prayer watch 2010

i had been praying for the success of prayer watch 2010. my prayer was for God to do a mighty work through this event. that His people would be energized, that their weary souls would find in this event a place to rest. that God would anoint each participant to be revived, for that's what we need in this nation. in 2nd chronicles 7:14 we are told that if we His people who are called by His name, will humble ourselves, pray, and seek His face, turn from our wicked ways, THEN God will hear from heaven forgive us our sins and heal our land.
we had a wonderfully large group of people able to gather together to seek His face and pray. i imagine a fair amount of them {i couldn't attend} also chose to use that event to humble themselves deeper, and to turn further from any sin in their lives for the express purposes that God would hear from heaven and heal our land.
what a gift that time of prayer was. a time to go before God with that frame of heart, and not just to repent for themselves, but perhaps also for the rest of us who are God's children. what an opportunity for prayer for God to heal our land. and a time for individual refreshment and a closer walk with God. 
i prayed that all who went would, among other things, be bathed in the Comforter's love, healed of pain in their own lives, and be blessed beyond belief. i'd also prayed that each one could go home on fire and full of God's strength, able to pass on, to be used by God to ignite that fire in those of us who couldn't attend.that they would have the strength, God's strength, to inspire us to greater closeness to God, and to be used by Him to inspire us to greater prayer for our nation. that simply their example of going to prayer watch 2010 would cause each one of God's people to seek to live out 2nd chronicles 7:14.
i prayed long for the event and continue praying for revival of His people and a great awakening of the unsaved in our country. but i've heard not one single comment about 2010. does anyone know anything that they could share about it?

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  • i just reread my discussion on prayer watch 2010 and i can't believe i forgot to mention that i believe that the people there {based on past knowledge of the ndptf reports} knew the incredible value, and need, and joy, for each person there to worship. that is our primary purpose after all, to worship the LORD our God. for it's in our worship that not only does God get his due, but that we come closer to the face of God and learn to listen to His still small voice. prayer for our country is incredibly important, but it must come behind our standing, and kneeling, and lying prostrate, or with uplifted hands, or whatever posture the Lord calls us to, praying Spirit led prayers to the glory of God.
  • Mary,

    I sent an email to Dave Butts of the National Prayer Committee to see if he knows of a report ...

    Phil Miglioratti
    Pray! Community Manager
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