Prayer Connect Magazine

       Praying for the Elections
Get Your Church Praying for the Nation
The prayer guide from this issue is now available in booklet form to make it easy to use. Join millions of believers who are increasing their level of prayer for the nation. Get your entire church praying God's purposes over our elections.

Available by Single Copy or in Packs of 10 or 100

Save 20%

Order Additional Copies Now

We normally do not sell additional copies of an issue until it is in print. But because of the popularity of this issue we are taking pre-orders so we can adjust our print run. You can purchase advanced copies for $1.00 off the usual rate--including multiple copy rates.

Dear Phil, 

"There's Still Hope: A Cry for United Prayer for Our Elections" is the theme of our next issue of Prayer Connect. While this issue will not be mailed for another month, because it is so timely and important, we are releasing part of it early.

One of the articles, "Inviting God into the Process," is a powerful non-partisan, Scripture-based prayer guide by Dave Butts, the chairman of America's National Prayer Committee. Start reading it just below. We have also produced this guide in a 16-page booklet format. Information on the booklet is available in this email.

Finally we present several opportunities for you to get copies of this important issue for your friends. Please take a few moments to see what is available to equip and challenge your passion to pray for our nation at this crucial time.   
Inviting God into the Process      
Dave ButtsAn Election Prayer Guide
By Dave Butts 
Is positive change truly possible in our nation today?
In every election cycle, American Christians have amazing opportunities sandwiched between grave dangers. We are privileged to be a part of a nation of people who have the responsibility to choose their own leaders. For those believing that godly leaders are a source of blessing to a nation, elections provide us with great opportunity. However, when we begin to put our hope in leaders rather than in the Lord, we open ourselves to grave danger.

Give Free Copy of Prayer Connect to a Friend      
For a limited time, we are offering our subscribers the ability to have a free copy of the upcoming issue of Prayer Connect sent to a friend. All you have to do is pay the shipping and handling fee of $2.50 per friend.

You provide their names and addresses and we send the magazine first class, along with a letter that explains it is a gift from you, and that you recommend this magazine to them. We will encourage them to subscribe with a special offer.

Their address will not be put on our mailing list unless they do subscribe.

Note: You cannot use this method to purchase multiple copies of the magazine; you can only have it sent to specific friends.   
We know you will be inspired by this issue. Help us get the word out as we work to raise an army of praying believers who will pray with renewed hope and passion for the United States. 
Toward a Prayed for Nation,

Jon Graf, Publisher
Prayer Connect 

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    From: Prayer Connect | Harvest Prayer Ministries <>
    Date: Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 9:15 AM
    Subject: Prayer Connect Issue 10 Now Available

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    Issue 10: Living in the Upper Room Now Available
    In This Issue
    Theme Introduction
    From the Upper Room to the Nations
    "On Ramps" to God's Presence
    From Intentional to Instinctive
    Submitting Your Hit List to Jesus
    Asking for the Holy Spirit
    Quick Links

    Theme Introduction
    Carol Madison
    I'm not sure I can adequately describe Joe. This very elderly, stooped-over Jewish man was rejected by his family when he became a follower of Jesus Christ. He was a bit quirky and had very few possessions. In fact, everything he owned fit into a suitcase. When Joe needed a ride, he would call and say he "needed a little fellowship." That meant you were to pick him up, take him to church, and then perhaps buy lunch for him on the way home.

    My greatest appreciation for Joe came during times of prayer with him. He never missed a prayer gathering, and, in private, he prayed through the church directory every week, name by name.


    Read more . . .


    Super Special Offer 50% Off
    Learn to pray beyond fix-it prayers and pray God's purposes for those you love. This devotional looks at all the prayers of Paul and teaches people to pray the Kingdom over friends and family. Now on sale for 50% off until April 30th.

    More Information

    Multiple Copy Discounts on Back Issues
    Prayer Connect offers deep discounts when you purchase as few as 5 copies of an issue. Buy a special issue for your elders or prayer team.

    More Information
    Issue: 10 May/June 2013
    Dear Phil, 

    444.jpgWe are excited to announce that issue 10, themed "Living in the Upper Room: Permeate Your Church with a Culture of Prayer" is now available for viewing online. Remember as a subscriber you need to login to view the articles. If you have a print subscription you should begin to look for it in the mail after Tuesday, April 23.

    This issue will be a powerful resource to help church leaders understand what it means to be a praying church. We encourage you to purchase copies for your elders, pastoral staff and church board.

    Jon Graf, Publisher

    From the Upper Room to the Nations
    HartleyA Praying Church Is a Missional Church

    By Fred Hartley

    The church in Antioch may be separated from my congregation in Atlanta by 2,000 years and 64,000 miles, but we have much in common.

    Read more . . . 


    "On Ramps" to God's Presence
    LeonardHow to Disciple Your Church Toward Prayer

    By Fred Leonard

    I love the picture in Revelation 4 of John entering into the throne room and the presence of God. When he comes in, he finds himself in a scene of incredible, loud, radical worship of the Lord God on His throne. 

    When I pray, I picture myself entering the throne room of God through the open door in heaven..

    Read more . . . 


    From Intentional to Instinctive
    IntentionaltoinstinctivePastors Share on Developing a Culture of Prayer in a Church

    By Prayer Connect

    "I like comparing our approach to prayer to Beethoven's Fifth," said Dr. James Banks of Peace Church, Durham, NC. "We take the same theme and repeat it over and over again, with a slight modification."

    Read more . . . 

    Submitting Your Hit List to Jesus
    BarteltFive Ways to Pray for Your Enemies

    By Lisa Bartelt

    My first job out of college was as a reporter for my hometown newspaper. My beat-the regular area that I was to write about-was the local school districts. I attended school board meetings and wrote feature articles. I met with superintendents, principals, and teachers to establish  relationships.

    Read more . . . 


    Asking for the Holy Spirit
    BushRestoring Jesus' Promise as the Hope for Revival

    By Brad Bush

    Most of us have been to a prayer gathering where we are presented with a variety of things to pray about, including family, the nation, healing, and revival. But have you ever been to a prayer meeting where the sole purpose was to pray and ask for the Holy Spirit?

    Read more . . . 

    Theme Bible Study

    Publisher's Note: Perpetuating Dull Prayer Practices
    Save 10% More Shop at and save an additional 10% off our already discounted prices. Use code PCA513 at checkout to receive the extra discount.
    Offer Expires: April 30th
    Prayer Connect | Harvest Prayer Ministries | P.O. Box 10667 | Terre Haute | IN | 47801


  • p1x1.gif

    Our Great Intercessor Now Available  
    In This Issue
    Theme Introduction
    Jesus: Man of Prayer
    Dangerous Prayers of Jesus
    I Have Prayed for You
    The God of Long Answers
    Guarding the Minds of Our Children
    Stark Raving Obedience
    Quick Links

    Theme Introduction
    The Prayer Life 
    of Jesus
    Carol Madison
    There are many places in Scripture where I particularly identify with the disciples. It's usually when they excelled at being human in their responses. I know I would have been terrified in the midst of a fierce storm on a lake. I'm sure I would have been completely perplexed as to how a little bit of food was going to feed a huge crowd. And I'm afraid I might have made myself scarce when Jesus was arrested and taken away.

    But I confess I've felt a bit smug in the past about how I thought I would have responded to Jesus' request for prayer during His darkest moments in Gethsemane (Mark 14:32-42).

    Get Your Leadership on Board with Prayer!
    Upper Room Booklet
    What does a praying church look like? What does it mean to have a culture of prayer in your church? Prayer Connect has now put the theme articles from issue 10 "Living in the Upper Room: Permeate Your Church with a Culture of Prayer" into an easy to use booklet format. This resource will make a great discussion starter for elder boards, church staffs, deacons and governing boards of churches. Multiple copy discounts make it very inexpensive to purchase copies for your leadership.


    Don't Miss an Issue!
    PC Issue 9
    Was there an issue of
    Prayer Connect you especially liked and want to give to your friends? When you subscribed did you purchase all the back issues to have a complete set? Why not purchase those now?


    How Prayer Can Help You Follow Jesus Better
    Encountering Jesus
    Do you want to model the teachings of Jesus in your life? Encountering Jesus has 30 short chapters with questions for thought and prayer points to help you obey the commands of Christ. Great for individual use or a small group.

    Issue 11 July/August 2013
    Dear Phil, 

    PC Issue 11The July/August issue of Prayer Connect, "Our Great Intercessor: Learning from the Prayer Life of Jesus," is now available for viewing online. We think you will be encouraged and challenged by its content.

    Those of you who are print subscribers will receive your copy over the next several weeks. Remember you need to login to view the issue.

    Jon Graf

    Jesus: Man of Prayer
    Butts issue 11
    Did He Really Need to Pray?

    By Dave Butts

    I will never forget the question, even though 20 years have passed since I heard it. I had just settled into an easy chair in the living room of a pastor friend to discuss the possibility of his church supporting our new prayer venture, Harvest Prayer Ministries. Before I could begin my appeal, he startled me by saying, "So you're starting a prayer ministry. What is your personal prayer life like?"

    Dangerous Prayers of Jesus
    Shirey Issue 11
    Perhaps Not Safe, But Always Good

    By Lou Shirey

    In the classic children's book by C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, the characters meet Mr. and Mrs. Beaver, who tell them about the great lion in the land of Narnia named Aslan (who represents Jesus Christ). One of the young heroes, Susan, asks Mr. and Mrs. Beaver if Aslan is "quite safe." 

    "'Safe?' said Mr. Beaver. 'Don't you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? 'Course he isn't safe. But he's good. He's the King, I tell you.'" 

    Our inclination is to seek out the safe things, to pray in ways that bring comfort and encouragement. We believe prayer is designed to let God know what we need-and in turn allow Him to create a safe place for us to dwell.

    I Have Prayed for You
    Poinsett Issue 11
    Our Great Intercessor Today

    By Brenda Poinsett

    "Dad is not doing well. Every minute I have with him is important, plus I am very sick," wrote Candace (name changed). "I am trying to get better, but I just can't get there. I have cried and prayed all I can; I don't know what to think. What is God doing?"

    Read more . . .

    The God of Long Answers
    Mayle issue 11
    An Invitation to Learn, Lean, and Wait

    By Sandy Mayle

    More and more, I believe in the God of long answers. In fact, the reason I do is a long answer in itself.

    As a young adult, I wanted to learn to improvise on the piano-to add unwritten notes to the music I played in church, and to segue smoothly from one song to another. With some years of piano study behind me, a bit of instruction was all I needed. So I shared my aspirations with a local graduate of Eastman School of Music. She agreed to teach me.


    Guarding the Minds of Our Children
    buttsk issue 11
    Doing Battle on Their Behalf

    By Kim Butts

    Author Stormie Omartian, in her book
    The Power of a Praying Parent, says, "The battle for our children's lives is waged on our knees. When we don't pray, it's like sitting on the sidelines watching our children in a war zone getting shot at from every angle. When we do pray, we're in the battle alongside them, appropriating God's power on their behalf."


    Stark Raving Obedience
    kallman issue 11
    Essential Factor in Hearing God's Voice

    By Isaiah and Ted Kallman 

    A woman in Michigan had just begun to listen for the voice of God while she prayed. Driving home one day, she felt something in her spirit say, "Stop in the 7-Eleven and go stand on your head next to the pop machine."


    Publisher's Note
    Tips & Tools
    Surf's Up
    Prayer Leader
    Save $10
    From now until Sunday June 30, you can save $10 off any purchase of $50 or more at prayershop.orgUse code PCBL63 at checkout to receive your additional discount.
    Offer Expires: June 30, 2013

    Prayer Connect | Harvest Prayer Ministries | P.O. Box 10667 | Terre Haute | IN | 47801


  • PrayerConnectLogo
    Ask for the Nations
    In This Issue
    Theme Introduction
    Going Vertical Changes Horizontal
    The Forgotten Command of Jesus
    Training for a Prayer-athon
    A Change in the Forecast
    Quick Links

    Theme Introduction
    Carol Madison
    The Critical Role of Prayer in Missions
    I have never been to India-and I honestly don't anticipate traveling there anytime soon. But for nearly four years, I have prayed for India during some late-night prayer sessions with three friends. 

    We pray especially for this nation because one member of our group was born in India as an "untouchable"-a Dalit-considered the lowest in a degrading caste system. But God miraculously intervened in Madan Valvi's life and redeemed him out of a future destined for humiliation and poverty.



    Experience a Fresh Encounter with Jesus
    Encountering Jesus
    Go deeper in your relationship with Jesus as you encounter Him by praying 30 of His commands into your life. 

    Coming in January
    Pray the Word
    A Resource that May Forever Change How You Pray
    Pray the Word is a resource line, website and App that will provide powerful, change-my-life, Scripture-based prayers to equip you to be a Kingdom-changer!
    Besides the website and App, there will be a 90-day prayer journal, a 31-day prayer book and a weekly prayer guide for churches to copy and include in bulletins.
    Issue 13 Nov/Dec 2013
    Dear Phil, 

    480.jpgWe are excited to announce that the new issue of Prayer Connect is now available for viewing . . . and the print version is in the mail for those who signed up to receive it. Look for it beginning next week.
    Ask for the Nations: The Critical Role of Prayer and Missionswill inspire you in the area of praying for missionaries, nations and in working to raise up prayer for the spread of the gospel around the world.
    Also, make sure you view this email all the way to the bottom. There is a valuable coupon that will give you 10% off any purchases at prayershop.orgbetween now and November 8th. And read about our dynamic new resource line Pray the Word that will be available in January.

    Jon Graf
    Publisher, Prayer Connect

    482.jpgPraying with Missionaries Instead of for Them

    By Steve Hawthorne

    As a child I often heard church folks "pray for missionaries." Missionaries were usually described as struggling in some way, somehow in desperate need. Our prayers, it was often said, were the "lifeline" of the missionaries.

    Despite my imagination of missionaries dangling by a fraying rope over crocodile-infested rivers, the "lifeline" prayers intoned in routine fashion seemed particularly lifeless to me. The generic prayers for protection and supply seemed a dreary but necessary duty. Little wonder I grew up with a profound respect for missionaries but no real interest in praying for them.


    Going Vertical Changes Horizontal
    483.jpgGod's Presence Is the Strategy for Missions

    By Dave Butts

    It doesn't sound exactly like the Great Commission of the New Testament (Matt. 28:16-20), but God put Israel on mission. He told them, "Go up to the land I promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob" (Ex. 33:1). The land promised to Israel was already inhabited-and it was going to take an immense amount of effort to dislodge the current inhabitants and establish Israel's Promised Land. Moses had the wisdom to realize that could not happen unless God Himself went with them on their mission. 

    The Forgotten Command of Jesus
    484.jpgPrayer Fuels Bursts of Missionary Activity

    By Dan Crawford

    I've often wondered what prompted Jesus' disciples to ask Him to teach them to pray (Luke 11:1). Many things happened between their call to follow Him and their request to be taught prayer-the cleansing of a leper, healing people miraculously, engaging in controversies over fasting and the observance of the Sabbath, setting forth the Beatitudes, teaching through parables, raising of the dead, stilling a storm at sea, casting out demons, feeding thousands with bread and fish, and being transfigured before their eyes.  

    Training for a Prayer-athon
    485.jpgHow to Develop Your Intercessory Muscles

    By Lisa Bartelt

    A couple of years ago, my husband and I ran our first 5K race together. During his military service, he had done a lot of running, including 5K races. Me? For most of my life I had avoided running.

    But we were in the midst of a marital crisis, and I felt God leading me to start running with my husband in preparation for a 5K race.


    Read more . . . 

    A Change in the Forecast
    486.jpgDoes God Invite Our Prayers about Weather?

    By Rick Sheppard

    The states of Florida and Georgia desperately needed rain in the spring of 2007. More than 215 wildfires burned across Florida, creating lots of smoke and ashes in the air. The Bugaboo Scrub Fire in south Georgia was so big it placed a cloud of smoke over Atlanta and Birmingham. 



    Publisher's Note: Why Does Unity Matter?

    News and Events

     Tips & Tools

    Classics -- Andrew Murray on "The Holy Spirit and Missions" 


  • PrayerConnectLogo
    Help! The Heart Cry of Desperate Prayer

    Don't Forget 
    to Renew

    Make Sure You Have Every Back Issue!

    It is easy to forget to renew your subscription when it gets ready to lapse. We encourage you to do it early! If you still have several issues left, an early renewal just adds a year on the end of your sub. If you dropped off as a subscriber, why not go right now and start your subscription again!
    And don't forget to get all the back issues you missed--or buy multiple copies of one you especially liked and give it to your friends.
    Issue 14 March/April 2014

    Dear Phil,                                   


    Whew! The next issue of Prayer Connect is finally here. For our longtime subscribers thanks for your patience. Some of you receiving this are former subscribers. Here is a free issue that we hope will entice you to consider resubscribing! Enjoy. 


    500.jpgAs we noted in the last issue, we needed to delay this issue an additional month to save some money. Since it is coming out closer to March than January, we are labeling it the March/April issue. The next issue (May/June) will come out in late April and we will be back on track as a bimonthly publication. Rest assured that every subscriber who was affected by this will see their subscription extended to make sure everyone receives the full  number of issues from their subscription. 


    While ongoing finances to publish is always an issue, and we need everyone who likes PC to promote it to friends, God provided in a major way during this delay period. Two weeks ago we saw more than 800 subscriptions added to our numbers. We are praising the Lord for His faithfulness!


    Finally, because we feel this issue will resonate so strongly with believers, we have decided to open the entire issue to the public online. You do not need to login to see it. We also encourage you to freely share any piece from the issue to your friends via email or social networks. Help spread the word about Prayer Connect!      


    Jon Graf


    Dare to Be Desperate      

    495.jpgA Sign of Mature Health and Spiritual Faith


    By Cynthia Hyle Bezek


    Walking in an orchard in the middle of a violent thunderstorm probably wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done. But I needed to connect with God, and I didn't know how else to do it. My life was falling apart, it seemed. I had recently moved 1,000 miles from the place that had been home for 35 years. I had not found a church. I had not yet made friends. And, after many months of mysterious, alarming neurological symptoms, my husband had just been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

    The Redemptive Purpose of Desperation

    496.jpgWhen It's Just You and Jesus


    By Rick D. Padgett


    You and I might be impressed with a remodeled vacation house, a shiny and powerful SUV, a great winter jacket, or expensive new boots, but God is looking at our hearts.


    Facebook or Facedown?

    497.jpgOutsourcing Our Desperation for Connectedness?


    Jim Jarman


    Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

    The incessant alarm jolts me awake from a great dream I already can't remember. My wife stirs and rolls over as I slip from our bed and make my way to the kitchen to put the teakettle on the stove.


    It's a new day, another morning.



    Wrestling for a Blessing

    498.jpgCan I Really Say That to God?


    By James Banks


    "I will not let you go unless you bless me" (Gen. 32:26).

    In one of the boldest prayers in the Bible, Jacob cries out during a wrestling match with God. His words hardly sound like something anyone should say to God. But the context indicates he is talking with God here: "I have seen God face to face, yet my life has been spared" (Gen. 32:30, NLT).



    Let Love Rule


    It Might Be Time for a Heart Check


    By Phil Miglioratti


    Whenever a particular colleague would call me on the phone, I would immediately freeze up. Our ministry was suffering from his seemingly self-serving decision-making and destructive actions. When confronted, he refused to repent or resign.



    News & Events

    Tips & Tools

    Prayer Connect | Harvest Prayer Ministries | P.O. Box 10667 | Terre Haute | IN | 47801
  • PrayerConnectLogo
    The Power of Praise: Touching Heaven, Transforming Earth
    In This Issue
    Theme Intro: The Power of Praise
    The Spiritual Benefits of Praise
    Forget Why You Came
    A Heart Shift
    Can We Really Pray without Ceasing?
    Balanced, Strategic Prayer

    Theme Intro: The Power of Praise
    Including praise in my prayers is not something that comes naturally to me. I tend to begin my prayers by acknowledging God and His greatness, but then quickly move into intercession. 


    New Multiple-Copy Subscription
    Prayer Connect is pleased to now offer a multi-copy subscription (10 copies) at a reduced rate.  Purchase for small group or elders and staff.

    Back Issue Special
    Use Code MJB514 at checkout and receive $1.00 off any back issue of Prayer Connect. Discount will also come off of quantity discounts. 

    Teach Them to Pray the Word
    Thousands are now using these resources that get believers powerfully praying the Word of God.

    New 6-Week Bible Study Available from PrayerShop
    Study the connection between prayer, the Word of God and hearing God speak.
    Issue: 15 May/June 2014

    506.jpgWe are excited to announce the release of the May/June issue of Prayer Connect
    . The Power of Praise will inspire you to focus more on Jesus through an increased level of praise.
    For those of you who receive a hard copy of PC in the mail, the issue is being mailed out beginning tomorrow--you should receive it in time for the National Day of Prayer. But for right now, the entire issue is available to you online. Either go to the login page, or click on an article. You will be asked to login at that point. Remember, your login information is your email and the password you were sent when you subscribed. Email Joanne if you need help in remembering your password.
    We also want to alert you to the resource specials on the left hand side of this email. We now have a multi-copy subscription designed to get PC for small groups or church staff, elders, etc. And we have a special on back issues of
    Prayer Connect--$1.00 off each through the month of May (discount comes off with code).
    Jon Graf

    The Spiritual Benefits of Praise
    509.jpgReorient Your Earth-bound Perspectives

    By Joseph Winger  

    "What's wrong with you? Can't you see what's happening? This place is ready to explode! Gather the team and pray!" exclaimed the normally unflappable medical doctor standing at the entrance to our make-shift clinic. 

    Forget Why You Came
    504.jpgMoving from Anxious Groaning to Joyful Ruling

    By Jason Hershey

    Let's face it. We have our prayer lists. Things are urgent. Yet we all know prayer has to be more than a 9-1-1 call to the Omnipotent Ambulance. Crying out to the Lord and calling upon Him in our time of need is part of the great grace God has given us. However, prayer is about intimate relationship, not just perpetual emergency calls. Nothing keeps our prayer lives honest quite like our attitude toward spending time just praising the Lord! 

    A Heart Shift
    505.jpgWhen Your Prayers Become about Him

    By Justin Hoeppner

    Late one evening I was in my office alone, finishing my preparation for an upcoming weekend worship service. I assumed everyone had gone home and I was the last pastor left in the office.As I wrote down a finishing thought, I heard a voice call out my name. Honestly, I was terrified. 


    Can We Really Pray without Ceasing?
    507.jpgYour Disposition Determines Endless Fellowship 
    By Kathy Wenrich

    After an abusive, unfaithful relationship, I found myself completely disillusioned. I tried dating again, but was frustrated with the egocentric behavior I encountered. It left me bitter and doubtful about the opposite sex. 

    Balanced, Strategic Prayer
    508.jpgUsing the Lord's Prayer to Unify Your Group 
    By Andrew Wheeler

    How do you pray for your church? Do you scan the weekly bulletin and note the events, trying to remember to pray for each one? Do you look for the list of people who are sick or in the hospital and in need of prayer?


    News and Events 

    Tips & Tools

  • PrayerConnectLogo
    Summer Back Issue Special
    Quick Links

    Of Geese and Revival
    (Publisher's Note from Issue 16)
    I hate geese! I never used to, but now that I own a property where my house is on a large pond, I have learned something about geese. They are filthy, disgusting creatures who do nothing but eat and poop. They just love to come up in our backyard and hang out-making a mess everywhere.


    Multiple Copy Subscription Discounts
    We offer a discount when you get a subscription for 10 copies. If you want to gift Prayer Connect to your elders, pastoral staff or prayer team members simply order a muti-copy subscription of 10 copies (2 subs gets you 20 copies, etc.) You save $100 over the cost of ordering 10 separate subscriptions


    We Need Your Help
    If you have been blessed by Prayer Connect, we need your help. Would you consider a donation to help us spread the word about Prayer Connect? Every gift can help us find more readers for this powerful resource. Send a check, or click the link below and then select "Prayer Connect Magazine" from among the ministry options to give toward.

    Issue: 16 July/August 2014
    Dear Phil, 

    517.jpgI hope you have enjoyed issue 15 of Prayer Connect. "God Speaks: Can You Hear Him?" is the theme of our July/August issue that will be at press in a few days. We think you will be blessed by its content. Be watching for our digital announcement in about three weeks.
    This email is to announce a super special we are running on back issues of Prayer Connect from now until July 31st--$2.50 each or 58% off the retal price! Consider what issues you might like to buy--you'll never get the copies cheaper than now!
    Remember that each issue has a Bible study that goes along with the theme articles. Why not do a special small group on prayer this summer, using a past issue? 
    Why not get all the issues you do not have? Complete your set of Prayer Connects.
    Pastors, are you preaching on prayer soon? Is there an issue that goes along with your topic? Why not put a copy into the hands of each family in your church to increase their chance for growth in prayer?


    Hope Undaunted (Issue 12)
    Issue 12 Cover
    Renewing a Vision for Revival
    With the world in turmoil and the moral values of America collapsing, is the cry for revival ceasing? Is it too late?
    Be inspired to deepen your passion for revival as you and your friends read through this powerful issue.

    Releasing Children to Pray (Issue 9)
    PC Issue 9
    An Untapped Spiritual Powerhouse
    This issue should be in the hands of every parent, grandparent and children's worker at your church. Imagine what could happen if the adults you know understood the potential of praying children.

    Issue 1 - Can Prayer Save America (Limited Quantities Available)
    Issue 3 - Solid Foundation (Praying Scripture) (Limited Quantities Available)
    Issue 4 -  As the Waters Cover the Sea (the Global Prayer Movement)
    Issue 5 - The Place Was Shaken (Corporate Prayer)
    Coming Soon: Issue 16 - God Speaks (Hearing God's voice)
  • PrayerConnectLogo
    In This Issue
    Theme Introduction
    Let Them Arise
    God Is Moving Now!...
    Upholding the Next Generation
    The Consecrated Intercessor
    God's Waiting Room
    Quick Links

    Theme Introduction

    My parents recently moved from their house of more than 50 years into a senior living situation. In the process of downsizing and cleaning out their home in preparation for the move, I came across a lockbox under my dad's desk. It was filled with letters, many of them dated more than 40 years ago. I brought it upstairs to the den where he was resting and asked him about the letters.


    "Oh, those are from college students I worked with at the community college many years ago. A lot of kids came to Christ during that time. They kept in touch with us over the years. I was always going to do something with those letters, but I guess I never did."

    Clearance Sale on Some Back Issues
    A few of our back issues are on super sale for 67% off. Because we overprinted these issues, we are doing a stock reduction sale until February 28th. Purchase copies of these 4 issues for $2.00 each.

    Plan a Prayer Initiative Before Easter 
    The best thing a church can do to mobilize prayer is a 30-40-day prayer initiative. Why not do one prior to Easter to maximize prayer for your top outreach day of the year. More Information 

     We Need Your Ideas
    We are continually looking for prayer ideas Email Carol
    Issue: 19        Jan/Feb 2015
    Dear Phil, 

    9d9668fd-6266-44b8-bcba-f971b6a1d6df.jpgWe are so excited to present to you issue 19 of Prayer Connect. Its theme looks at a growing prayer movement on college campuses. Your hearts will be stirred as you read about what God is doing among this generation . . . and are reminded at how many revivals in the past were started among this age group.

    Remember, as a subscriber, you have access to the entire issue online--you just need to login. Also, remember that any article labeled FREE PREVIEW is available for anyone to see. Those articles are good ones to share with your friends via email and facebook. This would be a great issue to share with some college students you know or a college ministry leader in your church.

    For you who purchased a print subscription, your issue should be in your mail box this week. We are sorry for the delay in mailing the Christmas holiday caused.

    Also, be watching for a letter to come in late January that announces some potential changes coming to Prayer Connect.


    Jon Graf, Publisher

    Let Them Arise

    The Power and Purpose of Young People in Revival


    By David Smithers


    Nearly a century ago, Baptist pastor A.C. Dixon (1854-1925) wrote, "When we rely upon organization, we get what organization can do; when we rely upon education, we get what education can do; when we rely upon eloquence, we get what eloquence can do. But when we rely upon prayer, we get what God can do."

    Read more . . .


    God Is Moving Now! 

    The Stirring of a College Campus Prayer Movement


    By Justin Christopher

    I still remember the discouraging responses I heard during my senior year of high school when I told Christian friends and their parents I was going to the University of Texas (UT).  

    Upholding the Next Generation

    How to Pray for God's Movement on Campus


    By Jeremy Story


    The recent movie God's Not Dead depicts the struggle between a Christian student and an atheist professor. Producer Mike Scott told me that during test screenings his team discovered viewers had a hard time believing any college classroom could be that hostile toward Christians. 
    Read more . . .


    The Consecrated Intercessor      

    What it Takes to Stand in the Gap


    By Kathy Wenrich


    Former New York Yankee Bobby Richardson once offered a brief but poignant prayer at a meeting of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes: "Dear God, Your will, nothing more, nothing less, nothing else. Amen."

    God's Waiting Room

    4ddc322f-9ace-4110-99c5-5d4b7f69dbf2.jpgAn Opportunity to Test Drive Your Faith


    By Jennifer Kennedy Dean


    In the praying life, God schedules waiting periods. Count on it. But waiting on God can be the most difficult, perhaps confusing part of the prayer process.

    News and Events

    Tips & Tools" class="CToWUd"/>

    Prayer Connect | Harvest Prayer Ministries | P.O. Box 10667 | Terre Haute | IN | 47801
  • PrayerConnectLogo

    Rediscovering Fasting

    A Kingdom Key for Breakthrough

    In This Issue
    Theme Introduction
    An Invitation to Spiritual Freedom
    For Such a Time as This
    When You Fast
    Making the Devil Tremble
    Quick Links

    Theme Introduction
    Carol Madison

    The first time God called me to fast was entirely unexpected. I was driving down the freeway, crying out to Him about a friend's situation. I asked the Lord, with a tone of desperation, "What else can I do? How much more can I pray?"


    A thought came to mind. You can fast.


    Read more . . .


    Encourage Your People to Fast
    We encourage you to purchase copies of this powerful issue for your elders, pastor, key leaders.

    Complete Guide to Intercession
    Praying God's Heart
    "Making the Devil Tremble" was adapted from Praying God's Heart by Alvin VanderGriend. This resource is a complete guide to help intercessors develop in their calling. Includes both very basic to deeper truths to help them become more effective as they pray.
    Issue 20 March/April 2015

    Dear Phil, 

    ce950098-0c4f-419c-9612-4137fae43456.jpgThough not the most popular subject in the Church, fasting is an essential discipline that every believer should practice. Our March/April issue is themed Rediscovering Fasting. I think you will be blessed and challenged as you read through it. Remember you needto login to see the entire issue. Those articles that are tagged FREE PREVIEW can be shared with anyone. For those who have a print subscription, be watching your mailboxes toward the end of this week into next week.




    Jon Graf


    P.S. Thank you for all you who have responded to the letter we sent out sharing our financial need. Though you have also paid for a subscription, many responded with a gift. And the letters or comments we have received sharing how much you love Prayer Connect, have richly blessed us. Through gifts and cost cutting we have reached about $18,000 of the $24,000 we need. Praise the Lord!


    An Invitation to Spiritual Freedom      

    5701d921-10e2-4f38-ae40-b96c924d670f.jpgFasting Brings Spiritual Freedom


    By Lynne Baab


    A friend of mine was pregnant with her fourth child when something went wrong. After a long diagnostic process, the doctor told her she had a rare autoimmune condition that would almost certainly result in the loss of the baby. My friend called a woman from her church who was known as a prayer warrior.

    For Such a Time as This      

    e3e4dd81-0a7e-4e8d-8b14-c4536db0d801.jpgDesperately Seeking God through Fasting


    By Richard LaFountain


    I am hypoglycemic. That means I get sudden and unexpected sugar lows. When that happens I go crazy. Sometimes I just get agitated, other times I get grumpy, and still other times I run in circles getting nothing done. The dictionary clarifies it as "an inadequate supply of glucose to the brain, resulting in impairment of function." What I need is to get sugar (glucose) in my system that restores my metabolism to normal, so I can get things done.


    In the spiritual realm I get hypoglycemic as well.


    Read more . . .

    When You Fast

    Beyond the Fear and Mystery802d5d5b-56b2-4977-8143-f2882661348d.jpg


     By Dean Trune


    I was out of answers. I kept thinking of different possible scenarios, but no idea seemed capable of resolving all the pieces of the problem. Something had to change, and I was pretty sure it was the whole situation


    Making the Devil Tremble      

    6403ec91-acac-4a4e-9356-e6f1e04177a8.jpgThe Link Between Prayer and Spiritual Warfare


    By Alvin VanderGriend


    I was a pastor at the time. Alivia (name changed) came for counseling. By the end of the counseling session she was ready to commit her life to Christ. I suggested a way for her to pray. We bowed together and I prayed first. When it was her turn to pray, there was silence, then gentle weeping.


    Publisher's Note: "Prayer or Panic?" 

    News & Events

         Pray4Schools: Vision for Breakthrough Prayer

         Abortions Fall to Record Low in U.S.

         From Riots to Hopeful Prayer

         20 People to Pray for in 2015

     Tips & Tools

         Prayer Appointments to Encourage Staff

         Surf's Up: Helpful Prayer on the Internet

         Will You Pray with Us?

    Prayer Leader: Learning to Pray Together

    Classics: Are We Ready to Pay the Price for Revival?



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    Releasing Children to Pray 
    In This Issue
    Theme Introduction
    Gather the Children
    The Power of a Praying Child
    The Miracle of Childlike Faith
    Out of the Unholy Din
    The Ultimate Answer to Prayer
    Quick Links

    Theme Introduction
    Carol Madison
    A few years ago God spoke something so clearly to my heart that I wrote it down. I sensed Him directing me to help raise up a children's prayer movement in my city. So I gathered a group of children's ministry pastors to meet and pray together about encouraging greater prayer among children. As a result, we sponsored multiple opportunities for hundreds of children to come together across denominational lines to pray.

    Read more . . . 


    3 Days Left in Back Issue Special
    Copies of Issues 1-8, are all on sale for 50% off until midnight EST, February 28. Get every issue, purchase multiple copies of an issue for your group. Only $3.00 each.


    Join 40 Days of Prayer for America
    From March 24-May 2, or from May 2 to June 10, many churches and believers will be praying together for our nation, using the 40-day guide Desperate for Change. If your church has not yet used this guide, we encourage you to consider it. From now until May 15, we are selling the guide at 50% off, $3.00. Purchase 25 or more and get them for $2.00 each, 1,000 or more, $1.50 each.

    For More Information

    New Release
    Essays on Revival

    When God Shows Up: Essays on Revival is the newest release from Dave Butts, chairman of America's National Prayer Committee. Be inspired to pray more effectively and fervently for the revival the Church needs.
    Issue 9 March/April 2013
    Dear Phil, 
    PC Issue 9Issue 9 - Releasing Children to Pray: An Untapped Spiritual Powerhouse is now available for viewing at If you are a subscriber who is also receiving a copy in the mail, it should be arriving sometime this week or early next week.

    We are excited with the content of this issue, and I am sure you will be blessed as you consider how God wired children to be powerful intercessors, if we teach them and set them lose to pray!

    Remember, you will need to login to to view most of the articles. You will need your email and password to get into the site. If you forgot your password, just click the Forgotten Your Password link.


    Jonathan Graf

    Gather the Children
    Butts Thumbnail
    The Prayer Potential of the Next Generation

    By Kim Butts

    Several years ago, my husband led a concert of prayer in a small church in our city. Children and youth participated with the adults that evening. During one segment, Dave asked attendees to think of someone close to them who didn't yet know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. He encouraged them to hold the faces of these friends and family members in their minds and hearts and ask God to draw them to Himself (John 6:44).


    Read more 

    The Power of a Praying Child
    Fischer thumbnail
    Welcome Your Children into Your Prayer Closet

    By Becky Fischer

    While Linette was driving home one night from church with her four-year-old daughter Ivy, an ambulance passed by. 

    "Let's pray for whoever is in that ambulance," Linette suggested. So they did. It seemed a rather uneventful prayer, followed by silence.

    Then, all of a sudden, little Ivy began praying again

    Read more . . .  


    The Miracle of Childlike Faith
    Fuller Thumbnail
    Amazing Spiritual Capacity That Children Bring to Prayer

    By Cheri Fuller

    Faith comes naturally to children-and it's a quality that particularly fits kids for prayer.

    During delivery of her first baby, Chia, a children's pastor in Tulsa, OK, suffered an embryonic embolism, which means the fluid in the baby's sac entered her blood stream and clots were carried to both of her lungs, which collapsed. This resulted in a series of three heart attacks and additional clots to Chia's brain. As she lay in the Intensive Care Unit in a coma, many people prayed for her. The situation looked tragic and impossible.

    Out of the Unholy Din
    Mayle Thumbnail
    Every Prayer Is Precious to God

    By Sandy Mayle

    It was a routine choir warm-up. The classic praise songs flowed together as we expressed our love for Jesus and our desire for His name to be glorified.

    Read more . . .


    The Ultimate Answer to Prayer
    Graf Thumbnail
    Sensing God's Presence

    By Jonathan Graf

    As a kid, I used to love to visit my Grandfather Graf. He came to faith in Christ as an adult but later went into the ministry and pastored churches for decades. Howell Graf was probably best known for his prayer life. In fact many elderly friends who knew Howell have told me that they believe I am in prayer ministry because of how my grandfather prayed.




  • PrayerConnectLogo
    Transforming Prayer: Inviting God's Presence to Your Community
    In This Issue
    Theme Introduction
    When God's Presence Invades
    Longing for Change
    On the Way
    Even If
    Quick Links

    Theme Introduction
    I was in my office downtown when I received a call from a member of my community prayer group. "Carol," she said, "we've decided you need to walk over to the convention center and place your hands on the podium that the [cult leader] is going to use tonight--and pray that his words will have no power."

    Last Week for Back Issue Sale
    We have been running a summer sale on back issues of
    Prayer Connect. You can receive $1.00 off each one you purchase until August 31. Use code summer15 at checkout to get your discount.
    Is there an issue you especially liked that you want to buy for friends? Are you missing any issues? Now is the time to buy!

    For More Information 

    A Must-Read for Church Leaders
    Many pastors and elder/deacons are not passionate about being a praying church simply because they do not understand its importance.Forgotten Power explains simply the whys of prayer in the church. Put this in the hands of your leaders to start a conversation about the importance of prayer in your church.

    For More Information
    Issue 22 Sept/Oct 2015
    Dear Phil, 

    7b1003ae-e403-440a-ba57-c2d6be5c0ede.jpgI hope you are "chomping at the bit" for your next Prayer Connect
    . We are pleased to announce that the September issue is now online and will be in the mail soon. Those who receive a mailed copy should start looking in their mailboxes late next week into the first week of September.
    We are very excited with this issue. You will be inspired and challenged by what you read regarding God's desire to transform your community.
    Remember, to go online, you need to put in your email and password to gain access to the articles. When you get to the issue, those articles that say FREE PREVIEW are open for anyone to read. Feel free to share those with your friends.
    Jon Graf

    When God's Presence Invades
    The Hope of Transformation

    By Doug Small 

    What do the current buzzwords community transformation mean? Some Christians employ language of conquest and triumphalism, predicting banished crime and a tranquil community.

    Others, seeing no hope of a city-transforming revival, focus on the rapture and escaping an increasingly hostile world. Many believers wonder if the days of revival are over. Others believe revival is upon us even now. Is there hope for genuine community revival and awakening? 

    Read more . . . 

    Longing for Change
    Prayer Patterns for Community Transformation

    By Dave Kubal 

    How can we, as intercessors, pray both personally and corporately for transformation? How can we develop a longing for the presence and glory of Christ to flood our communities?

    Read more . . .

    On the Way
    Stories of Transformation in Process

    By Dennis Fuqua 

    When a hurricane blew through Bartow County, GA, community officials were so impressed with the way believers assisted in the clean up that they changed their official Emergency Management Plan. Based on what emergency leaders called "the finest disaster response in the history of the state," the county emergency plan now includes "the vital involvement of houses of worship."

    Read more . . .

    Even If (Non-Theme)
    466fa6f7-5098-49ec-8598-23bdeeaffc95.jpgWhen the Impossible Confronts You

    By Paul Covert

    One Sunday afternoon, while I was training a prayer team for a trip to Indonesia, my dad called. That was rare on a Sunday because my folks (in their 80s) worry they might catch me in a meeting or during a teaching time. I knew something was up.

    Read more . . . 

    Save $10
    From now until August 31, you can save $10 on any order over $50 
    at prayershop.orgUse Code PC1050 at checkout to receive the discount. 
    Offer Expires: August 31, 2015
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