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HOHBudBu8U4L5b7WLnYZ89ognngO-mBxsHfI7mf4An6zNSRZQcYDW94-dDbcoXfKMKE7jfCvVoDFDrmvMRZeWBcQqoZCHOPtuhwBh_z8j9yElkPRRFeKgtDQEwFucnCUAKnSs6txIvUtzZJEZ6NEEoKFvfjWlg=s0-d-e1-ft#<a href=
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“We must run the race that lies ahead of us and never give up.”
Hebrews 12:1b God’s Word Translation

Faithful prayer partners! We sense your prayers!  Thank you so much for interceding for us!  The movement of the Lord has accelerated. We give Him praise for all He is doing!
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Prayer Assist Ministry Updates:
8/31-9/1 Nashville, TN  Your prayers took me to the National Southern Baptist Pastors and Leaders Prayer Summit. (Pictured above)  There was palpable sense of God's presence as we met together. Pastors spoke of God's movement in the nation - and how critical prayer is to kingdom advancement. 

The key to this movement is leadership!  Dr Floyd's approach is what I teach on leadership and prayer:

1. A praying church or ministry requires praying leaders.  “The prayer level of the church never grows beyond the personal example and passion of the senior leaders.”  Pastor Daniel D. Henderson  

2. The greatest single factor in mobilizing prayer is the leader himself.  We must lead others to pray by praying with them.  “Whenever God calls His people to Himself, He uses His leaders.” (Blackaby) We must call our people to prayer and spiritual activity.     

3. “People don’t drift naturally toward prayer and evangelism.”  Leadership is required to keep these ministries on task. Dr. Rick Shepherd

One of the young pastors shared a testimony:  His 15-year old daughter had a vision for an outreach.  "But," she said, "I don't need your help."  The pastor stood by, prayed for and encouraged her.  The next thing he knew, his 1-acre property was filled with teenagers from the community. Over 200 students from many churches and schools came together as directed by the Holy Spirit.  Her younger brother asked, "Can I share the gospel?" 

Before his eyes, the pastor saw God at work through his children.  The pastor is helping his daughter look for a larger venue for future gatherings - as God continues to bless his children.

Read more about God's activity as Pastor Robby Gallaty baptizes over 1,000 people -  at: https://baptistandreflector.org/long-hollow-sees-1000-baptisms-since-december/

I left Nashville very encouraged that God is speaking to His pastors about to the priority of the ministry of the word and the ministry of prayer.  (Acts 6:4)
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9/4, 11-  The “Pray Coronado” group (pictured above) coordinated a moving 9/11 memorial service. During my speaking part, I repented on behalf of the Body of Christ for not loving each other and our neighbors with Christ’s love.

On 9/11/2001, first responders gave their all. Reading 1 Corinthians 13 together convicted us that God’s people should become more mature (not think and act like immature children) and make love our greatest aim.  
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9/7 - I organized a prayer gathering for Pastor Jim Domen and Church United (https://www.churchunited.com/) at the Capitol in Sacramento, CA  (Pictured above)  Repentance was a key theme.
Rabbi Rubenstein blew the shofar on Rosh Hashanah as a call to God’s people.- Do we hear the call to worship and serve God?  
Next, Native peoples (Aviles) beat the drum, sounding the heartbeat of God.- Are we listening to the heart beat of God for CA? 

- As a group, we repented for our prayerlessness, for not following the heart of God or by having caring relationships with or praying for government leaders. 
- Key pastors prayed on behalf of pastors and churches from southern CA to northern CA.
- State Senator Shannon Grove prayed for God’s people to be ambassadors to our culture, to vote and lead.
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9/22-26 Because of your prayers and gifts, I had a spiritually moving time in Alabama serving Pastor Mark Milwee and Mount View Baptist in Trinity, Al. (Pictured above)  As requested by Pastor Mark, I led mid-week all church prayermen’s prayer groups and small groups prayer training sessions.

  • Youth who had never been prayed over enjoyed receiving prayer from adults and asked to do more praying! 
  • Pastors who attended the Equipping Men to Lead Prayer Groups training had a powerful moment with Jesus, seeking God for how to motivate men to pray. 
  • Sunday School members learned how to pray for each other and surrounded a distressed wife and mom in prayer. 
  • Pastor Mark and I explored the Bankhead National Forest (pictured) Strong young men were kind to me and helped me to survive trying to keep up with Pastor Mark! ☺
zUVNpXJlU-e6ZylnProqK_NCVYlGwbK7RdvEtzBmStDeVtWwttZvWpsV5B454plc9ICfwWNqVwcPmm8t8ufct6uoRgsF7swAaI_xMO35R8Zlxed1VzSYGE0WVPOG31p-mdU-fYxWHdqm0737Tiz9FlUV-kH7gA=s0-d-e1-ft#<a href=https://mcusercontent.com/fb71d385592d8312e2c2d8691/images/20f938da-8259-2481-7f71-c56c8c0ee854.jpg" alt="" width="264" />
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9/23-24 Birmingham, AL - I attended Prayerlink 2021- God met us! Tear-laden, humble and repentant prayers were offered by National Southern Baptist Prayer leaders – seeking God for revival and spiritual awakening and working together for God’s kingdom purposes.

We worked together to produce a comprehensive prayer resource list for pastors and churches.

Visit: http://www.sbcprayerlink.org/resources/ for pages and pages of valuable resources that any church or ministry can start using today! 

Click the "Take our Prayer Survey" button to produce a selected list of prayer resources chosen specifically for you.
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9/26-27 Atlanta, GA

South Atlanta: (Pictured above) Enjoyed fellowship and prayer with musicians and praying people toward hosting a young adult prayer retreat in the future. 

North Atlanta:: Met with prayer leaders of large churches suggesting ways to implementing prayer with a new pastor and growing prayer in an established local church prayer minist

October 2:  Thank you for your prayers as I led a prayer equipping session during the "Ministry Connection" Conference hosted by Mt Zion Church of Ontario, CA.  Attendees were very engaged as we led the ”Unleashing the Power of Prayer in Your Church” session. Key Takeaways:
- God’s goal in prayer is loving relationship with His people.  We experience joy in His presence.
- Prayer Fundamentals:  Disciple God’s people to have a relationship with God in prayer and train them to pray according to the principles in God’s word.
- 4 Keys to Unleashing Prayer in Your Church:  L.E.A.DLeadership, Evaluation, Apprenticeship, and Deployment

I’d love to share this equipping session with you and your team.
Please pray for me as I serve the Lord during these upcoming ministry and community events:

1. Oct 27-30 Green Lake, WI: Co-Facilitating Fall Prayer Summit. Wife Judi and I are privileged to be part of the facilitation team for the for the We Pray Fall Prayer Summit at Green Lake Conference Center in Wisconsin. Learn more at https://www.we-pray.org/.

Please pray that God would meet with Judi and I as we prepare. Pray that we would be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit as we prepare and as we lead.  Please pray also for safe travel and that God would be preparing each participant for their time with Him. Please pray for nephew Kyle and my family while we are away.

2. Ministry to Business Leaders:  My non-profit, Community Impact ROI (http://communityimpactroi.org/  is planning multiple Business Leader fellowship events in the Winter and Spring of 2021. 

Pray that God would direct us as we plan and make decisions about when and where to host events - and who to partner with.

3. Personal Wellness for Leaders Launch: Please pray for me as I plan for this Personal Wellness For Leaders launch - as I connect with those who would receive this care. 

Here is an excerpt from my service page:  Successful leaders attend to their wellness needs. Thomas’ wellness practice provides quality wellness care - the mental, emotional, and spiritual care leaders need at every level. Thomas can provide you the specific wellness response to keep you positive, resilient and growing. 

Please become part of this ministry by directing me to people you know who could benefit from this service.

I can meet with clients in person, by phone, on on-line. I will be meeting with leaders around the country and internationally.

Interested individuals and groups can connect with me on-line at https://rhombuscounseling.com/therapists/ (Scroll down the list to select me by my first name) 

4. School Connect: My non-profit, Community Impact ROI / is also seeking to launch School Connect San Diego County by connecting businesses with school principals, toward the betterment of the schools, families and students. 7 cities in America are already working together in this way. Visit https://schoolconnectaz.org/ for more information.

Pray for us as we seek to find educators and business leaders who want to work together for the sake of kids and schools. 

Please direct me to educators and business leaders who care about schools, kids, and families.                
Consider Investing in Prayer Assist
Thank you for your continued prayers and support for Prayer Assist!  There is a need for significant financial resources for this next season of ministry.
Consider making a tax-deductible investment in Prayer Assist to help with travel and ministry expenses.
●  Invest on-line at www.prayerassist.org -   Click "DONATE" button or

●  Mail a check payable to "Prayer Assist” to Thomas Bush, Prayer Assist, 4755 71st St, La Mesa, CA  91942 (Note new address)                                                                                          
●  For a donation of any amount, you may request one of these amazing recordings to be sent to you:
[  ] Making Your Church a House of Prayer  Live Workshop recording by Dr. Mel Blackaby
[  ] Your Most Strategic Investment (Praying for Pastors)  Live recording by Dr. Daniel Henderson
[  ] Shifting Hearts (Returning to Your First Love)  Live recording by Dr. Richard Blackaby
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Copyright © 2021 Prayer Assist, All rights reserved.
Bush Family

Our mailing address is:
Prayer Assist
4755 71st St
La Mesa, CA 91942


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