I've long been a proponent of church-wide prayer, but rarely have I been in a situation where I felt people did more than just go through the motions. So I prayed for and planned a simple format that wouldn't feel like a service, but just us getting together. I tried to ensure that we never prayed the same way twice. We opened with people simply sharing situations for which they praised God for. Then we prayed as individuals during a time of personal repentance.
I asked people if they came to pray, but had prayer needs to stand up, and then we had those who were seated to surround those closest. The person could share the specifics of the need, or not, and then I watched people praying over those who had indicated such needs in their lives. It was a blessing to see us not just praying for each other, but over one another in a personal way. Probably my favorite part of the night, and those who were prayed over said the same thing.
We had a time with small groups of 3-4 to pray for our community. I sat with two elementary school boys and listened to them voice prayers for those who they know are hurting, and asking those who have never asked God to help them before to be open to Him now.
To transition each time of prayer, I chose short, familiar choruses that didn't require a powerpoint presentation, so that no one had to be distracted in a sound booth away from the opportunity to pray.
We had 25 adults and kids come together in a special time that I pray we will see grow in number and power as we live out our new vision of "Reaching Upward, Reaching Outward". This is a new emphasis we now are doing on the final Sunday Night of each month.
I attached a copy of the format I used for the night if that might be a help to someone.
Pastor Heath
Acts 2:42
1) Share Your Praises! What is God doing in your life! How are you growing!
Awesome God
2) Isaiah 59:2
- Sin is a prayer blocker….ask God to show you your heart
Amazing Grace
3) Who came tonight to pray, really needing prayer?
- Finances, family issues. Lift your hands if that’s you
- Gather around those whose hands are up near you
- You can share or just ask for prayer
How Great Thou Art
4) Prayer for our community
- Gather in groups of 3-4 and just pray for our neighborhoods, leaders
- Anyone have a lost person on their hearts? Call out that name
5) Prayer for FBC
- Prayers for debt reduction, staff search, unity
- Voice your prayers from where you are
He is Lord
This is a good start, assuming you have asked, sought and knocked for Gifts of the Holy Spirit. In praying for people, my first prayer is "God, teach me to pray, that I may pray Your Will and watch things happen. As I pray, I often hear myself pray things that are brilliant and original. After the person is healed, I take notes on what came out of my mouth from the Lord!
As I pray for the world, nations, organizations and all Christendom, I have long, printed prayers I use to make sure I consistently cover all aspects of the object. What I don't pray for is not covered. Satan and his human agents would have a free hand in using them against us. The Greek mythologies are full of tragedies where something was not covered and became their downfall. This is true of us, too.