Pray4Schools (P4S) is an initiative “to mobilize extraordinary prayer for grade school, junior high, high school, and college/university campuses across America, and for the students who attend them.”
There are three main purposes of P4S:
• Informing the church about the challenges in our schools and among the emerging generations, the need for extraordinary prayer, and the amazing school prayer resources that already exist.
• Inspiring the adoption of schools for the purpose of focused, insightful, extraordinary prayer.
• Inviting the church of America to join together in 30 days of united prayer and fasting for schools each September, utilizing a common prayer calendar.
The key component of Inviting is the 30-Day Prayer Calendar, which is now available at the P4S web site ( in .pdf format. We have also attached a copy to this email.
The key component of Inviting is the 30-Day Prayer Calendar, which is now available at the P4S web site ( in .pdf format. We have also attached a copy to this email.
In this season of history, the internet and social media are essential ways to disseminate information. Accordingly, as we seek to spread the word about P4S and get information in the hands of the right people, we really need your help! Please help us get this prayer calendar in the hands of praying people!
You can also help us by:
• visiting and promoting our Facebook page -
• following us on Twitter - @pray4schools - and encouraging everyone you have ever met to do so :-) Most of our Tweets are inspirational/motivational quotes regarding prayer.
We hope people don’t need to be convinced of the need to pray for schools.
Thanks for your help! Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments regarding P4S.
Grace & Peace,
Mike and Terri Higgs
P4S curators
Moms in Prayer International has been gathering women around the world to impact their children and schools for Christ through prayer for over 30 years. We use a simple 4-Step format to disciple women in one accord conversational prayer. Using the Word of God, they learn to pray scripturally & specifically, to trust God and not worry. The third Sunday in September is Bless Our Schools Sunday. We invite all churches across the world--we have groups in over 146 countries--to offer up prayers to bless their students, teachers/staff, and schools: We'd love you to join us.
MIP is a wonderful ministry to children, families and communities ...