prayer to heal auto-immune diseases

I got tired of praying for healing for things like MS and arthritis and watching them come back over time.  But then I found out it is caused by our own immune system getting tricked into attacking organs in our bodies.  No wonder it never went away!

I had started to pray for God to change DNA for people with genetic problems.  Hey, what's the difference with changing the coding on our antibodies?  So I started praying for the Heavenly Father to straighten out the antibodies to stop attacking our bodies!  I refrained from praying for anything else in these people who I had secretly prayed for in this way.  Gradually, each of them recovered!  None did not.

There are 100 different autoimmune diseases in America, due to low quality control in manufacturing antibiotics.  And the government is requiring more vaccinations all the time.  With this prayer, vaccines do a great job; without prayer, vaccines are a slow death sentence to a lot of people.

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  • A lot of people in my family have had auto-immune diseases and I too have wondered how I should pray. Thanks for the encouragement.

    Another book I read was by Dr. Caroline Leaf, Who Switched Off My Brain? Through that I also came to understand how the Lord made our minds to work and that if our minds are unhealthy our whole body will be. I had always been fearful that I would contract one of the diseases in my family but as I began to covenant with God to work on a healthy mind my whole body became more healthy and I don't live in fear anymore.

    • There is some truth to our bodies affecting our minds.  I have been researching healing PTSD with prayer.  If you stuff a trauma, it is encapsulated in a little persona and goes down to your amygdala.  That's why you React when a trigger is touched.  But if you stuff the reaction ... it ends up pushed down into your nervous system.  Fibromyalgia, ulcers and migraines can be caused.  Psychosomatic and psychogenic ailments can be caused.

      But all this is handled by these little personas who can act independently to the conscious mind.  "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked."  You can't change their minds; only God Almighty can do that.

      The Bible tells us to confess our mistakes and flaws to one another and pray for each other that we may be healed.  We are to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice.  To speed things along, here's a prayer I offer to people that has profound impact in this problem:

      "Lord Jesus,  I realize that the sickness and evil I encounter is more than my humanity can bear. So cleanse me of any sadness, negativity or despair that I may have picked up.  If listening to others has tempted me to anger, impatience or lust, cleanse me of those temptations and replace them with love, joy and peace. 

        Heavenly Father, speak Love into my memories of abandonment, betrayal, loss, rejection, shaming, bullying, ridicule, belittling, blaming and abuse. Speak love into the traumas I saw or heard others experience. I ask the true Lord Jesus to please speak Truth into my insecurities, reactions, discouragement, bitterness, rebellion, inferiority, escapism and defensiveness.  Come Holy Spirit, renew me, fill me anew with your power, your life and your joy. Strengthen me where I have felt weak and clothe me with your light. Fill me with life.

      If any evil spirits have attached themselves to me or oppress me in any way, I command you, spirits of the earth, air, fire or water, of the netherworld or of nature, to depart - now - and go straight to Jesus Christ, for Him to deal with as He will.

      Please remind me to forgive my persecutors, my families and myself.  Please remind me to apologize to others I have hurt.  Please draw me to confess and renounce all present & prior sins & iniquities of ourselves.

      And Lord Jesus, please send your holy angels to minister to me and my family -- and to guard us and protect us from all sickness, harm and accidents. (And guard us on a safe trip home.)

      Thank you for loving us. We wish to live with You in peace and love forever.  Please replace Satan's worldviews, identities, attitudes, delusions, wisdom and suggestions in our lives with Your Truth.  
      We praise You now and forever, Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

      Getting in the habit of stuffing things goes into PTSD that leads to BPD that leads to DID psychosis -- even in Christians!  We need the safe environment of Christian fellowship to bring up and grieve down these traumas and be done with them.

      I wrote a lot more about these things on the Order of Saint Patrick website.

  • Another auto-immune problem is entirely missed.  Infertility and miscarriage.  At this point, auto-immune is the biggest cause.  Give this prayer a try for women who have had these fertility problems:

    "Heavenly Father, please straighten out the antibodies so they don't attack fetal tissue or womb tissue in this woman.  I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth who is my only savior and master.  Amen."  Give them a couple of months to give worried thanks to God for pregnancy and ask for more prayer to make sure they have a baby.  This is already resolved. Of course they are concerned.

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