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Indonesia: Gearing up for the World Prayer Assembly
Thousands of prayer, mission and marketplace leaders, along with on-fire youth and children, will gather in Jakarta to seek the Lord together for His strategies of ‘prayer-action’ for the world. What’s unique is that the WPA will be led inter-generationally, with youth and children helping to facilitate plenary and other sessions. This, the organizers believe, will “help launch the next generation of men and women of God to lead the prayer and mission movements as modern Josephs, Esthers, Daniels, and Deborahs that God will use to impact the nations.” "15 million Christians will adopt their own street in prayer."
On May 17 there will be a gathering in the national stadium in Jakarta with 100,000 others, including 20,000 children and 20,000 youth, with simultaneous gatherings in 300-400 cities of Indonesia, connected by live television. Tens of millions more will join in across the world by satellite TV and internet streaming. Also a ‘My Home’ initiative will be launched in which an estimated 15 million Christians will adopt their own streets for prayer, followed by loving service to their neighbors such as planting trees, cleaning up garbage, etc. This will go on for the next two years. They were inspired by word of a similar prayer effort for Newark, New Jersey in the USA, one of the most dangerous cities in the USA until united prayer contributed to a large drop in the crime rate between 2006 and 2008.
More information is available on the website www.wpa2012.org. Also check out the inspiring introduction video.
Source: John Robb, IPC |
Global: A prayer movement among children and youth
Whether they meet in creative prayer rooms, class rooms, on the streets, or in fields, this generation is eager to spend time in God’s presence. Praying from the high places, these young people speak peace and blessing over their cities, and are willing to plead with God for the needs of their generation. “We need to know God and fall in love with Him while we are young, so that later on, when it’s harder, when there’s persecution, when there’s trials, we really have a faith that’s strong, to hold us through.”
Remarkable stories of prayer on DVD!
Joel News International has been chronicling these stories from around the globe of what might well be the most remarkable prayer awakening of the church in recorded history. A number of encouraging stories of how God uses children and teenagers in prayer is recorded by Media Village Productions on an inspiring high-quality DVD. This month we send this DVD as a present to everyone who supports this movement with a special donation. We have only a limited number of copies available and send them on a first come, first serve basis. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us. Source: Joel News |
Egypt and Myanmar: Children in prayer
In Myanmar a ‘children in prayer’ conference was held with the aim to gather children across the nation in their cities and areas to regularly teach them about the power of prayer and enable them to pray with each other.
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News on the advance of God's Kingdom today
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Dramatic transformation among Muslim peoples
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• Dramatic transformation among Muslim peoplesIn JNI this week
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The book of Acts is still happening today! Joel News International offers a weekly high-quality selection of the most inspiring stories on the advance of God's Kingdom in six continents. This e-zine inspires thousands of active Christians in over 120 nations.
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News on the advance of God's Kingdom today
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Ordinary people and a mighty God
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News on the advance of God's Kingdom today
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How NASA inspired a church's missions strategy
Therefore the PEACE plan mobilizes churches to work together to: plant churches that promote reconciliation, equip servant leaders, assist the poor, care for the sick and educate the next generation.
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• How NASA inspired a church's missions strategyIn JNI this week
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The book of Acts is still happening today! Joel News International offers a weekly high-quality selection of the most inspiring stories on the advance of God's Kingdom in six continents. This e-zine inspires thousands of active Christians in over 120 nations.
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News on the advance of God's Kingdom today
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How a genuine revival impacted Bolivia
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• How a genuine revival impacted BoliviaIn JNI this week
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