Cross protestant
Christian Churches
April 23, 2013
 Prayers for Bishop Yohanna Ibrahim 
and Bishop Boulos Yazaji  




We make an appeal to all leaders of Christian Churches Together and its churches to pray for the prompt release of Bishop Yohanna Ibrahim of the Syrian Orthodox Archdiocese of Aleppo. Bishop Ibrahim was kidnapped on Tuesday, April 23, on his way back to Aleppo from the Turkish borders. He went there to bring back with him Bishop Boulos Yazaji of the Greek Orthodox of Aleppo. The news received is that an armed group from (Chichan) stopped the car and kidnapped the two bishops while the driver was killed. Both, Bishop Ibrahim and Yazail are well known as agents of peace and justice not only for the Christians of Syria but also for all the Syrian people.


God of all mercies, God of justice,

May your servants Bishop Ibrahim and Bishop Yazaji

Find solace and a shelter in the prayers of the Church


We pray in the name of Jesus, that they may be soon released,

Safe and unharmed.

May this senseless act allow us to seek You as one unified family.

Be the strength of your Church in Syria

and may the witness of your servants glorify your Holy Name.





Rev. Carlos L. Malavé

Executive Director

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    International Prayer Alert


      April 24, 2013
    Dear Praying Friends,

    Here are some issues about which we would like to alert you, asking that you please join us in prayer over the next week or two.


    1)     Some of you have heard that two Orthodox brothers in Christ, Bishop Yohanna Ibrahim and Bishop Boulos Yazaji, have been kidnapped by Muslim jihadists inside Syria while on a humanitarian mission. Would you please pray for their soon release and for an end to this awful civil war in which more than 70,000 Syrians have so far been killed? 


    2)     May 5 is Malaysia's national election and represents a chance for the nation to choose leaders that will eliminate the corruption and ethnic chauvinism that has characterized past government policies. Let's pray for the Lord's will to be done and for good, honest, caring leaders to be put into power.


    3)     Some brothers from Australia have asked us to alert you to this special call to prayer for the USA that will happen next week. We are grateful to them for their concern and ask that you join with us in this prayer focus.


    World-Wide Call-72 Hours of Prayer and Fasting for USA


    The National Day of Prayer and Fasting in Australia is calling for 72 hours of prayer and fasting for the USA to take place from 30 April - 2 May 2013. 30 April 2013 is America's National Day of Repentance (NDOR) while 2 May 2013 is the 62nd annual National Day of Prayer (NDP)celebrated throughout the USA. 


    Now is the time for Australia and New Zealand and the nations of the world to stand with the USA in their hour of need. This prayer event will have profound significance for America and help turn the tide of family breakdown, crippling addictions, increasing immorality and random acts of horrific violence, as we have just witnessed in the Boston bombings. 




    On New Year's Eve 2012, Pastor Jeff Daly of the NDOR came to Australia and joined in a prayer event in Canberra, our nation's capital.  He then organised prayer in USA to support the National Day of Prayer and Fasting for Australia on Sunday 10 February 2013. Ps Daly has called for Australians to stand with Americans on 30 April 2013 to pray for national repentance using the theme verse, 2 Chronicles 7:14. This day is the 224th anniversary of George Washington's inauguration as a devout Christian president and the 150th anniversary of Lincoln's day of "humiliation, prayer and fasting" held during the devastating times of the Civil War.


    The theme for the NDP 2013 is Pray for America, emphasizing the need for individuals, corporately and individually, to place their faith in the unfailing character of their Creator, who is sovereign over all governments, authorities, and men.  The theme verse is Matthew 12:21: "In His name the nations will put their hope." 


    The reality is that it was American men who shed their blood that saved Australia from invasion from the Japanese during World War II. The battle of the Coral Sea in May 1942 sank many Japanese ships and troop carriers at great cost to American life. Even though that battle was lost, the war was won as a result. Many nations of the world have much to thank the USA for because of their past and present sacrifices for freedom.


    Pray and fast as the Lord leads you.

    Use the resources found at to help you. 

    Prayer and fasting can often lead to both national and spiritual breakthrough.

    As Bruce Lindley says, "Prayer and fasting shifts nations." Prayer and fasting leads to a deeper breakthrough in intimacy with God. 


    Ps Matt Prater, Dr Graham McLennan, Warwick Marsh, David Rowsome and Warren Lyons (New Zealand)  


    Thanks for your partnership in intercession!


    Kind regards in Christ,


    John Robb

    IPC Chairman

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