Pray. Then what?

When praying for revival and spiritual awakening in our land, can we do anything else after we pray? 

Richard Owen Roberts has a response based on the centuries of revival and awakening stories from Scotland in his book: “Scotland Saw His Glory.” Watch this video clip and take some next steps toward revival and spiritual awakening.

In addition to the video in my blog post, here's the text:

“Note the frequency with which the Holy Spirit came to Scotland at Communion occasions. Without question, revival comes when God sends it, but there is some relationship between what His people do or don’t do and His coming. One of the most treasured questions which has ever been asked me was this: “Having prayed for revival, is there anything else that it is legitimate to do?” The answer that I gave to that question is one I wish I could give to the entire interceding Church: “Having prayed for revival, we must now make the fullest possible use of the means of grace.” If today’s churches were to make the fullest possible use of all the means of grace—prayer, preaching, ordinances, fellowship, discipline—but especially that ordinance of the Lord’s table, the prospects of revival would be richly enhanced. Just imagine what would happen if our celebration of the Lord’s supper were extended to seven serious, heart-searching, God-honoring days! [Richard Owen Roberts, comp. and foreword to Scotland Saw His Glory: A History of Revivals in Scotland, by W. J. Couper, James Burns, Mary Duncan, etc. (Wheaton: International Awakening Press, 1995), vii-viii. All rights reserved. Used by permission.]


If we will take full advantage of God-given means of grace like the ordinance of the Lord’s Table, we will more likely satisfy God’s requirements in His promise: “Return to me, and I will return to you.”

If you know other people or churches who would benefit from this message, please share the video with them also.

Yours for revival and harvest, 

Claude V. King
Discipleship & Church Health Specialist, Groups Ministry
One LifeWay Plaza
Nashville, TN 37234-0157
615-275-7081 (mobile)

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