Dear Friends,
Would you take a moment to pray July 1, 12AM East Coast Time, June 30, 9PM West Coast Time, July 1, 5AM UK Time, July 1, 7AM Iraq Time, July 1, 1PM Japan time as a critical meeting is held between the Lawyer for Toku, the Japanese Christian Pianist and the hospital where he is being held and drugged against his will.
On Sunday he was prevented from attending Church and performing and has been prevented from meeting with his pastor.
Please pray that the hospital will agree to his immediate release.
The only legal way under Japanese law is for the Governor of Kanagawa, Japan where the hospital is located to approve the `tain saiko` or release form.
Please send a personalized version of the following letter by fax as it is the most effective as well as on facebook and twitter.

 Hon Yuji Kuroiwa



Kanagawa, Japan


Dear Governor Kuroiwa,


`Toku` is an internationally renowned Christian Pianist and songwriter and Christians worldwide are very concerned for him as he has been confined to hospital in your Prefecture against his will and is being drugged against his will.


While being hospitalized he has been allowed to attend Church each Sundayand perform, but this has been suddenly withdrawn and we are deeply concerned for his spritual and mental condition.


Many have seen him and can testify to the dramatic harm the drugs are having on him.


We request your office to immediately take action to ensure his religious freedom which is enshrined in the Japanese Constitution and international treaties is protected and he can continue to perform his religious duties in attending Church each Sunday as well as perfoming and meeting with his Pastor.


Further, a legal `tain skyu`- request for immediate release - request has been sent by him to your office over a week ago, as per the relevant law and we request your immediate signature on this request so he can be free as you are the only one who has the legal power to affect his release.

Japan is a great country, a member of the United Nations, the G7 and a leader and we expect more from such a great nation as Japan.

We request immediate action be taken so he can be free immediately.


(Name, Country)

Sent to:

Fax number: Country Code 81 45 212 2753!/yuji.kuroiwa.3

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The World Helpline | 712 Zaoyouna | Baghdad | 0001 | Iraq

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