days ago. Many suspected that he and his Muslim Brotherhood wanted to turn Egypt into another Taliban-style Islamic state. There was also extreme frustration and disappointment over the continuing weak economy, prolonged electricity cuts and long lines at petrol stations. Hundreds of Brotherhood leaders, including its spiritual leader, Mohammed Badie, and eight other supporters, have since been arrested.

    Please pray for His peace to be upon this land and for great wisdom and favor for the Interim President, Adly Mansour, and his administration as they work towards restoring the nation to democracy through new elections. Pray that the people of the nation will come together and support the new government and that violence will be prevented.


    2. Syria - this nation continues to be torn asunder by its civil war with well over 90,000 who have lost their lives. Please pray for effective peace negotiations to happen and that both sides will find a peaceful way to settle their differencesAn urgent request for our prayers from a local Christian leader:

    "For the last week, the city of Aleppo is surrounded heavily and all its exits and entry roads are closed. No way to come in or out. There is no fuel for cars Benzene one liter is about 24 USD$ if you can find it. Diesel is 8 $ for 1 liter. One kilo bread is getting about 8-10 $. Each egg is 1/2 $. Bread is hardly to be found in the coming few days. All shops are running out of stuff. We are in a big prison. All over our areas (Christian) daily shells are exploded. Many killed and tens and hundreds injured. In the last four days, all communications have been cut off. Internet, mobile phones, and even the water hardly to reach for weeks. Few Christian areas receive twice monthly and for few hours. Now, we are working on supplying water to many of our areas."

    Please uphold our Christian brothers and sisters in Aleppo and elsewhere in the country. Pray for their protection and that the Lord will use their lives and witness for His glory in the chaos and suffering they face.


    3. Afghanistan and Pakistan
    What is happening in these two countries will affect the rest of the world for years to come and is a top international security concern, especially since Pakistan has the fourth largest nuclear weapons arsenal in the world.

    Please continue to pray for the overthrow of radical Islamists who want to take over both nations and use them to project their violent, destructive ideology across the rest of the world.



    It is now Ramadan, the so-called "holy month" of fasting by Muslims. They feel that they are doing something very religious and so are doing something very important for their salvation.Pray that Jesus would be revealed in a powerful way through dreams and visions to many Muslims during this time of potentially greater sensitivity to spiritual things.


    Pray for the end of the wave of terrorism and extremism in both countries. Using their names given below, agree with us for the arrest or removal of each one of these extremely

    wicked Taliban leaders who are responsible for the deaths of many thousands and awful destruction and chaos that continues to plague both lands.
    • Afghanistan Taliban

    Taliban leader: Mullah Muhammad Omar. Preferred weapons - suicide bombers and improvised explosive devices - are indiscriminate by their nature. According to United Nations figures, more than three-fourths of all civilian casualties are caused by the Taliban, and the proportion has steadily increased in recent years.


    The Taliban spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid

    Taliban spokesman for the negotiations in Qatar: Mohammad Naeem and other officials representing the Taliban there: Shahbuddin Delawar, a veteran diplomat and deputy supreme court justice for the Taliban government; Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanekzai, a former public health minister; and Qari Din Mohammad Hanif, an ethnic Tajik from Badakhshan and the only non-Pashtun member of the delegation. Mr. Sohail Shaheen, Mualavi Nik Mohammad, from Panjwai District in Kandahar, and Khalifa Sayid Rasul Nangarhari.


    Mulla Omar's Deputy: Hafiz Mohibullah

    Shadow Governor of Kabul: Mawlawi Enayatullah        


    The Haqqani movement that works closely with the Taliban: They are very dangerous and cruel: Malawi Jalaluddin Haqqani and his son Sirajuddin are the commanders of the Haqqani network. The other powerful supporter of the Taliban is Gulbuddin Hekmatyar
    the leader of the radical group, Hizb-i Islāmī.

    Pray strongly and authoritatively with us for the overthrow of these wicked men and that all their efforts will be thrown into confusion, disunity and come to naught.
    • Pakistan Taliban

    Taliban leadership: Hakimullah Mehsud, Ehsanullah Ehsan and Sajjad Mohmand(responsible for attacks on Kabul)

    Malik Ishaq (LEJ) (Partner in Terror with Taliban). He is a mastermind at planning and organization. Brilliant in connecting with other people. Works very quietly, does not take the credit for something accomplished. But gives credit to one of his organizations. Seems to have known Osama Bin Laden. Most likely on the planning side. The law somehow states that you cannot bring a case against an organization that is not functioning. By doing this Malik has escaped several times. He has  started many other organizations. The best-known being LeJ (Heavenly Warriors of God). They are the ones taking the responsibility for the killings in Quetta, Karachi, etc. in recent months. He is credited with planning the Mumbai attack while he was in jail. (Why I say he is perhaps more dangerous in jail than out.) Out of his training schools he sends them thousands of suicide bombers. 


    One of our veteran advisors writes: "This evil will never stop until the Afghan Taliban are separated from the Pakistani Taliban, and they from the Malik terrorist groups.We must prayer for God to take out the leaders. When they go, their followers will become disheartened. Things will begin to turn. Only God can do this, not drones!"

    Please pray by faith in His authority that this cooperation by the Taliban leaders and their groups will end; that they will be separated and all their efforts brought to an end.

    Let us trust the Lord together for a new day for Afghanistan and Pakistan! God is in the history-changing business as His people partner with Him in ongoing prayer for His good purposes to be fulfilled and for the works of the enemy to be overthrown.

    Thanks for helping in this vital way!

    Afghanistan-Pakistan Prayer Team (veterans who have served in both countries with a heart for their healing and transformation)
    International Prayer Connect | 4600 Paradise Blvd NW | Albuquerque | NM | 87193
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