
I have shared with some of you, but I desire for the whole to be made aware and respond to this crucial need of prayer.  For decades we have allowed and watched our nation legalize sin.  It has been our undoing.  In 1933, we legalized and permitted alcohol; in 1963 we allowed one woman to take the Bible out of public school; in 1973 we allowed abortion to become the law of the land; and now drugs use is legalized as okay in some states.  In March, 2013 the Supreme Court will begin to hear arguments on Same Sex Marriage in response to Proposition 8 of California and DOMA.  This cannot be allowed to become the law of the land.  Any nation, empire, kingdom that allowed homosexuality as a 'okay' life has been removed and destroyed from the earth.  We are headed there.  Politics, petitions, parades, and other things have been embraced by the church to undo these things.  NOne of them bear fruit.
You are a prayer leader in your respective place.  You are being asked to make your people, churches, area of influence known about this most crucial time coming this year.  We are not to wait until after the decision and then belly-ache and mourn.  WE are to seek the Lord now.  WE are to rally the peopel to respond with humility, prayer, seeking His face and repentance for a nation that has angered and turned away from the Lord.

Please read the attached blog posts which is a rough draft of a prayer guide for this issue.  If you have suggestions, considerations please respond.  Please pray daily abou this to turn away this from happening.

thank you for your time and response to this plea,

dan biser

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  • CALL TO PRAYER: The Supreme Court weighs in on marriage

    Frank S. Page


    EDITOR'S NOTE: Frank S. Page, president of the SBC Executive Committee, has issued a call to prayer for revival and spiritual awakening for our churches, our nation and our world during 2013. In addition, the month of January has been designated a month of prayer on the convention's calendar. Baptist Press will carry first-person articles during the year encouraging Southern Baptists to pray in specific areas and for specific needs as we petition the Father for spiritual awakening.

    NASHVILLE (BP) -- In 75 days the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on the constitutionality of two laws, one a bipartisan legislative act, the other a citizen-driven initiative. The high court will consider the constitutionality of California's Proposition 8 on March 26 and the federal Defense of Marriage Act on March 27.

    I call on Southern Baptists and other like-minded followers of Christ to join me in praying for our nine Supreme Court justices and for those who will present oral arguments before them.

    How should we pray?

    First, we pray that God's will be done. Though our preference is for God to extend mercy to us, the Lord is a Righteous Judge. If He allowed judgment to fall upon His chosen people throughout history, how much more on a nation that forgets God?

    Consider: The sword did not depart from David's household. The kingdom divided under Rehoboam. Samaria (the northern kingdom of Israel) fell to the Assyrians. The southern kingdom of Judah, including Jerusalem, was conquered and the temple destroyed by the Babylonians. The second temple was utterly destroyed by the Roman emperor Titus.

    In each instance, God's will was accomplished -- punishment was permitted against the sinful nation for the purification of the remnant whose hearts were drawn back to the Lord. Habakkuk's words are particularly relevant, "LORD, I stand in awe of Your deeds. Revive Your work in these years; make it known in these years. In Your wrath remember mercy!" (Habakkuk 3:2).

    Second, we plea for God's mercy rather than His justice. We pray for the hearts and minds of the justices. We cannot imagine the external pressures being brought to bear on each judge. Their positions are designed as lifetime appointments to help minimize the politicization of their duties. However, they, like us, long to be liked and appreciated by individuals who are often politically connected and considered intellectually sophisticated. 

    The president has signaled his desires, having instructed the Justice Department not to defend the law of the land enacted by Congress. But God, who is rich in mercy, is able to move the hearts of kings. His Spirit can work in ways we cannot fathom to help guide and sway each justice. It only takes five justices to establish the constitutionality of these laws and rescue our nation from the precipice of moral destruction. We pray for them.

    Third, we pray for supernatural wisdom for those who argue for the constitutionality of these two initiatives. The law is a fluid thing. It is always being shaped by a combination of factors, including precedent, logic, the effect of past laws on the human condition, and even personal charisma of the presenters. 

    Perhaps no idea has more shaped Supreme Court deliberations over the past few decades than the principle of fairness. Truth and justice do not always seem fair to our fallen minds. Morality does not always seem reasonable. Our sinful hearts are frequently darkened so that evil is considered good and good is considered evil. 

    We pray that the individuals selected to argue for the constitutionality of traditional marriage will have keenness of insight, eloquence and logical consistency in their arguments and in response to each question directed their way. We pray their arguments will be biblically sound, compelling, reasonable and persuasive.

    Fourth, the Psalmist frequently asked the Lord to let the wicked be caught in their own schemes (Psalm 10:2). Let us petition the heavenly Father that those who argue against biblical truth will be ensnared in their own pride and be taken captive by their own conceits.

    Fifth, the best way for God's people to pray, of course, is to pray His Word back to Him. Isaiah 59 (reprinted below) is a most fitting text for us to pray as we intercede on behalf of our nation. Let me urge you to pray this passage to the Lord, acknowledging His might, His ability and His willingness to rescue our land from imminent moral peril.
    Frank S. Page is president of the Southern Baptist Convention's Executive Committee.

    Isaiah 59, Holman Christian Standard Bible

    "1Indeed, the LORD's hand is not too short to save, and His ear is not too deaf to hear.
    2 But your iniquities have built barriers between you and your God, and your sins have made Him hide His face from you so that He does not listen.
    3 For your hands are defiled with blood and your fingers, with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, and your tongues mutter injustice.
    4 No one makes claims justly; no one pleads honestly. They trust in empty and worthless words; they conceive trouble and give birth to iniquity.
    5 They hatch viper's eggs and weave spider's webs. Whoever eats their eggs will die; crack one open, and a viper is hatched.
    6 Their webs cannot become clothing, and they cannot cover themselves with their works. Their works are sinful works, and violent acts are in their hands.
    7 Their feet run after evil, and they rush to shed innocent blood. Their thoughts are sinful thoughts; ruin and wretchedness are in their paths.
    8 They have not known the path of peace, and there is no justice in their ways. They have made their roads crooked; no one who walks on them will know peace.
                "9 Therefore justice is far from us, and righteousness does not reach us. We hope for light, but there is darkness; for brightness, but we live in the night.
    10 We grope along a wall like the blind; we grope like those without eyes. We stumble at noon as though it were twilight; we are like the dead among those who are healthy.
    11 We all growl like bears and moan like doves. We hope for justice, but there is none; for salvation, but it is far from us.
    12 For our transgressions have multiplied before You, and our sins testify against us.
    For our transgressions are with us, and we know our iniquities:
    13 transgression and deception against the LORD, turning away from following our God,
    speaking oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering lying words from the heart.
    14 Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands far off. For truth has stumbled in the public square, and honesty cannot enter.
    15 Truth is missing, and whoever turns from evil is plundered. 
                "The LORD saw that there was no justice, and He was offended. 
    16 He saw that there was no man—He was amazed that there was no one interceding; so His own arm brought salvation, and His own righteousness supported Him.
    17 He put on righteousness like a breastplate, and a helmet of salvation on His head; He put on garments of vengeance for clothing, and He wrapped Himself in zeal as in a cloak.
    18 So He will repay according to their deeds: fury to His enemies, retribution to His foes, and He will repay the coastlands.
    19 They will fear the name of Yahweh in the west and His glory in the east; for He will come like a rushing stream driven by the wind of the LORD.
    20 'The Redeemer will come to Zion, and to those in Jacob who turn from transgression.'
    This is the LORD's declaration. 
    21 'As for Me, this is My covenant with them,' says the LORD: 'My Spirit who is on you, and My words that I have put in your mouth, will not depart from your mouth, or from the mouth of your children, or from the mouth of your children's children, from now on and forever,' says the LORD."
  • Thank you for this content and prayer guide, Dan!


    December, 2012
    This is a beginning to undertake and compile helps, references, and give direction in praying over this ruling of the Supreme Court, which is to take place in June, 2013.  The outcome of this ruling will directly impact this nation for its existence or termination.  The severity of this ruling will flood the nation in support of evil or cause evil to be turned away. 
    So I am working to compile some thoughts, and suggestions on what to pray and consider in your prayers for this all-important issue of our lifetime.  
    Why is this so important?  
    One of the things that must be understood in the importance of this is what this will lead to or allow in our land.  As of right now, there are several states that have embraced the sin of homosexuality and allowing same sex marriage.  It has for the greater part of our history as a nation, always been viewed in light of Scripture as 'an abomination'.  A deed not to be done, nor considered and definitely not legalized.  
    Why?  Because in so legalizing and permitting and 'winking' at we provoke a Holy God, Whose anger and wrath none can stand before.  Entire existences of nations, cities, people, empires have been oblierated and removed from the earth because of this sin.  
    No one wakes up one morning and decides that they will be evil or practice evil.  (I assume the best when I write that sentence).  Wickedness and sin always come in waves, sometimes gentle and other times crashing in and allowing sin to gain a foothold and grow like a cancer.  
    Doomed to repeat history. . . .
    A possible repetition of history is now being set into motion.  The one thing that you can say about men, they are consistent in sin.  Even knowing, the past generations of empires, kingdoms, nations, cities and men were destroyed and are destroyed for this evil of homosexuality; still we persist in heading to our certain destruction.  
    Why?  Are we that stupid? Are we that naive?  Are we that callous?  And the answer is 'no' to all these questions.  But the answer to 'why' is clear, men love darkness rather than light.  Having eyes to see, we won't see; having a mind to understand, we remain oblivious to reality;   having a conscience pricked, we remain hard hearted.  God does this and allows this to render judgment for our sins.  
    And because of the iniquity of our nation abounds, there is hope that God's grace may abound in a wave of revival.  But there is also the point that where inqiuity abounds, God's wrath may abound as well to pour His wrath on us.  The prayer and hope of revival is addressed later and in so many other movements and writings.  
    but the understanding of consequenes that if the Supreme Court makes same sex marriage the law of the land, then it seals our fate.  You can only go so far with God's mercy and then it is done.  God's Own children, Israel and Judah, reveal this certainty in the Old Testament.  Therefore, if our nation continues to provoke God by their legalizing of sin with alcohol, abortion, drugs, and evil, it will invoke the wrath of God for our determined end.  
    This is history.  It has been proved, over and over again, you cannot offend a holy, High God and get away with it.  HE will require an answer in this life and the one to come!  Wake up America!
    Our prorgression toward this fateful day is as follows, in a historical markers for us to see and consider:
    IN 1933, alcohol was legalized and prohibition was overturned.  A nation that legalizes sin is sure to embrace greater sin.  And it began a wicked path away from God toward hell and destruction.  How much evil has been caused by this sin will only be revealed in eternity.  But consider for a moment how many lives have been loss due to its consumption; how much money has been wasted and thrown away; how many lives have been ruined by its effects/affects; how many families have been broken up and victimized by its useage;  how much loss of time and ability and talent has been lost due to its useage?  
    The government said in reality they could not stop 'boot-legging' and maintain prohibition.  They saw a avenue for profit in legalizing it and making money off of its consumption.  Has it been worthy it?  How much does sin costs?  How great the price paid for self-indulgence of sin!
    In 1963, the next marker came with one woman.  An self-professing atheist, named Madalyne Murray O'hair, legally removed the Bible and in essence any Christian value from public schools.  The product of this has been an entire generation raised without any influence of God in our younger generation.  Three avenues of influence on young people to present the Gospel and teach right and wrong is in the church, family and school.  These are biggest influences for a generation.  This act Satanly used his puppet, Madalyn murray O'hair to remove one of the three pegs from influence.  How masterful he is in his demonic ways.  
    And the question of all this was 'where was the church?'  What was done?  Was they aware of the effects or influences this would produce?  Now consider where we are and how important it was and is for schools to teach and present Gospel -- they don't go to church, families have removed God from their lives and it is illegal in public school.  IN 50 years, SAtan has systemically removed God from our generation.  My generation that grew up in the '70's, 80's and 90's have continued to be less and less impacted for God.  The result is self-effident and recorded that evil and sin has abounded with greater and greater destruction.  
    IN 1973,  the next marker was reached.  Now 40 years removed from one of the first major sins being legalized.  Then the removal of influence of God to the yonger generation in public school. Now they was prepared to legalize murder.  The innocent, unable to defend themselves or speak for themselves, favor/freedom to live was taken away from them.  In all commonsense and rational thinking how could anyone not defend the defenseless?  And yet, life was struck down in Roe vs. Wade, abortion was made the law of the land.  And in one fell swoop a nation was now rapidly embracing every form of abomination and sin that God has condemned.  Drunkness, not 'taking heed' to the words of God by removing it from being read and shared, and now murder being legalized shows the progression of a nation that was once moral and embracing of Christianity.  But no more, in our lifetime we have now become immoral, haters of God and lovers of self and sin.  All of which, God has pronounced that without a repentance will be our undoing.  
    And again, in my lifetime, for I was a child in 1973, but have heard the question asked, 'Where was the church?'  With no suitable answer given to what action or actions was taken by any leader or church to fight and uphold this progression of evil.  
    And now,  steamrolling to annihilation, to God removing us from the earth as a nation.  Within a short span of 80 years, the devil has mangaed to cripple, remove God systemically from generations and set up his control, influence and power to rule the nation.  Thus, reaping countless millions of souls in hell and doing damage to the cause of Christ's kingdom to the world.  
    For no doubt, had these evils of 1933, 1963, and 1973 not be embraced, surely the advancement of money, talent and technology of this nation, we could have evangleized the world by now in every corner, nation, tongue and people group.  Satan knowing this, worked to undo it and to the greater part has accomplished it.  Seizing million upon billions of soulf in the wake fo the church's dumbfoundedness.  
    Same sex marriage, I am defining, as the last of the 4 pillars of a nation.  Marriage, ordained by God between man and woman, works to undo what family was and is and should be.  Satan knowing this has attacked everything of God's design and creation because of his hatred for God.  Men have worked as accomplices to aid him in his advancement of evil.  To make same sex marriage the law of the land, will destroy the last pillar and usher in God's fullest wrath against us.  
    And where's the church?  What's the repsonse of the church?  
    This whole blog posts is designed to make a way, to prepare, and to guide us in 'coming boldly before the throne of Grace to find His help in this most desperate time.'  Unless we prevail in prayer, this evil will be embraced and we will have signed our death warrant as a nation.  
    1.  List of names and people involved in this ruling:
    A prayer in several facets should be undertaken.  
    A prayer for their souls, (whether they are saved or not, I know not; I have not spoken to any of them of their testimony of their knowledge of Who God is to them)  the saving of their souls to be completely for Christ and in Christ.
    A prayer for their thoughts on this to be influenced and directed by the Holy Spirit.
    Supreme Court Justices:
    1. John Roberts;
    2. Antonin Scalia;
    3.  Anthony Kennedy;
    4. Clarence Thomas;
    5.  Ruth Bader Ginsburg;
    6.  Stephen Bryer;
    7.  Samuel Alito;
    8.  Sonia Sotomayor;
    9.  Elena Kagan;
    I want at the end of these days, when it is time for them to make their ruling, for them to say with Joseph, 'How can I sin against God and do this thing'.
    No doubt, some will want to pray for the lawyers arguing the case, those that may speak and influence on it.  
    Prayer for pastors to prepare their people.  To teach them how to pray for this specifically.  Christians seizing the moment and opportunity to be obedient to the heavenly calling.
    One thought that has troubled me about the Justices is this:  if the justices that leglaized abortion during 1973, in Roe vs. Wade, knew that 40 years later that they would be responsbile for 50 million baby deaths, if that would change them.  Thus, if the Supreme Court justices knew that legalizing 'same sex marriage' would be the destruction and judgment of Almighty God on our nation, literally killing millions of souls, if they would consider that their verdict is more than what they think for the here and now.  Would they change? would they evaluate the consequences of such actions and rulings?  May the Lord reveal to them the consequences of allowing sin in our land.  
    The consideration of all this is about the course of our future.  
    2.  A SET TIME OF PRYAER daily should be taken by each one of God's people.  A weekly set time of God's people corporately should be set to bring this urgent need before Him.  
    --Most churches meet on Sunday's and Wednesday's.  During these times there should be time given to make supplication before the Lord.  
    --In the event, that time is not given nor made for prayer (a reality of the majority of present churches in North Amreica, that testifies 'we have no prayer meeting') a time where those who are burdened should make several attempts a week to gather at the church or a home to make prayer before the Lord;
    Knowing that our personal 'secret closet' time is ever so important; but that praying together offers us greater heart and voice to claim His promise, 'that if two or three of you agree as touching anything on this earth, it shall be done for you in heaven'.  Let a small group, or church time begiven for corporate prayer for this be made.  Let the need be presented to invoke 'effectual fervent prayer' before the church.  
    There is a need for constant updates, reminders, urgings upon the church to give time and prayer to this.  We have lost enough time, no more time can be wasted nor frivilous thronw away on entertainment, sports, church agendas while prayer time is neglected and abadated.  This is how we got to this most evil generation to begin with.  We let Satan take what we ours.  Give time to pray!
    I believe that in praying rightly, we must deal with this corporately as well.  "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me."  psalm 66:18.  
    Sin is what has caused all this, sin is what continues to multiply the wrath of God against us.  I am not convinced that the church truly understands this.  There must be an acknowledgement of sin in our midst as a nation, church, family and individual.  Each one group or person must be processing where sin lies.  
    It is the presence and act of sin that quenches, grieves and limits the Holy One.  Therefore, we must confess and repent of this said sin in order for the power of His Spirit to fill us, take hold of us, and reveal Himself to us.  
    The sin of the church is why we are left void of His power and Presence.  WE have been prayerless for far too long.  We have not 'studied to show ourselves approved unto God' in His Own Word.  Men and women fought, bled, was jailed and died for the Word to be given.  But this generation, who has the Word, won't even read it, share it or learn it.  Which is the greater here?  
    There is a much needed time to stay before the Lord and confess our sins before Him, as His people.  WE should already know of dealing with our personal sins.  
    Refusal to deal with sin in this way, only allows for the Spirit to be resisted and Satan to continue in assualt by taking ground and souls.  
    Lists the sins.
    National sins - church sins - family sins - personal sins
    fast - Jesus said, 'That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.'  Matthew 5:20
    The Pharisees by law and pride, boasted fasted twice a week and give a tenth of their tithes.  And Christ says our righteousness in Him must exceed them.  But we have Christians who never fast from food, drink, sleep or any other pleasure of this life.  Our righteousness is far lower than many that are religious.  This is not a plea for 'being under the law', but it is to exercise obedience to what Christ did and commanded.  
    'Why could we not cast out this demon?' asked the disciples.  And Jesus replied, 'This kind can come forth by nothing but prayer and fasting.'  
    Therefore, we should set weekly times of fasting before the Lord.  To each one who is so moved of the Spirit to obey, they will find a suitable time and occasion to fast before the Lord.  The issues of health and schedules is different for each one.  And each one must know what they can do and accomplish.  
    mourning -  It is the death of a nation that we mourn.  A nation is in mourning ove the Conneticut school shootings as I write this part.  Tear, anguish, sorrow fills the heart over the loss.  It is needful during this mourning time to be in sorrow over how far we have fallen.  We must consider how much God has done for us, and how much we have left undone and squander with His blessings.  The high price of accountability is on this nation, for 'where much is given, much is required.'  Mourn for how many souls have been lost due to our neglect and unfaithfulness as His people.  Mourn for the sin that has abounded, destroying and decimating an entire nation and world by our influence.  Mourn that 'many there be that go therein to hell', but 'few there be that enter into heaven'.  Mourn for the destruction of family after family.  
    There is much to consider in this plight of mourning.  And mourning should never be stayed in constantly.  To constantly be in mourning would lead to defeat, depression and discouragement that there is no hope.  Proper mourning is to sorrow over what has been and may yet be; but to know that 'God is able to do abundantly above all that we ask or think'.  Mourning is to deal with the present at hand, in order that we may glean and learn not to continue or maintain this state of self-destruction.  Remember where our hope is found.  'God is a very present help in trouble'; 'He is our refuge and strength'.  
    weeping - "Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, Spare Thy people, O Lord. . . " Joesl 2:17
    Yes, 'weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning'.  But what do we do with the church and minsiter who never weep.  Keith Green wrote the song, which has become our anthem, 'My Eyes ARe Dry'.  
    'Jesus beheld the city and wept over it'; and why should our eyes be dry with such horror happening and on the horizon for our neglect and abandonment of prayer and properly responding to the tragedy of this nation sinking into hell.  
    --How did we get here to this place as a nation?
    --How did the church allow this to happen?
    --Where is this taking us?
    --What is God's desire in the midst of such days?
    --What is the victory that we need to obtain?
    --How do we obtain such victory?
    It is not the evil of man to blame for this predicament of destruction.  It is the church's failure to repsond to the growth of evil in our nation.  Yes, I fully understand both sides are to blame and are coupled with its share of destruction.  But for our part of prayer, let us see the need of the hour for the church.  "It is high time to awake out of sleep".  A wonderful study for you to do, if you desire is the call to 'awake' throughout the Bible.  
    The church is in need of an awakening to the present conditions and where this is leading.  The church is asleep while the world perishes.  A voice of silence is heard from the church.  A few voices of alarm and warning are sounding, but definitely not enough to bring to pass a stirring in the souls of God's people.  Therefore, let us pray for this stirring to come before it is too late.  Let us pray for the church to be effective in the duties assigned and given to us for this present hour.  
    Let us pray for revival.  A great study and need that in former days of such a low ebbing from the church, God came in brillant, powerful Manifest Presence to revive HIs people.  
    Understand again the definition and consideration for REVIVAL AND AWAKENING:
    Revival - to revive that which was formly alive;  the world cannot be revived, because it has never lived to begin with, only the church can be revived.  The church is alive in Christ, but has allowed sin and self to lose the life and has 'left its first love'.  
    Awakening  - is twofold meaning - for the church, it means to awaken out of slumber and sleep; for the world, it mean to awaken out of deadness and sins to new life in Christ;  
    7. RESULTS
    Praying for the result of what the Supreme Court justices will determine is the determining factor to whether same sex marriage becomes the law of the land or is derailed for now.  



    A Day of Mourning and Prayer for June 30, 2013

    "And when He was come near, He beheld the city, and wept over it, v. 42 Saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes. v. 43 For the days shall come upon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side. v. 44 And shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another, because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation." Luke 19: 41 - 44


    On June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court made rulings in regard to same sex marriage and its impact on our nation and future. Unlike in 1973, when the Supreme Court legalized the death of unborn children; the court held up short of legalizing this sin of same sex marriage across the land. But their rulings have opened the door for the possibility of this sin to become the law of the land. In history, there are moments that change us forever, they are markers of time, and they can be victorious moments or undoing moments. Such moments of our nations history have compelled us to rise to the challenges upon us through calamities, destruction, death and great sorrow. On December 7, 1941, after Pearl Harbor was bombed, President Roosevelt referred to this moment of history as, 'a day of infamy'.

    The courts decision has left the church with such a taste as this being 'a day of infamy'. A day when evil is called good and sin is embraced as acceptable. In such moments of history the church is called to respond.

    Therefore, let this day, June 30, 2013, be set forth as A Day of Mourning and Prayer. Recognizing that for many followers of Christ this is their first gathering together, after this moment of history; let them come together with an awareness of the state of our nation and the impact of these rulings upon us. That every act of sin legalized and embraced by our culture is a provocation of the Lord God and His holiness and righteousness as declared in His Holy Word. That the Lord God is kind, patient and long suffering, but will never and has never blest a nation or a people that has chosen sin over our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    Let us therefore cry out to God for mercy, for forgiveness, for a pleading before Him that it is not the desire of our hearts to allow or for our nation to go the way of all the earth. And that as Christ beheld the city and wept over it, so we shall weep and mourn, praying and agonizing for the lostness and wickedness that is prevailing upon the nation that has been blest by the Lord for so long.

    Our nation has forgotten the Biblical teachings for many decades now. Our nation has and is removing God, and any and all Christian witness from our society. But our faith is not in men or their means, it is in 'looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith'. And in You, O Father God of heaven and earth, our prayers are lifted up to cleanse us, to revive Your church, to impart Your Holy Spirit to quicken us and to stretch forth Your right hand to help us. Do not stretch forth Your right hand to to consume us in Your wrath at our legalizing sin, but 'in wrath remember mercy.' Unto You, O God, we call and plead, have mercy and help us;.

    Let the Lord's people give place to prayer, to anguish, to mourning that true repentance, confession and sorrow might be done. And that as Christ prayed, 'Father, forgive them they know not what they do.' So we pray for the heathen of this land, that they know not that they have provoked Your wrath upon our children, upon our land, and upon our future. But we know, O Lord, as Your people, taught by Your Word, we know what You have declared and what our proper response must be.

    "Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by? Behold and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow, which is done unto me, wherewith the Lord hath afflicted me in the day of His fierce anger." Lamentation 1:12
    "Help, Lord; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men." Psalm 12:1

    Dan Biser
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