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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Night of Prayer Builds Momentum of Unity Towards Wembley 2012

By Peter Wooding
Europe Bureau Chief for ASSIST News Service

LONDON, ENGLAND(ANS) -- The Emmanuel Centre on Marsham Street in Westminster, London, resounded with joint prayers and worship of various denominations and networks as GDOP London joined forces with IHOP London for November’s powerful Night of Prayer.

Following on from the momentum of Carry The Torch at Wembley stadium in September, over 600 people from a diverse mix of ethnic backgrounds, networks and denominations flocked to Westminster to pray for the nation, government and young people.

IHOP London Director Elcio Lodos

The IHOP London Director, Pastor Elcio Lodos from Brazil believes the National Day of Prayer and Worship at Wembley Stadium next year is going to be a historic moment: “We are really going to be making history. It’s so amazing that there’s going to be the first ever Christian event at the new Wembley stadium that is focussed on prayer. This is going to set a new standard and a new way for the Kingdom in the UK. So Christians should take hold of this opportunity.”

Also speaking at the Night of Prayer was Reverend Clive Urquhart, Senior Pastor of Kingdom Faith Church.

Reverend Clive Urquhart

“Coming into next year there seems to be a gathering momentum around the country for something to happen in this nation. Everyone’s recognising that it can’t just happen through a few groups, or streams or denominations, but it needs the whole church to pray for the nation.”

The Night of Prayer comes in the wake of many denominations getting behind the vision to fill Wembley Stadium on 29th September, 2012.

The director of mission for the Baptist Union of Great Britain Ian Bunce, was recently appointed as the national representative of the Baptist denomination for Wembley 2012.

A diverse mix of Christians pray for the UK

He said: “I’m excited because I believe things will happen when we start

 to pray together and when we decide to unite our hearts and our minds on issues of seeing this nation changed.”

The Elim Pentecostal denomination, the Assemblies of God, the New Testament Church of God and the Redeemed Christian Church of God have all endorsed the day of prayer at Wembley and are getting behind it.

Eric Brown, Administrative Bishop of the New Testament Church of God for England & Wales said: "I think it will be a marvellous thing if the whole church community will come together and bow before the presence of God and invite His divine intervention in the affairs of this nation."

The Bishop of Barking David Hawkins on behalf of the Anglican Communion said: “We need a diverse church for a diverse society and to couple the best of our historic denominations with the energy of newer streams of church from Africa, Asia and South America.”

The GDOP London team is very encouraged by the unity across the nation as networks and organisations are now coming on board to form a coalition to make Wembley 2012 happen. Local churches and networks are being encouraged to appoint local, regional and national ambassadors towards the National Day of Prayer and Worship.

For More Details go to:

Peter Wooding is an award-winning TV, radio and print journalist and media consultant under the name of Peter Wooding Productions ( Having previously spent 10 years as news editor with UCB Radio in the UK, he has travelled extensively reporting from countries including Russia, Serbia, Ukraine, Dubai, South Korea, Zambia, Gambia, Mozambique, Croatia, Israel and India. He now reports regularly for CBN News, ASSIST News Service, GDOP London, Russian Ministries, Whispering Word and Sorted Magazine. Peter and wife Sharon live in North Wales, UK with their three children. Passionate to see God’s Justice and Mercy impact lives, Peter is director of a new UK ministry Mercy Projects International ( to help at-risk young people in Ukraine, Russia, Armenia, Kosovo, the Middle East and beyond. Contact Peter for consultation or tel. +44 1244 549167/+44 7500 903067

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