Prayer Movements Building in America

Prayer Movements Building in America

(Reuters/Kim Hong-Ji)

A rising tide of concern is sweeping through the body of Christ as America drifts farther and farther away from its moral and biblical moorings. In response, prayer initiatives are budding in an attempt to call people across denominational and parachurch ministry lines to seek God's intervention on behalf of America.

"There is a very real sense that we are facing an unprecedented moral and spiritual decline in our nation," says John Maempa, director of the Office of Prayer and Spiritual Care. "Desperation is building among many within the church to call upon God in these very challenging days. Conditions today are bringing the Church together as never before. We are battling a common enemy, Satan; addressing a common problem, sin; and presenting a common solution, salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord."

With this increase in prayer initiatives, the church is engaging in spiritual battle. "Prayer is a common-denominator discipline within the Church," Maempa adds. "While there may be differences in doctrine and on some issues of faith and practice, the need to pray and the conviction that prayer makes a difference, are points of universal agreement. As we unite in prayer, God's hand moves in powerful ways."

OneCry, a prayer initiative launched under the auspices of Life Action Ministries early this year, is mobilizing thousands of people across the United States to pray daily for a spiritual awakening that will revitalize the Church and transform the culture. Drafting a "declaration of national spiritual emergency," OneCry proclaims, "true revival is the only hope to reverse our spiritual recession and enable us once again to display the beauty of Jesus Christ and His gospel throughout the world."

For the past four years, Cry Out America, under the Awakening America Alliance, has urged believers to gather at county courthouses to pray for God's intervention in America. Again this year, a call to pray is being issued for Sept. 11, 2012. Additionally, on Sept. 29, many people will gather in Philadelphia for the America for Jesus solemn assembly," an event that will be simulcast to churches across the nation. For more information about the assembly.

Dan Biser, a pastor shepherding two Southern Baptist churches in West Virginia, has long sensed a deep need to call together any who will come to "Broken Before the Throne" prayer gatherings. A call to churches across denominational lines has again been issued for July 14-20, 2012, at First Baptist Church, Lilburn, Georgia. Speakers and prayer leaders include Dan Biser, Richard Owen Roberts, James Pool, Don Miller and Ron Auch.

"We are to do what they did in the book of Acts, what they did in every occurrence of persecution, what they did in times of such evil-- they prayed!" says Biser. "They came together for they knew that there was no power left in their means and methods; there was no power in their organization; there was no power in their education; there was only the power of God."

The National Day of Prayer Task Force chaired by Shirley Dobson, has issued "The Summons," a solemn assembly convening October 3-7, 2012, in Washington, D.C. The task force is inviting prayer ministry leaders and others to join in a time of prayer for every institution of government in our nation¹s capital. Prayer gatherings will be held at the Capitol, Washington Monument, Pentagon, Supreme Court and many other key locations.

Groups also will have opportunity to meet with congressional leaders for prayer. Speakers, including Shirley Dobson, David Butts, Paul Cedar, Dick Eastman, Barbara Byerly, Bishop Harry Jackson and many others will address the urgency of covering America in prayer. Defined as a gathering "that may shape the course of history," the task force is calling upon God¹s people to "stand in the gap on behalf of all Americans, perhaps as Moses did for Israel (Exodus 32, Psalm 106)."

"Clearly, God is mobilizing His Church to confront and reverse the downward spiral our nation is experiencing morally and spiritually," Maempa says. "Please become involved in one or more of these important prayer initiatives. If you cannot become directly engaged, your prayer support for these efforts and for the Church and our nation will help bring God¹s intervention in these critical times. Thank you for praying. It does make a difference!"

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  • 40 Days to Save America Prayer Points

    SAN JOSE, Calif., Sept. 6, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- What if the way to create jobs and get out of the $16-plus trillion debt was prayer and repentance? Christians nation-wide are praying September 28 to November 6 to have a God-fearing Christian government that serves the Lord Jesus Christ and follows the Holy Bible -- to bring God's blessings to the USA. "Do you know the Biblical 40 Days to Save America prayer points?" asks Pastor Steven Andrew, president of USA Christian Ministries and author of "Making a Strong Christian Nation." Full article

    "What God wants in the 40 Days to Save America prayer and fasting is that Americans give our hearts to God. Will you give all your heart to God? By making God's Word our final authority, instead of our ways, God will heal the USA," the Christian leader says. 

    He gives five keys to the 40 Days to Save America prayer and fasting. To join him on Facebook, click here. For a more detailed Biblical and historical explanation, with free graphics for sharing, click here

    40 Days to Save America Prayer Points -- Five Keys

    1. Objective: Love God in our Hearts as a Nation and Agree to Obey Scripture
    2. Pray and Proclaim: Jesus Christ is Lord of the USA
      "For God is the King of all the earth... God reigns over the nations" (Psalm 47:7-8). "[E]very tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord" (Philippians 2:11). To love Jesus is to make disciples of the USA. It is the duty of nations to serve God. "No King But King Jesus" is an American Revolution motto. When Americans acknowledge God's rightful place as Lord, hope begins.
    3. Agree: The Holy Bible is the Rock on which our Republic Rests.
      Jesus says, "Whoever...hears My sayings and does like a man building a house...and laid the foundation on the rock..." (Luke 6:47-49). "[The Holy Bible] is the Rock on which our Republic rests," shared Andrew Jackson. Obeying God brings blessings.
    4.  Repent: We Repent from Helping the Wicked and from all Sin
      Scripture teaches to elect Christians, not non-Christians (Muslims, Mormons...); Otherwise Americans see judgment. The Bible verses on voting are: 2Chronicles 19:2, Psalm 1:1, Exodus 18:21, 2Samuel 23:3, Mark 12:30, 2Corinthians 6:14-18, 1 Corinthians 6:1-5, Exodus 20:2-3, Deuteronomy 8:19-20, Psalm 2, Luke 22:26, Galatians 1:9... In our Republic, we are to wisely chose Christian leaders who serve "We the People." Jesus says, "he who governs as he who serves" (Luke 22:26).

      We also repent from: Foreign gods (Exodus 20:3); Not including God in government, schools and courts (Mark 12:30, 2Chronicles 15:2); Taking the Holy Bible and Christian prayer out of schools (Ephesians 6:4, Isaiah 59:21); 54-plus million abortions (Exodus 20:13); Sexual and Homosexual sins (1Corinthians 6:9-11, Leviticus 18:22, 2Peter 2:6); Lukewarm apathy, including pastors not preaching repentance, not warning of cults, and not speaking for God politically (Revelation 3:16, Matthew 5:13-16, Declaration of Independence), and ___. John Adams said, "Let the pulpits thunder against oppression [of King George]." And the pulpits thundered. Then God prospered the USA.
    5. Trust God: In God We Trust to Deliver the USA from Tyranny, Evil People and a Lukewarm Church
      "He shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in Him" (Psalm 37:40). All generations of Americans have trusted God. "In God We Trust" is our national motto because God helps those who trust Him.

    To encourage the unity of the Spirit, you can help share the 40 Days to Save America prayer points by Pastor Steven Andrew. 

    For more blessings, the ministry president is leadingSeven Months of National Repentance to Save the USA.

    Christian Newswire

  • Recently I read a book named "Prayer Alters: A Strategy that is Changing Nations" by John Mulinde and Mark Daniel.  I could not put the book down.  The book tells the story of how they built a network of prayer throughout Uganda and beyond. They explained how God changed the hearts of the people and how there was a steady decline in violence and reduction in the percentage of Aids.  I believe God is stirring the hearts of Christians in the USA to build a similar network all across America, into Mexico and Canada.  It is evident that satan is gaining ground in our country but he can not gain new territory from a nation of praying Christians.  The battle is the Lord's our place is on our knees before Him!

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