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Can Prayer Change the Top News Headlines? Can You Really Intercede for World Events? Now a New Book, Praying The News, by CBN News Co-Anchor Wendy Griffith and Ministry Director Craig von Buseck, Describes How the Power of Prayer Can Shape Our World Today
 By Michael Ireland Senior Correspondent, ASSIST News Service
VIRGINIA BEACH, VA (ANS) -- Watching the news is either an occasion to give in to fear and despair -- or an opportunity to intercede in prayer and impact world events.
Cover artwork for PRAYING THE NEWS
This is the premise of PRAYING THE NEWS (Regal Books/ISBN-13: 978-0-8307-5926-2/$14.99), a new book by CBN News co-anchor Wendy Griffith and ministry director Craig von Buseck.
Released on September 11, PRAYING THE NEWS encourages Christians to allow the news to spur them on to a ministry of intercession in world events through prayer.
The book offers readers real-life accounts of people who prayed and saw incredible outcomes in world events, how God chooses prayers to change the headlines, why God chooses to partner with us through prayer to change the world, and how to revolutionize one's prayer life and see incredible breakthroughs.
Chapters describe the authority given to Christians to pray and intercede in the news, the importance of proactive prayer versus reactive, lessons in how the news works and its views towards Christians, how to pray for events in the news, our leaders and military, good weather, our cities the economy and against crime. PRAYING THE NEWS also offers tips and resources to help readers begin their journeys in prayer today.
The book also features a special Forward written by Dr. Pat Robertson.
"One of the primary ways that God is using the church to defeat the powers of hell is through prayer," said CBN News co-anchor Wendy Griffith. "And this power of intercession was never more clearly demonstrated than after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Beginning that fateful day, believers around the world began praying the news. Churches were packed. But soon afterwards, people returned to their normal routines, prayers tapered off and church was forgotten. But the danger to our world remains, so we need a revival of prayer."
Craig von Buseck, Ministry Director adds, "When people pray in sincerity and unity according to the will of God revealed in the Bible, things change; headlines change. Christians have been given that authority by God and have a responsibility to use it."
In an interview with ANS, Wendy Griffith was asked what does it mean to "Pray the News"? How does someone do this?
Wendy Griffith, co-anchor of CBN News
Wendy responded: "As Christians, I believe we are responsible for the headlines. And scripture backs that up. 2 Chron. 7:14 says, 'If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, then I will hear from heaven and heal the land.' God is not asking non-Believers to pray here, He's asking the church. As the church goes so goes the nation. Prayer is a powerful tool that God has given us to pray the news and see the headlines change.
"So, how do you pray the news? It's really very simple, if something grieves your heart, that's your clue to pray and ask for God's heart on the matter and for His will to be done. But pray in faith, knowing that your prayers can move mountains."
Griffith said some Christians don't watch the news at all because it makes them fearful, but Christians should consider "praying the news" because, "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind," ( 2 Tim. 1:7).
"The biggest reason Christians should pray the news is because it works!
There are amazing stories of how prayer meetings changed battles in World War Two that saved all of Europe from Hitler's devilish plans. Prayer moves mountains, Elijah prayed that it wouldn't rain for 3 years and it didn't rain! He prayed again and it did rain. James 5:16 says, the prayers of the righteous availeth much -- not little! We need to be reminded that our prayers are powerful -- and that when we pray in unity -- they are even more powerful (Matt 7:7)."
Griffith says it isn't presumptuous for Christians to feel like their prayers can change the news or the world.
"Absolutely not! God wants to partner with us to change the headlines.
Here's a great story to illustrate this: Back in the 1980's, Dr. Vinson Synan, the former Dean of Regent University Divinity School, had a burden to pray that communism would fall. It was during the Cold War and it seemed impossible that such a thing could happen. But, He sensed the Lord asking him, 'What would be the best case scenario?' Synan said, 'that communism would collapse from within without war.' The Lord said, 'pray that' and Synan did. A few months later, he turned on the TV and the Berlin Wall was coming down. God loves to do the impossible and He loves to do it through our prayers."
To those Christians who may be angry or frustrated when they watch or read the news, Griffith says: "I would say, take your anger and your frustration and turn that negative energy into positive prayers! Jesus said, when we pray in faith, we can move mountains! Jesus replied, 'I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, "Go, throw yourself into the sea," and it will be done.' ( Matt. 21:21).
Griffith was asked about some of her encounters with prayer and the impact her prayers have had?
"I'll never forget being in this restaurant in the French Quarter of New Orleans. It was late at night, just a few months after Hurricane Katrina hit and I heard this man shout, 'Call 9-11, Call 9-11!' My heart started racing, I thought someone had a gun. I looked over, and the lady he was with, a young woman with long curly blonde hair, was not breathing.
"She didn't appear to be chocking, but she definitely was not breathing. A circle of policemen had come in off the street and were surrounding her. I got up and walked over to the circle -- my heart pounding but knowing I needed to pray for her. I asked her boyfriend or husband, can I pray for her, I watched in amazement as his mouth went from a no to a yes. I put my hand on her back and prayed, 'Lord, please heal this lady,' nothing happened. I prayed it again, nothing happened. I thought, Lord, this would be a really good time for you to show up and then I prayed 'Spirit of infirmity come out!' and she immediately threw up! And thankfully, started breathing again. When I left the restaurant, the maītre d' said with a sign of relief, 'thank you.'
"But, it was not me, but the power of God in me and the power of prayer -- that saved that woman's life. Sometimes, we're dealing with spirits -- and we have to take authority over them in the name of Jesus."
The book is full of stories of believers who 'prayed the news' and then saw the headlines change. Griffith was asked to tell some of those stories, like the changes that occurred in the city of Manchester, KY when believers began to pray.
"Manchester, KY is a perfect example of how prayer can change the headlines. Their headline a few years ago was, 'Pain Killer Capital of the Nation -- today, they're known as the City of Hope. It all started when the Christians got desperate enough to put aside their denominational differences and pray together for change to come to their drug ridden community. They had seen too many of the children die from overdoses and the drug dealers were proudly running the town.
"During prayer, God gave them the idea to march through town and take back their streets. Nearly 4,000 people turned out on a cold wet morning in May of 2004 to march through the streets, holding signs that said, 'Drug dealers, Get saved or Get busted!' Since the march, God has changed every sector of their society from the drug culture to political corruption, even the environment has radically improved. They like to say that God took them from 'the city of dope to the city of hope!'" (Read this story in Chapter 5 in the book).
Griffith went on to describe how readers can be led by the Holy Spirit when praying the news.
"When you're watching the news and something grieves your heart or your spirit, that's your clue to pray. Ask the Lord for His heart on the matter and to lead you in your prayer. Many Christians may get a prayer burden for someone or something in the news -- and they pray it through until the burden is lifted. If you're new to intercession -- it may seem a little strange at first.perhaps you don't understand why something is bothering you. That is your clue to pray but don't be anxious. Phil. 4:6 says, 'Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.' I'm convinced that God is waiting to change the headlines if we, His people, will pray."
In the book, Griffith quotes C. S. Lewis when he referred to a person involved in intercessory prayer as being "God's fellow-worker" in the world. How can we become "God's fellow-worker" when we pray the news?
"Well, we know that God can do anything. Technically, he doesn't need us, but in His great love for us, He chooses to use our prayers to effect change and invites us to partner with Him to bring His Kingdom to earth. Famous evangelist John Wesley said, 'God does nothing except in response to believing prayer.'
"Sometimes, it can be very exciting and require quite a bit of faith. For example, my co-author Craig von Buseck, tells the story in the book, of when he found himself unexpectedly in Washington, D.C. and the Lord told him to walk around the White House and declare that 'everything hidden would be made known.' That was in 1998. A few months later the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke.
"Becoming God's fellow-worker is simply getting in tune with God's heart for a matter and then praying God's will be done in that situation. As you spend time in prayer, waiting on the Lord, the Holy Spirit will reveal more to you and your prayers will become even sharper."
Jesus taught us to pray "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." How is the Lord's Prayer employed when you pray the news?
"Sometimes, we may not know exactly how to pray -- we just know that the situation is wrong or needs fixing. We can't go wrong with the Lord's Prayer - 'Lord, let your will be done in this event or situation.' By praying this way, we place ourselves in agreement with God's plan for the earth By praying the news, we stand up in the Spirit and declare, 'thy will be done' in every issue that we face."
Griffith was asked why she says that 2 Corinthians chapter 5 is one of the key chapters in the Bible.
"It's a key chapter because it tells us about the authority we've been given in Christ. Verse 20 says, 'We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.' An ambassador is someone who has been given special authority to speak on the king's behalf. It's a humbling thing to know that God has entrusted us with His authority. When we pray the news, we use the authority we've been given through Christ, to change history, the headlines, and to see God's Kingdom come to our situation."
Finally, Griffith was asked about interviewing several Christians who work in the news business for inclusion in Praying the News. What insights did they bring to help people better understand the world of journalism so that they can pray more effectively?
"Author and journalist Carolyn Castleberry encouraged readers to 'pray that the Lord of the harvest will send more workers into the field of journalism.' She says, 'Some people think that all media folks are alike, that they're all liberal, but that's not true.'
"Former News Director Jim DeSantis says, 'Pray that the Lord will put people in place that will make a difference,' and Castleberry says to pray especially for news directors and management, as 'they are the ones who set the tone for the types of stories that reporters are allowed to cover.'"
Co-author Craig von Buseck said that a reader of PRAYING THE NEWS, sent this encouraging feedback about their new book.
Deborah writes in an e-mail: "I just had to write Wendy Griffith and Craig Von Buseck and let them know that upon Wendy's recommendation on her joint book 'Praying the News' (because in the past I have been burdened by the news I hear everyday) and I wanted a stronger prayer life. I purchased the book and I bear testimony, my prayer life, my everyday life is completely transformed!"
Deborah added: "I think EVERY CHRISTIAN in the world should read this book, IT IS A GODSEND and completely divinely-inspired! I never thought I could possess so much power through the Holy Spirit."
Deborah went on to say: "I tell you honestly my prayer life was lukewarm to almost cold at best. Very repetitive and uninspired, I felt great shame in my prayer life and I would usually fall asleep before completing a full prayer to the Lord (that's how empty they were). Praying the News changed that through the power of the Holy Spirit. It is excellent and it will not only help you 'pray the news' but it will help you PRAY!
"So many Christians just don't know how to pray, they don't realize that the Holy Spirit can and will divinely walk them right to the feet of Jesus."
Deborah concluded: "Beyond humility the praying Christian will gain a fervent boldness and power like they have never experienced before.
"Whether a Christian is called to be a prayer warrior or just a praying saint, PRAYING THE NEWS is a definite must for every Christian library. Thank you Wendy and Craig, the Lord has greatly blessed you in this writing and for every Christian that reads this book I know He will reward you even more."
Order your copy of PRAYING THE NEWS on
** Michael Ireland is Senior Correspondent for ANS. He is an international British freelance journalist who was formerly a reporter with a London (United Kingdom) newspaper and has been a frequent contributor to UCB UK, a British Christian radio station. While in the UK, Michael traveled to Canada and the United States, Albania,Yugoslavia, Holland, Germany,and Czechoslovakia. He has reported for ANS from Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Israel, Jordan, China,and Russia. Michael's volunteer involvement with ASSIST News Service is a sponsored ministry department -- 'Michael Ireland Media Missionary' (MIMM) -- of A.C.T. International of P.O.Box 1649, Brentwood, TN 37024-1649, at: Artists in Christian Testimony (A.C.T.) International where you can make a donation online under 'Donate' tab, then look for 'Michael Ireland Media Missionary' under 'Donation Category' to support his stated mission of 'Truth Through Christian Journalism.' Michael is a member in good standing of th e National Writers Union, Society of Professional Journalists, Religion Newswriters Association, Evangelical Press Association and International Press Association. If you have a news or feature story idea for Michael, please contact him at: ANS Senior Reporter |
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